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Sep. 13th, 2015


WHO: Katniss & Cinna
WHAT: a reunion, thanks to the tesseract glitch
WHEN: back when Cinna was actually here, which was forever ago (backdated)
WHERE: Cinna's room
WARNINGS: talking about the Games, the rebellion, character death (Cinna's)
STATUS: logged, complete

... )

Sep. 2nd, 2015


Who: Fox & Samantha Mulder
When: August 22 2015 (slightly backdated), just before this.
Where: Her flat in Potts Tower
What: A much anticipated reunion!
Rating: Low, F for feels,

I wasn’t taken by aliens )

Aug. 30th, 2015


Who: Jag Fel & Jaina Solo
When: 22 August, 11am or thereabouts.
Where: Park
What: Talking
Rating: G
Status: Complete.

A lot must have happened in two years )

Aug. 26th, 2015


network post: alistair theirin

Filtered: Duncan
You've been asleep since you got here. You haven't done anything. And you haven't sounded like the man who used the Right of Conscription to forcibly get me into the Grey Wardens. So that's enough of that. I don't know why you're sleeping on your feet, but we're going to spar. We're going to fight. Because hitting usually knocks some sense into me.


Network Post: Oliver Queen

So it looks like I'm in the play. Maybe it'll be the start of a new career for me. Except I think I just have one or two lines. Which is fine with me. Maybe I can make a career out of being an extra.


Who: Dean and Cassie
What: Catching up
Where: Cassie's
When: After this. (backdated)
Status: Complete
Rating: Low

... )

Aug. 25th, 2015


You know I can see why people might be a little uneasy about the Avengers right now. And they're pretty much the same reasons people would get uneasy around Jedi.


Aug. 24th, 2015


Who: Anakin Solo & Tahiri Veila
When: 23 August, evening.
Where: Thirteenth floor gardens.
What: Bridging the year gap between two friends.
Rating: Low mostly.

And you have to tell me because I know something happened to you Anakin. )


Nothing says 'Welcome to Nelson and Murdock, we do lots of pro bono work!' like having to hit the router a few times to make the wi-fi work consistently...

You know, my mom wanted me to be a butcher, but I wanted to help people. I could have had all the free ham I could handle. Instead, I've got shoddy internet and two coworkers who have much busier social lives than I do. Yup, this is the life.

Aug. 23rd, 2015


tesseract glitch: tahiri veila

You know, when I said to think of something fast, a little while ago, this was nothing like what I had in mind. Not that I had anything specific in mind, or you'd have heard about it, Anakin. But this was a great job.


Dude did the tesseract start taking requests?


Network post: Nathan Summers

Alright 21st century. Why am I here?

It's usually forwards and backwards, not side to side.


network post: cinna

This is a lot better than I was expecting this day to end. But I'm still not exactly sure what's going on.


network post: mary winchester

How is this possible? Time travel? This must be demons And WHERE IS MY SON?


network post: viktoria belikova

Dmika when I said I wanted to visit you in the US I did not mean like this. Что вы наделали?


network post: cassie robinson

Dean? Sam? They told me you were here, why am I not surprised to find the two of you in the middle of everything? This seems like your kinda de

Aug. 22nd, 2015


Network Post: Jaina Solo

[Jag Fel]

Hey. I know last night was probably pretty awkward for you but thanks for hanging in there. I do want to talk to you though so I thought maybe we could go to the park tomorrow? You might as well see some of the city while you're here and it's not far. It's a lot more peaceful than this place.


I'm going to talk to Jag. He needs to know what's going on, he's a friend and I owe him that much. I asked him to go to the park tomorrow.

I thought I'd let you know in case you wanted to lurk around behind the trees or anything like that.

And if you wanted to come over tonight, I wouldn't say no.

[Aunt Mara]

So the whole thing about your future husband showing up? Totally get that now. Except for tha fact that I didn't know he was my future husband until she showed up. We were friends where I came from but apparently things changed.


Tesseract Glitch: Hercules

Tell me mortals, are there other bars here that celebrate our arrivals with drink?


I'm now full-time at the ESD. I've added English Composition to the list of courses I teach.

With all the family members who seem to be arriving, I keep hoping that one of mine does not show up.

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