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Mar. 28th, 2015


I can't that I really want to watch the NCAA tournament, but I somehow am sucked into at least one game a day. But it's Saturday night, and instead I'm at home watching Mountain Monsters and drinking a few beers. I'm telling you, entertainment doesn't get much better than this. Yeah, it's on again now. And again at 10. Anyone want to come join me and make a party out of it?

Mar. 16th, 2015


[Filtered to Ascension Crew + SWORD + Claire Wise]
We've made our case with the Celestials. Nearly all of you handled yourself admirably, with composure, and brought to this mission the consideration and gravitas it deserved. I would be happy to offer all of those over the age of 18 a position at the Sentient World Observation and Response Department (S.W.O.R.D.)

Otherwise, grab food. Debrief will begin at 1330. SWORD personnel, They deferred judgement while we were there and rather strongly implied that we would be best served returning home. A full report is pending, expect it on your desks by 1800.

And Mr. Barnes, will you please return your stolen wildlife to wherever you found it.
[Filtered to Upper level SHIELD]
I have transcripts of the testimonies from the Ascension. Some are more interesting than others, but we might wish to earmark a couple for recruitment
[Filtered to Claire Wise]
How are my girls?
[Filtered to Natasha Romanoff]
Salazar took your girl into custody.

Mar. 14th, 2015


We all know that tomorrow is a very important day for all life on this planet, and that the very best of us will be speaking on our behalf. The rest of us who have remained healthy, however, have an equally important task set before us: that of taking care of those who have fallen ill. If you will be assisting SWORD and the crew of the Ascension while leaving friends or loved ones on earth and would like assistance in ensuring they are tended to, please do speak out here. I will gladly add them to my little list of people to look in on, and I am equally sure that others will be willing to step up and join me.

Mar. 11th, 2015


[Audrey Nathan]

Don't come over here. Sam and Charlie both caught this thing.

How are you feeling?

Mar. 8th, 2015


I'm sorry I forgot to put the silencing charms up the other night. Er, does anyone know of where I can get something that will help me sleep? I used to get a potion to help with it, but those aren't really available here.

Mar. 7th, 2015


What is this flu that's coming out of Iceland? Airports are shut down, and I hope that contains it, but holy crow it sounds awful. It certainly puts into perspective my own little health issues.

Filter to Michael Westen
I saw where Sam signed up for that war games thing at the end of the month. If you want to do that with him, I can watch Charlie.

Mar. 3rd, 2015


I know that most of you are familiar with SWORD in the tower. We deal with extraterrestrial phenomena and incidents relating to the tesseract.

It would seem that there's the beginnings of an infestation in the tower of creatures called tribbles. Agents are being dispatched to Potts Tower.

We would very much appreciate your help. Volunteers who are willing to help SWORD agents collect the tribbles to be properly removed from the tower contact me directly. I will put you in contact with an Agent.

Thank you for your understanding as we attempt to handle this.


I'll take volunteers first.

And if no one volunteers, I'll take whoever I decide to assign.

Feb. 24th, 2015


Who: Michael Westen (two of them!), Audrey, Sam, and everyone else from his dungeon is welcome to tag in too.
When: Backdated to whenever the Midnight Channel plot ended.
Where: Michael's dungeon.
What: Michael faces his greatest fear: himself. His inner monster tries to convince him that's all he is.
Rating: High? There will be mentions of character deaths, childhood abuse, war/spy stuff, etc. Also there's a kidnapped child, but he's just an illusion of the dungeon bc I couldn't traumatize Charlie any more. (Also forgive the present tense at the beginning. I went into Spy Tip Voiceover Mode and it didn't work any other way >.>)

Some people just weren't built for parenthood. Our father was one of them, and so are you. )

Feb. 23rd, 2015


[Filtered to the people from Michael's dungeon]

I'm sorry you had to see all of that. It was bad enough having the darkest moments of my life broadcast daily in syndication -- but I never wanted anyone else to have to live them.

Thank you for helping me through it, though. If I can ever repay the favor, please let me know. I promise I'm a lot better at solving other people's problems than my own.

[Filtered to Sam Axe]

Hey, now you can finally say you got to go on that Atlantic City job with me.

I wish my mom was here.

