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Apr. 1st, 2013


Network post: Shane Collins

The line for the Game of Thrones was ridiculously long but It was worth it. Like the wait was hours long. Seriously. But going in a group made waiting that long not suck so badly. I got to take a picture in the iron throne. And afterward went to the HBO store over on Avenue of the Americas and got a few things. The weather was nice too. It was a little bit of a long day but a good one!

Mar. 30th, 2013


Network post: Shane Collins

I have just watched every episode of Game of Thrones and it was awesome. Do you know what's even more awesome? There's an exhibit in the city right now. I'm going to go check it out tomorrow. They are going to have the iron throne on display plus costumes and other cool stuff. Who wants to go?

Posted via Journaler.

Mar. 20th, 2013


network post: claire danvers

I feel a little like a creeper admitting to this, but I just watched all 97 episode of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries on You Tube. How did I not know this was a thing BEFORE I met Lizzie and Jane? I don't even know. But I have to say they were super awesome and WAY easier to get through than the book.

And I feel a little like a stalker, but if it makes you feel better, I have the books Shane and I are from and I'm willing to lend them out to anyone who wants to read all about my adventures with vampires.

Filter: Shane Collins
You know what I was thinking? We should have a party. Just a small one, but I think it would be fun to get everyone together for a night, don't you?

Mar. 1st, 2013



>> we're going to a karaoke party tonight
>> okay?
>> love you!

Posted via Journaler.

Feb. 17th, 2013


Who: Claire Danvers and Shane Collins
When: Saturday afternoon, February 16th
Where: Windham Mountain Ski Resort
What: Having some couple time.
Rating: Low/TBD.

+++++++++++ )

Feb. 15th, 2013


network post: rose hathaway

On the off chance you missed it, freaking WOLVERINE is teaching a survival course. Sounds like fun, right? I think he's only going to do it if a bunch of people sign up, so let's do it, people!

Filter: Shane Collins, Drew Tanaka, Lissa Dragomir
Come on, you know you want to! It'll be a blast! If you're scared, Collins, you can bring your girlfriend along. We'll protect you.

Feb. 10th, 2013


network post: rose hathaway

I'm going to go play in the snow! Who's with me? C'mon, the more, the merrier!

Filter: Lissa
They're making a movie about those books we're from, but the people they got to play us don't look much like us.

And who is this Dimitri guy? Have you read our books?

Wait, I don't think I want to know. That would be weird, right? Knowing our own futures?

Feb. 3rd, 2013






It's weird not living with vampires. I haven't nearly been killed in awhile. That is definitely not a complaint. We just never had much time to be normal. To worry about normal things. And now Valentine's Day is coming up and we're going away for that weekend. It's funny the things you have time to think about when there doesn't seem to be any big bads around.

Damn. I never thought I'd say I miss the Texas heat.

Hey Sugar Momma. What do you want to do for lunch?

Feb. 2nd, 2013


network post: claire danvers

Shane and I are going to go spend a few days at the Windham Mountain Ski Resort for Valentines day weekend. I have to admit that I am really looking forward to it! I've never been skiing before, but I'm excited to try it and it will be nice to have a weekend away. I think it's going to be a lot of fun!

In other news, the groundhog didn't see his shadow yesterday, so hopefully that will really mean an early spring. The snow is really pretty, but I'm not really fond of the cold!

Jan. 20th, 2013


network post: claire danvers

I lived 18 years without seeing a drop of snow and now here I am living in the middle of a real winter for the first time ever. I have to admit, it's kind of cool. I kind of feel like it's tempting fate, but I kind of want to try skiing. I don't think it can really be that hard if you understand the physics behind it. Which I do, so, yeah.

Shane, what do you think? At least if we break every bone in our bodies, we'll do it together?

Jan. 18th, 2013


Today I learned all about becoming a vegetarian and a vegan. Utterly fascinating. I had no idea people could live that way. I'd try it, but I am rather fond of beef. Pork and chicken too. I'd make a terrible vegetarian.

[Filtered to Snow & Emma]

I hope I'm not disturbing you, but I was wondering if you would be willing to join me on a shopping expedition this weekend? Perhaps if I bought a few items more suitable to this world I won't get quite so many looks on the subway.

Jan. 14th, 2013


text message! Claire Danvers & Shane Collins!

Who: Shane Collins and Claire Danvers.
What: Text Messages
When: Monday January 14
Rating: Not high I’m assuming. R for safety though.

“text )


text message! Rose Hathaway & Shane Collins!

Who: Shane Collins and Rose Hathaway
What: Text Messages
When: Monday January 14
Rating: Not high I’m assuming. R for safety though.

“text )

Jan. 6th, 2013


I guess I need to look for a job. I suppose I can't live off my girlfriend forever. I didn't mind it when it was Michael. It seemed a fair trade for him being a vampire. But now I'm thinking I have to stop being lazy go out and find something. If anyone knows of anything….I'd be happy to hear about it. I probably shouldn't be picky but I'm going to be.

I've barely been anywhere but Morganville...where I spent most of my time trying to figure a way to get out. So I think I'm going to go out and check some things out. While trying to look for a job.


Today I was bombarded by screaming teenage girls asking me about something called Pretty Little Liars. After that I finally looked up this girl I share a face with from this world, and now I wish I hadn't. Between that show, and it's apparent return next week, I am not looking forward to another experience like that.

Is there anyone looking for a new sparring partner?

Are you still planning to return to Asgard sometime soon?

Teenager girls aside, I have never been this bored in my life. Which is saying something since we were trapped in the Arctic for years.

Jan. 5th, 2013


You guys don't post very interesting stuff...

At this point, I guess it's just better to go along with it.

[Azula & Ty Lee]
So... I guess we're not going to try to murder each other.

Do you girls want to talk or some other communication bullshit?

Dec. 6th, 2012


Claire keeps telling me I need to do this. At the fear that we're close to being done with gentle reminders...I'm giving in.

This is weird. And trust me. I've seen a lot of weird. From what Claire says there are no vampires lurking around so I guess that's a good thing. At least we knew what to expect with them.

Oh, uh, I'm Shane Collins and I'm in the apartment with my girlfriend Claire Danvers who has been here a lot longer than me. And I still find that weird and confusing.

And...I think that's all.

Dec. 2nd, 2012


text message to Shane Collins

text messages to Shane Collins:
>> I want tacos.
>> We should have tacos
>> With brisket

Nov. 25th, 2012


Who: Claire Danvers and Shane Collins
When: Shortly after Shane’s arrival, 11/25
Where: S.H.I.E.L.D. Picking Shane up after his exam and such.
What: Claire gets word Shane has come through and rushes to bring him "home"
Rating: PG? Unless there’s language. Shane has a potty mouth. ;)

Claire was certain she’d never moved so quickly in all of her life. )

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