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Oct. 13th, 2015


Filter: Jamie Moriarity
How would my most gifted student feel about a special lesson this evening?

Oct. 5th, 2015


25,000 dollars is totally reasonable for a purse, ?

[Stark Resilient]
Alright. Stark Expo's a little under 3 weeks away and we have time for a pitch presentation so check with your collabs if it's a multi-company project. If it's just your work, that should be fine.

We'll do a dry run through on the 16th.

Sep. 19th, 2015


[Xavin, Sherlock, Watson]

Are any of you trapped and in need of equipment?

Sep. 15th, 2015


Husband of mine, your book is magnificent. Even if my alter ego is naked again on the cover.

Aug. 15th, 2015


The last time I lost my memory Sherlock got very rough with me. This time did fair better.


I would like you to compile me another list of candidates.

Aug. 12th, 2015


Apparently Oprah has scheduled an interview with the Avengers?

I wonder if they'll actually show up.

Aug. 10th, 2015


That was an unusual experiment of the tesseract.


Oh, memories-- I was unaware that I missed you as much as I did. Feeling hungover, however, is not a feeling that's

But I'm still just as confused by my internet search history. While I remember visiting these websites now: I still don't know what possessed me to become so invested in the Meek Mills / Drake rap feud.

Aug. 1st, 2015


By now I should be less surprised with how countless writers and directors have chosen to portray me. But I still seem to find myself surprised with each adaptation I come across.

Filter: Robin Hood + Friends
Would you say that I'm vain?

Jun. 24th, 2015


This seems fine.

Jun. 23rd, 2015


I have to say, I enjoy the devil's imagery. Though it is a little on the nose.


I've given some thought over the list you presented.

There are several viable candidates among them. While we certainly cannot go employing all of them I see no reason to not extend out an invitation to another game of our own design to find who would be most suitable to join us.

Jun. 18th, 2015


network post: xavin

War must be coming. Others have posted of receiving armor or weapons. And I too join that number. The tesseract is arming us. But for what?

Jun. 12th, 2015


They finally got you didn't they old boy?

Is this what it's like when you finally have your soul eaten?
It's not so bad. All those years of worrying about it.

Not so bad.

May. 21st, 2015


I was devastatingly cute as a child. It's nice for the reminder.

[Moriarty's Gang (Finnick and Xavin)]

Xavin I'm going to need you as lead on the meeting that we have scheduled this afternoon.

In the meantime, Finnick I will need you to drop me off at [address]. A target has interest in it and now we don't need much of a reason for looking into a daycare. Congratulations, you've now become a father of two for the meantime.

May. 15th, 2015


[Joan Watson]
I feel rejuvenated, better, and properly distanced from a person that is not me and a life that is not mine. cut for potential triggers (drugs, use & addiction) & Elementary Spoilers )

[Tony Stark (616) & Renee Montoya]
Could I interest either of you in perhaps going to get a cup of coffee with me.
[Jamie Moriarty]
I mean to ask last night, but we spent significantly less time talking than I'd anticipated -- which -- is by no means a complaint. But how is your work going?


-- I just watched the show
-- Where are you?
-- Don't make me call Iron Man and get him to track your phone GPS. You know how I feel about grown men who wear Captain America PJs.

May. 14th, 2015


[Warning: Potential mention of Drug Use/Elementary Spoilers in Comments]

I require your company.

May. 13th, 2015


Well, that was awful. I move for immediate action of wilful ignorance of the past 72 hours.

The good news is no one is hurt; the bad news is I have an excess of junk I stole acquired so if you're missing stuff, let me know.

Apr. 26th, 2015


network post: padmé amidala

Thank you, to everyone at Potts Tower, especially to those who also ran in this election. It takes concern about others to run for office, and it's made Potts Tower a better place. If you voted, thank you very much. If you did not, I ask that you consider doing so in the future. I welcome you all to reach out to me at any time on issues concerning us. If you would like my phone number, you may have it, and I will come to your assistance if it is needed. We have more control over our own lives. I am honored to serve you and commit myself to it.

Filtered: Laura Roslin, Erik Lensherr, Loki
It was an honor to run in this race with you. Our debate was a spirited and refreshing place to hear all kinds of voices. I'd love to hear further input on what you believe our most important issues are. Don't be strangers.
Filtered: Jaina Solo, Inara Serra, Jamie Moriarty, Violet Parr
Good evening, ladies. Tonight I'd like us to get to know each other and to brainstorm what issues we'd like to tackle, both in the short term and over the long term.

Any questions you have for me, ask away. Anything you'd like me to know about you, I'll hear from you. I won't look into your source material unless you want me to.
Filtered: Anakin Solo
How are you doing? I'm proud of you for running in this election. And perhaps you'll even run for my seat next time.

Apr. 13th, 2015


The Locksley's have an announcement to make:

cut for image, not filtered )

Filtered individually to members of Madame Mills School of Magical Misfits
Lessons will resume this week for you. I hope you are all prepared.

Filter: Davina Claire
Are you available to meet me for brunch next Sunday?

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