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March 12th, 2013

[info]nelyafinwe in [info]thedoorway

I am angry. I am angry and I have been for some time. I came here against my will as all of us have and I did not fuss or weep or demand to be returned to my home. I have sat here complacently waiting for something to happen that would validate this turn of events. And for nigh on 6 weeks I have done so.

And I am tired of it.

I am tired of pandering to your laws and your customs. I am not of the Atani. I am not mortal and my time in this world is not so short in years. I am called Nelyafinwë Maitimo Russandol and I am the eldest son of Nerdanel and Curufinwë Fëanáro, Crown Prince of the Noldor.

I am of the Eldar Race.

And I refuse to lose anymore of myself in name of assimilation. In name of adapting. For what have you done to aid me or my brothers and cousins to ease us of our upset? To what lengths have you gone to understand our plight or our sorrows, or our histories?

I admit that you have given us much in name of charity for a place to sleep and for that I shall be grateful.

But you demand of us to get used to this world because where we come from no longer matters. You demand we change ourselves and become like you instead of learning of us. You provide us lessons to learn of New York City and this 21st century but where are the history lessons of our people? Of the other people who come here? You demand of us to lose ourselves for sake of your nation's benefit. And for what?

That we might shut up and sit down and not cause you problems? I am tired of being told to behave and to adapt to your world. I'll not become one of you for the sake of the protestors on the streets.

To the Void with you! May the Everlasting Dark take you all.

And aye, may it take you swiftly! So that my brothers and I might clean this world of the filth you littered it with.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

I meant to see how you were doing much earlier, and it completely slipped my mind. What've you been up to? Punched any other tourists lately?

[info]the_mariner in [info]thedoorway

Would anyone like to learn how to sail?

[info]deirdreofamber in [info]thedoorway

There has been many times when I read the network and I feel agreement stirring in my soul. There are times that I cannot believe I am here and I cannot return. My Pattern will not allow me to return home but it functions almost normally otherwise. I am loathe to admit that I cannot figure out why. I have never been to another world that I cannot return home from. Even when I was lost among the out lying lands of Chaos, I knew I could Hellride home - it would just take longer to get there. I tried again, today. To Hellride home and I couldn't even shift a damn flower.

For someone who is so used to just focusing their mind and changing the world around them - it's extremely depressing to find myself unable to change even the smallest things. I also may have given myself the biggest migraine of my life trying. Then I read the entries about change - about aging or not - and part of me agrees. It's hard to look at the world around me and adapt to the fact it's not my world. Some days I take it for granted that, generally speaking, I'll live forever. Of course that's not entirely true - I get thrown into the Abyss back home. Which isn't certain death, but it can be. Chaos is not a friendly place, after all. There are many creatures in the Abyss who feed on me and my kind. But I may survive it - who knows. But generally speaking, I have relatives that are thousands of years old. Then again I think they cheated - we can move between realms where time flows differently - but I digress.

Some days I find it hard to adapt here. Not only am I the warrior princess of my family used to war and fighting, not so much down time, but here I am looked at as a woman - a weaker sex. Back home our biggest issue was that us women could not rule the kingdom - but it didn't bother me because I never WANTED that. But here? I see women treated poorly. I don't understand it. I don't get it but I don't blame people. Each culture has it's own idiosyncrasies. I just hope I can adapt enough to survive here, but never lose who I am.

There might have been a point to this but I can't remember it. I suppose it was more about rambling and letting all the things in my head out for once.

Cut and Filtered to Reyna )

[info]secrettrader in [info]thedoorway

So, as you may or may not know, I teach a swimming class! Several of my students are here on the network and I think they'll vouch for me when I say that the class is fun and low-key. Swimming is a very useful skill to have whether you live near a body of water or not, because you never know when you're going to be selected to fight in a flooded arena, your very life depending upon whether or not you can do a decent breaststroke.

Don't take a chance with uncertainty. Sign up for my swimming course, as it's better than all other swimming courses in the world because I teach it, and I'm Finnick Odair.

Insert-catchy-tagline-here, once I've thought of one.

Also, I've discovered peaches. I don't think we had much of these in District Four where I'm from, but they're delicious and I approve of them.

[info]mollycarpenter in [info]thedoorway

A professional makeup artist posts these (with permission) on her Statigram: Porn Actresses and Models Without Their Makeup

Things I learned from this article:
- I do not look any worse without makeup than most other women
- I want my own personal lighting crew
- I should probably pay more attention to my eyebrows when I do my makeup
- It's time for more ink

Things I learned from the comments to this article:
- The vast majority of men who say "I think girls are soooooo much prettier without makeup" are either liars or have no idea when a woman is wearing makeup

[info]thenextcap in [info]thedoorway

Huh. Java Moment looks like it's shut down today.

