July 2016




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May. 8th, 2016


I'm afraid I need some assistance.

May. 1st, 2016


I couldn't be more pleased about the garden I've been tending! Flowers everywhere, and I didn't even replant anything after the deluge! Ana would've loved seeing this, it was her favorite time of year. This is far more preferable than dinosaurs.

Apr. 22nd, 2016


Backdated to yesterday (4/21)

I'm still not at Earth yet, but I realized that I haven't properly introduced myself. Hello! My name's Rose Tyler. I understand that I was here before, sorry that I don't remember any of it. If we knew each other the last time, please introduce yourself.

I hope everyone's staying safe down there!

All right you, enough of this. I know you're here, and I'm guessing you have a reason as to why you aren't talking to me?

Apr. 17th, 2016


I have memorized every type of tea.

Apr. 18th, 2016


How is this still going? Like seriously, doesn't this stuff only last a few days usually? This is getting ridiculous.

Apr. 14th, 2016


Is there some sort of dinosaur situation?

Apr. 13th, 2016


alright, turns out dinosaurs can think with portals, they just really don't like to do so. i'm sorry i thought it was funny to have you guys jump through portals dino friends, i hope you're happier in the park i put you.

Apr. 10th, 2016


First the rain comes and floods out the bulbs coming in, utterly destroying the tulips and daffodils I'd carefully planted last year.

Now, a brontosaurus is feasting on the topiaries.

I fear I'll never be able to produce a garden on the veranda.

Apr. 5th, 2016


Waking up to the sound of rain hitting the windows always makes me feel like I'm back in Wales.

If you're already fantasising about the weekend and thinking about where to go for a coffee, hot drinks are half-price at the Hub when you present a ticket stub from Little Shop of Horrors.

Apr. 3rd, 2016


[Text to Tony Stark (MCU)]

- I'm about the brave the weather to bring you some soup. Lobster bisque, to be exact.
- Before I step out into this storm, I do hope you're at home.

Mar. 29th, 2016


Wouldn't that be exciting? A New York debate!

I think we can hammer out an agreement here.

Mar. 25th, 2016


i didn't do so well as i did last time but i still had a lot of fun. next time, i'm bringing the portal gun.

Mar. 23rd, 2016



- Captain Rogers, forgive me for interrupting, but may I ask of you a small favor?

Mar. 19th, 2016


-- Is this the correct telephone number for Edwin Jarvis?
-- My name is Reginald Carstairs, III.
-- I have been authorized to speak to you on behalf of a mutual acquaintance.

Mar. 18th, 2016


Post-Sokovia Council Meeting

I really thought fast, travel-by-suit would cut down on feeling jet-lagged. I was wrong.

[Alex Vause]
Bulk up the legal team, and get them on stand-by. Just in case.
[MCU Avengers - who went to the UN meeting]
How are we reading how that all panned out?
[Bruce Banner (MCU)]
If you had to pick one, which Walberg would you consider quintessentially 90s? Like, would you say it's New Kids? Or Marky Mark & The Funky Bunch? It's honestly all I could think about during the inquest.
[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
How's your headspace, soldier?
[Bucky Barnes (MCU)]
I need a favour. On the down low.

Mar. 9th, 2016


Nobody put out the warning that Stark Tower has also been affected with this forest business. I fear that I'm quite lost.

I do see a sign that points to 'Grandmother's House'. That sounds like a safe haven.

[Several moments later]

No, it was most definitely NOT a safe haven! I may require a bit of assistance here, please.


Mar. 5th, 2016


Did Potts Tower decide to go camping, or something?

Mar. 3rd, 2016


[Private to Peggy Carter and Sergeant Dugan]

I've been communicating with different people, and it was suggested that I ask the opinions of those whom I consider close.

Now that I've identified my newly acquired power, I would like to receive some training and ultimately put my power to good use. I have not made up my mind whether or not I ought to sign up for SHIELD, or perhaps work with the Avengers.

What are your thoughts on the matter? Your input is valuable to me.

Feb. 18th, 2016


I am so very sorry to whoever that was in the lift.

Also, if anyone happens to run across my jacket, I'd quite like that back.

Feb. 8th, 2016


My health is significantly better now. Thank you for everybody who showed their concern. It would seem that I was not dying, after all. A bit of an overreaction on my part, I'd say.

[Private to Steve Rogers MCU]

Captain Rogers, do you think we could have a talk?

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