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Feb. 8th, 2013


For TJ on his Birthday )

Feb. 6th, 2013


It's my birthday on Friday which means we're going to go out and party until we drop.

People get ready now. It's a marathon, partying with TJ Hammond, but you'll never forget.

[ooc: trigger warnings for drug references]

Feb. 5th, 2013


Since there's been a lot of talk on the topic, I figure I should say -- I'm still here? Still working at the Bugle. Still -- here.

My wife, however --

[Filter: DCU and All Manifestations]

Lois is gone. She was gone when I woke up this morning.


Who the hell is Superman.

Feb. 1st, 2013


I feel like I have a sign somewhere on me that says 'paranormal forces, I enjoy being kidnapped and thrown around time.'

Jan. 27th, 2013


Forever grateful I don't feel the cold.

Jan. 21st, 2013


Hello everyone! I'm Beatriz Da Costa. Some of you may know me as Fire but Bea works just as well!

I would just like to say it is freakishly cold in this city. I do not know how anyone stands it for such a long period of time! Beautiful but cold. Tora would love it At least I finally have a reason to wear some of these adorable winter looks. I mean, there are so many times a girl can wear a wool coat in Brazil!

Ice isn't here is she? Of course she isn't

There were a lot of names on that list of refugees but I did recognize some of them.

Hello everyone!

Jan. 17th, 2013


I need a job. There's only so much strolling around Central Park I can do, and thinking's never been my strong point. All I ask is that I'm not stuck behind a desk or babysitting idiots. Or Nazis. That'll just never work well for anyone.

For now, though, I'm thinking about going and getting breakfast.

PS. What is t'working?

Jan. 16th, 2013


While I'm usually used to the rain (New Gotham is notorious for its awful weather, after all), it's the cold I'm not a fan of. Sometimes I feel like I can't even leave the tower because I can't get bundled up enough.

Filter to anyone from a DCU-related universe

I haven't had an opportunity to talk with all of you, so allow me to introduce myself. I'm Barbara Gordon. I'm most recently of New Gotham, apparently from a television show here called Birds of Prey. I've been here in New York since September. I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

Filtered down to anyone from a DCU-related universe who was part of the JLA, JSA, Bat-family, Teen Titans, etc. So, heroes, not civilians or villans.

If any of you are interested in discussing how to possibly resume your former lives or, rather, second lives, I'm happy to discuss. You might have previously known me as Batgirl or Oracle.

Filtered to Dick

That was a hard one to come out and admit, but I suppose it's just on the Internet, isn't it?

Jan. 14th, 2013


This New York City is nearly the same as what I'm used to, yet there are significant differences.

My name is Diana of Themyscira, also known as Diana Prince. Regardless, Diana will suffice.

Jan. 13th, 2013


Things Worth a Cold
1. Steven Patrick Morrissey LIVE!
2. Catching Hold on to Your Friends, I Am Hated For Loving, and other sings from the Vauxhall and I live.
3. Going to that concert with a friend. Even if she was probably silently judging me.
4. Everything else even though I feel like death spit in my because I'm in that much of a good mood. Because, really: Morrissey!!! He was fantastic If you could hear him [...] I still can't think in words that deser

I should probably introduce myself [...] While I'm here, I should mention if people are interested in books that they don't want to buy, research, or just some place to spend time. Take your feet, or whatever you use for travel, to the library. The card is for free and there's a bunch of other good things to do if reading isn't what you call stimulating. Come on. Check it out. Just [...] don't become one of those people who don't return books on due dates. I can promise you that nobody likes them.

Now that I've done my squeeing and public service in one day, I'm going complain about my stuffy nose

Jan. 7th, 2013


Text Message to Kara (Smallville Edition)

» In a perfect world, you would be free on the eleventh.
» You would also know who Morrissey is and be a HUGE fan. You'd also react the same way I did
» when you found out that he was preforming at the Brooklyn Academy of Music.
» Which, now that I think about it, is a reaction I hope no on got on camera
» Since this isn't a perfect world. I'm prepared to resort to begging because I don't
» listen to things like school yard rhymes about assumptions and got you a ticket anyway.
» I'm prepare to bargain with shoes, ice cream, and Mumford and Sons
» Or Keane. Fun too. Or Gaga because I just looked on the network and
» Please don't say Mumford and Sons. I don't know how I feel about them yet
» Last but not least, the magic word: Por favor?
» If, by a chance, you do happen to know who Morrissey is, are a fan, and are free on the eleventh
» I'm going to wait patiently for Halle Berry to show up and take me to Tokyo. Or an Italian beach.
» I'm not picky. Actually, that parts a lie

Jan. 5th, 2013


To: S.H.I.E.L.D.
From: Kara Zor-El <kara.zor-el@pottstower.com>
Subject: S.H.I.E.L.D Employment
Attachment: SHIELDCV.docx karazor-elresume.docx

You have one new message )

Dec. 29th, 2012


Okay, New Year's Resolution. Are you ready? (I know it's a couple of days early, but I think it's okay, isn't it?)

Resolution: To love every second of being Mrs. Clark Kent. Every. Single. Second.

Too simple, though, isn't it? Nah. Some years, you know you just need to enjoy them for the sake of being a new beginning.

Dec. 27th, 2012


I promised Ma I'd be home in time for Christmas. What exactly is this for?


I need to know if anyone has heard of or been to a city called Gotham.

Dec. 18th, 2012


Network Post; Fox Mulder

I'm just curious; How many of you are not from Earth?


What traditions would you suggest to a person who hasn't celebrated Christmas in years and looks to be dragged into it this year by a rather insistent blonde elf?


That awkward moment you realize you know what people in your building look like naked thanks to cable.

I am on a mission to find a Christmas tree. Your assistance is demanded.

[Clark Kent/Lois Lane]
Would be interested in doing something together for Christmas?

Dec. 8th, 2012


Texts to Kara (supergirl) )

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