[info]shadowofacat in [info]thedoorway

Why are Tuesdays worse than Mondays? It's like the world goes you were prepared for Monday but muahaha it's not over.

[info]tinnedtuna in [info]thedoorway

If anyone is still having trouble with this daylight savings time thing, I will be holding an advanced napping seminar from 1.30 until probably 5 or so today! It's hard to put an end time on this sort of thing you understand.

[info]makeyoupretty in [info]thedoorway

Who: Lavender Brown and Bridget Jones
When: 12 March 2013
Where: Café Grumpy Chelsea
What: Random run in
Rating: PG

I never knew my fan base was so large )

[info]thefirebender in [info]thedoorway

This is not home. Bolin is not here. Nobody is here

They told me this was the United States. I had never heard of such a place before, and indeed, no such place exists in the maps of where I'm from. The land is shaped differently here, and none of where I'm from is here. There is no Fire Nation, no Earth Kingdom, no Air Nomads, no Water Tribes, and no United Republic. I had hoped the United States was just another name given outside Republic City to the United Republic, but that isn't the case. This New York City isn't anything like Republic City. I don't quite understand these devices either.

I'm Mako, and I am very far from home. And Bolin is not here

Filter: Ron Stoppable
I'm ... roomed with you. It looks better than a prison cell, at least.

[info]fitzwilliams in [info]thedoorway

You know what temperature it is in Fiji right now? 79°. The high today here in New York? 54°. Any other time, a spur of the moment trip to NYC would be more than welcome! Do some shopping, see a show, take a corny picture in front of Rockefeller Center...but today? Completely unacceptable. My boyfriend's kind of been abandoned at the airport. Oh, and I'm dressed for the freakin' tropics!

[info]loveofthechase in [info]thedoorway


[info]kayleefrye in [info]thedoorway

Just thought you all should know that Simon's gone. Weren't here very long, but least he's goin back to somethin all right. Not like Shepherd or Wash if they showed

[info]themojoman in [info]thedoorway

Who do I talk to if I want to move rooms? My housing assistant? I haven't had one of those since college.

[info]behindtheline in [info]thedoorway

My mother used to try and teach me to make dinner. A good English girl, she said, ought to know how to cook a brisket. Happily, I burnt it every time and to this day, the only thing I can make with any consistency is a good, boozy Vieux Carre.

[Filter: Howard]
Your 'friend' just told me to enjoy my husband and that I would be informed of my mission from my handler. He takes me for a groundling and a green girl. I haven't the patience and I haven't been pulled through time to follow orders.

I can't believe I'm saying this but. My kingdom for Colonel Phillips.

Old me is going to kick in a cool million.

[Filter: Tony Stark]
Dearest Tony. On a scale of one to ten, please rate your feeling for SHIELD, for Director Fury and the direction in which this whole bloody world is heading.

[Filter: Steve]
I talked to me.

[info]goodshepard in [info]thedoorway

There's been a lot of negativity around the tower lately. I know this situation is far from ideal for many of you, and stressful for most. There's a lot of trite crap I could say about making the best of things, but I'm not going to bore you with any of that.

I just want to say that I'm damn grateful for the people I've gotten to meet here and even more glad that everyone in this universe isn't being systematically exterminated by a race of giant, synthetic aliens. Oh, and that I'm not dead. That's a pretty big plus.

Anyway, there's a place in Brooklyn called Park Slope Chip Shop that will deep fry just about anything you want. So the next time you're feeling pissed off, I recommend taking a breath, remembering that your life could be a hell of a lot worse, and taking a trip out for the deep fried mac & cheese.

Just, don't make a habit of it. I'm pretty sure that shit can kill you.

[OOC Note: Potential rape trigger warning for discussion in comments]

[info]lmartin in [info]thedoorway

Is it bad that I hate them for leaving me again? I finally had a chance to get to know them and now they're gone.

[info]spiritoffire in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered: Tolkien-verse Characters]

Why does Findekáno bear the title that is mine by right?

[info]nelyafinwe in [info]thedoorway

Who: Julie & Maedhros
What: A lesson on flying.
Where: The rooftop of Potts Tower.
When: After this
Warnings | Status: TBD | in progress

Read more... )

[info]call_shaft in [info]thedoorway

[Private to members of SHIELD]

Before I start the joining and training process in which Miss Deirdre seems to be involved in, I would have liked some information about SHIELD as a whole, as well as double check if my chances to join the US Air Force here are indeed slim here.

[info]maysileasily in [info]thedoorway

What, so is that the big twist of the 50th Hunger Games? Everybody dies?

How depressing.