Feb. 21st, 2015


WHO: Michael Westen and friends (Sam, both Audreys, Pinky, Jo, Nathan, Jason, Mulder, Helo).
WHERE: Michael's dungeon.
WHEN: Starting at midnight on Saturday night, February 21st.
WHAT: Welcome to Michael Westen's greatest fear: becoming his father. Or becoming a monster. I mean, they're kinda the same thing.
WARNINGS: Childhood abuse, an alcoholic father, war & spy stuff, trauma from the war & spy stuff, other nebulous psychological issues, "enhanced interrogation techniques" and forced drug use, NPC character deaths, and Michael’s fear of secretly being a sociopath like literally all of his mentors.
STATUS: IC/OOC post, in progress.

Master post for Michael's dungeon! Check the gdoc for the vast majority of info you'll need (oh my god, I'm sorry it's so long). Let's do discussion here from now on, though, so we get notifs. I'm also on AIM and gchat for any super urgent questions.

Feb. 19th, 2015


Hey Peter - I got some sort of wooden beaded necklace and earrings from my something package. You get yours yet?


You know, I've heard people talk about getting new memories, and although I know that some real bad shit happened after the last thing I remember, I never really thought I would ever actually get one. Well, I was wrong. That was a hell of a ride. It's one thing knowing that something is going to happen, and another to remember it, to remember looking back and seeing a burning building where everyone in the world but you and Jesse thinks that your best friend in the whole world died.

It's another thing knowing that if it weren't for the Tesseract, I don't know how long it would have been before I saw Fi and Mike and Charlie again. I miss Elsa, even more now that I remember all the time that we had together after Mike went into deep cover, and the life we were going to build since I was out of detention. I was going to contact my wife, you know? Put divorce proceedings in place. Ask Elsa to marry me in the most expected way possible, on Valentine's day with a ring and champagne, the whole deal. But she likes things like that, and I was always happy to give them to her.

I'm glad I got these memories, but damn it. I just really miss home.

Feb. 18th, 2015


So Today's Google Doodle dedicated to Italian physicist, chemist and electrical pioneer Alessandro Volta kind of brings back awkward memories of my weird early teenage* electricity-welding Asgardian phase. And the possible assgardian jokes

What about everyone else. Anyone else have weird or embarrassing high school fads they totally fell into?

*Yes, I recognise the fact I'm still a teenager. And there's a pretty good chance I'll look back on wearing galaxy print bodysuits with the same horror. But that day is not today.

Feb. 15th, 2015


In recent weeks, the FARC has invited Miss Universe to participate in Colombian peace talks, extended their unilateral ceasefire indefinitely, and banned the recruitment of child soldiers. Remember when we thought they were all just greedy drug lords who couldn't possibly be reasoned with? I guess the world isn't so black and white after all.

Wish I could've learned that lesson a little sooner back home

[Filtered to Audrey Nathan]

I saved an episode of that PBS Nature show for you.

Feb. 7th, 2015


This week is, possibly, the biggest musical week of my life.

No, it's not. Auditioning for Juilliard and then GETTING IN was the biggest musical series of moments in my life. This is going to rank up there, though. If you've been paying attention, waaaaay back a few months I mentioned something about Yo-Yo Ma here, and now that week has come. Wednesday through Saturday, the NY Philharmonic will be accompanying him and his roaming band of musicians.

I'm going to be on the same stage as Yo-Yo Ma. Excuse me while I freak out, just a little bit.

Filter to Pepper Potts (MCU)
It's normal to have insomnia when you're nervous like this, right? And it's not like he'll be playing exclusively with me, there will be an entire orchestra, so I don't know why I'm freaking out.

Jan. 30th, 2015


There's nothing like watching your kid discover new things. Snow is a favorite so far.

Have you all been settling in okay here? We should all have dinner soon. All of us.

Jan. 29th, 2015


You know, I'm surprised we never ran across this as a Trouble. After all, we had plenty of people who inspired fear, and these things often come in pairs. Maybe they were so fearless that their family lines died and they never passed it on.

I hope that all of you, when you're bravely fighting against the problems this world faces, also have enough of an understanding of fear to keep yourselves safe.

Jan. 26th, 2015


Wow. People seriously stood in line for half a mile for that last loaf of bread. Took this outside that underground Whole Foods market in Columbus Circle.


Charlie built his first snowman today. I might have helped a little, but it was mostly him. I took pictures. You know, just in case he grows up to be a sculptor.

[Filter: Audrey Nathan]
Sam was kind enough to take him off my hands for the evening. Any suggestions? Thought I might catch up on my reading.

Jan. 27th, 2015


So, got told there were people I knew here. And this was the way I should contact them. Which is a pretty fucking sucky way of saying, surprise! I'm alive!

My name's Mason. Rose, are you

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