[info]fenne in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to the Lizzie Bennet Diaries people


I would like to inform you that Lizzie and I are currently dating. It is going well. You can stop attempting to "parent trap" us. Thank you.

[info]games_portia in [info]thedoorway

Who: Peeta and Portia
When: 12 March 2013
Where: Portia's room
What: Catching up
Rating: PG (If that will change if needed)

Read more... )

[info]enoughsleep in [info]thedoorway

This world is making me fat. For those of you who enjoy physical activity, what would you recommend?

I We never talk about Philip. Isn’t that strange?

[Emma & Snow]
Did Maleficent come with you to Storybrooke?

[Lily Evans]
It has helped. Thank you.

[info]widowsting in [info]thedoorway

Дарёному коню́ в зу́бы не смо́трят.

[Clint (MCU)]
Happy Aren't You Glad You Didn't Kill Me So I Could Join SHIELD Day.

[MCU Avengers, Bucky (MCU) and Darcy]
Anyone interested in grabbing a drink?

[Filter to Natalia Romanova (616)]
Do you know your actual birthday?

[info]bornwithmagic in [info]thedoorway


[Filtered to Merlinverse People]
I've got our show. I think I have decided to watch it. I want to know if what I've heard about Morgana is true. If anyone wants to watch it too, let me know.

[info]nelyafinwe in [info]thedoorway

[text message to Fëanor]
» Atar
» Don Draper would like to meet with you.
» He is the one I told you about with the advertising campaign.
» I told him I would schedule a meeting. Take time from the smithy so you can.
» Please.
» Thank you.

[info]chippedheart in [info]thedoorway

Nearly everything is in order for the grand opening of my pawn shop. I just have a few small details to sort out. I find myself in need of a graphic designer. Would any of the refugees here be amicable to providing their graphic design services in exchange for pay?

Can we talk? I've been doing my best to respect your boundaries and trying to give you space, but I need you to know how much I do care for you. I made a mistake, the biggest mistake of my life, when I let go of your hand. I've paid for it a million times over and it's a mistake I promise I will never make again. I want to make it up to you. I want to be a part of your life.

[Emma Swan]
I'll be cashing in on your part of the deal now, dearie.

I'm going to assume that by now you've either seen the latest episode or heard about it. We should talk.

[info]sober_enough in [info]thedoorway

Anyone know where I can find money that grows on trees? I could use one of those right about now. But I'll settle for a bottle of whatever you've got lying around.

[Katniss & Peeta]
It's getting a little crowded around here, wouldn't you say?

[info]hulksmash in [info]thedoorway

Coffee fest is like so totes the worst idea in the world for me. I'm sooooooooooo hyper I can't sit still!!! Alcohol will fix it, right?! WHATEVER LET'S DO THIS!!!

[Lizzie Bennet]

[Peeta Mellark]
Hi!!!!! You don't know me, but I'm Lydia Bennet and I'm a huge fan you're super awesome I'm so totes in love with you I'm supe familiar with your work. You know, like in cakes and stuff? Anyway, my sister and I are planning a surprise birthday for our eldest sister Jane and she's a big fan and I was wondering if maybe you could take a commission?

[info]sirius_business in [info]thedoorway

Well, it's not much, but I got myself a used motorbike. With a little bit of love and care I'll have it running in no time. Lils, you're still up for helping me charm it, right?

Pictures under the cut )

And for 300 American dollars. Not bad.

[info]lettheriverrun in [info]thedoorway

Simon is gone. I came home from my class and he was gone.

I don't understand why he left. We're safe here and he was happy.

Now I'm scared. I don't want to be here alone.

[info]reptilsaur in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Thor, Steve Rogers Tony Stark, and Steve Rogers and Steve Rogers]
Hello sir,

My name is Humberto Lopez, team leader of the Avengers Academy and I was a part of the Avengers Academy back home. While the school doesn’t exist here, there is a group of us who continue to train on Sundays. We’ve been fortunate enough to have some amazing people helping us, but I was wondering if you might have some time to give us a few pointers? I realize you’re terribly busy and understand completely if you don’t have the time. And I’m not asking you to come every week! Even a couple of minutes would be amazing. Again, no hard feelings if you don’t have the time. Just thought I’d ask.
[End Filter]

Buying clothes would be a lot easier if I didn’t have a rock stuck to my chest. Why does everything have to be so clingy?

[info]purpleshorts in [info]thedoorway

[ Filtered to SHIELD Level 2 & 3 Biologists & Research & Development + Peter Parker 616, Mordin Solus, Charles Xavier, Jean Grey (movie) ]

The following information is classified as per 832.b of your security clause. By reading, you agree to full secrecy regarding this entry's contents:

Apologies for the diverse group in this filter, but this is a matter that I believe we can all work together to improve.

I've recently spent time with a refugee, Ms. Madeline Berry, age 17. Her bodily composition is unique, composed of a variety of gases which she can manipulate at will. It is her will, in fact, that allows her to touch and sense the world around her (will, and an almost near-constant battery of sublimation and deposition). Her journey through the Tesseract appears to have affected her control over her abilities, although from what she has told me, this control has been eroding gradually on its own. It appears that an endothermic reaction is taking place within her that is slowly causing her to-- well. Evaporate. I've never seen anything like it. Current estimation of her being too insubstantial for basic touch and interaction is 357 days, six hours. Another 367 days, nineteen hours after that, and Ms. Berry will be incorporeal.

She is aware of these figures. I didn't think it wise to keep them from her. Madeline is asking us - and anyone else not on this filter that you can suggest - to keep her from disappearing. At this juncture, I would prefer that person to be with SHIELD, but I might consider certain exceptions.

Please let me know if this is a project that you would be interested in. Either way, discretion is key. As you read above, this is private information.

If I learn that anyone has acted out of turn, I won't be happy. I think that might mean something to most of you.

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

[Filtered to Belle & Andrea Rojas; eta Anne Shirley and Jenny]
We had spoke of putting together a book group for those of us who work at NYPL, and the possibility of doing a book blind date towards the end of this month. Are either of you still interested and is there anyone else I should add to this filter?

ETA I have added Anne Shirley, who also works at NYPL and Jenny who both expressed some interest in my network post.

[Filtered to Fred Burkle]
Park Slope Chip Shop. What do you say?

[ETA Filter: Giles]
If I ask you something will you give me a truthful answer?

[info]tuosheng in [info]thedoorway

[Text to Malcolm Reynolds]
» So all these comins and goins got me thinking.
» I reckon I've about halfway dodged a bullet as it goes.
» But something tells me it might just not've hit yet.

[info]sober_enough in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Haymitch & Effie
WHERE: Waiting room
WHEN: Wednesday, February 27th (We totally forgot to post this earlier...)
WHAT: Effie refuses to go anywhere until she sees a familiar face.
STATUS: log; complete.

...can we please shut up for the rest of the way home? )

[info]perceweasley in [info]thedoorway

Hello, good citizens of the Potts Tower. My name is Percy I. Weasley, and I'm newly arrived here. No doubt you have seen many of my family members-several generations, as a matter of fact-but in any case, Ronald, George and Ginerva are my younger siblings, and my daughter Molly, whom I have just had the pleasure of meeting, are all here. I would very much like to see more of my family if you don't hate me, but that's not why I am here.

Does anyone know the process if we wish to apply to S.H.E.I.L.D as an administrative assistant? I have extensive experience and I absolutely do not like sitting idly by. I like having many things to do and the bigger challenge the better!

Any ideas would be most appreciated.

[info]reynaway in [info]thedoorway

Cut for video of an ice-climber who falls 100 feet )

In our ice climbing course, we are taught what to do if we slip or fall, but even so, teaching can only go so far. The rest depends on training and experience - and solid ice to stab an axe into. Given my relative inexperience with climbing, I think it's a good decision to move to other activities now that the weather is growing warmer.

[Filtered to Eärendil]
Thank you for the sailing lesson this morning. It has been a long time since I have had the chance to be on the deck of a ship. It reminded me much of the home I had as a child.

[Filtered to Deirdre]
I've given more thought to what we discussed this weekend, and my sentiment still stands. I am not used to living on my own, so if you are still interested, perhaps we can put in a request to move into an apartment we can share.

[info]call_shaft in [info]thedoorway

Moya, do you want to go check out that place Shepard's mentioned? You ain't lived until you've tried a deep fried mars bar.

If anyone else wants to come - I'm bringing roastbeef.

[info]pickyourpocket in [info]thedoorway


This 'episode' was totally Kenziless. At least I'm not kidnapped by some twisted dark fae again though. Where is the Ash? Where has Hale been?

I like the Doc and everything but I just…I don't know. I'm still Team Dyson despite what happened.

[info]rednecksavior in [info]thedoorway


Rick's found himself a job. I kind of need to do that. I don't have many skills unless you count killing zombies and hunting. Most job don't seem to have requirements that include expertise with crossbows. A lot of the jobs of I've come across are shit retail jobs and I wasn't a people before or after the zombie outbreak.

Anyone out there have any suggestions for a job?

[info]iwillsoonbegone in [info]thedoorway

Who: Baelfire
When: Sunday, as The Miller's Daughter aired
Where: His room
What: Baelfire's first viewing of OUAT
Rating: Light, just sads.

His father was dying. )