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Oct. 30th, 2013


Someone told me once that a disguise is always a self-portrait. She gave people entirely too much credit - but it was in her line of work to break down people's positive expressions of self, and was known from time to time to miss the truth in favor of the desired illusion.

If a disguise were a self-portrait, Halloween would be one of the most exciting days of the year, rather than one of the most disappointing.

Oct. 29th, 2013


I rather miss decorating the morgue for the holiday. I think I've made up for it in my flat.

Oct. 6th, 2013


Who: Sherlock Holmes & Molly Hooper
When: Sunday night, Oct. 6
Where: Rm. 2405
What: Catching up.
Rating: Low

But now - here was Molly. )


Network Post: Molly Hooper

I think the only thing convincing me that this isn't a dream is the fact that my dreams are never quite this interesting, not even a little.

Oct. 3rd, 2013


network post: ben stone

It appears Fox has run out of creativity for television shows. Many of us can watch portions of our lives, past, present, and/or future in television shows, many of which are currently airing. Curiously, Fox wishes to make a tv show about a similar subject matter, even naming Sherlock Holmes as an occupant in their fictional tower of fictional characters. Most of us may rest at ease in not seeing ourselves on television again, as only those characters considered public domain are represented. It'd be far too expensive to bring the rest of us there.

Sep. 28th, 2013


My toast burnt. The new iOS is absolutely hideous. My cab driver was shedding filthy tissues almost as profusely as he was shedding virus. The man I went to meet with to discuss a break-in neglected to mention that his papillon was vicious until it attached itself to my ankle and refused to let go. I had to wait two hours for a tetanus booster - so if riding halfway across the island with a flu-beset cabbie wasn't enough to get me ill, that probably finished me off.

Not even three o'clock in the afternoon, and already a perfectly disgusting day.

Sep. 26th, 2013


Funny enough.

I'd have thought were I a literary character, I'd be myself. But when have I ever been?

Sep. 16th, 2013



respice finem.

[Jesse Pinkman]
If you want to call this off, all of it, and come home -- you can.

Sep. 14th, 2013


Saturday Night in New York City..

All sorts of devious debauchery happening out there, I'm sure. Crime, sex and sin. Probably mischief I haven't even heard of that I could be getting up to out there. Some people wish their whole lives for time in the glitz and glamour of the most incredible city in the world and...yet somehow, I've ended up sitting on my sofa. Watching The Notebook.

I think I've actually gone soft in my old age. But there it is.

Sep. 4th, 2013


There's a saying in the Army, "the best assignment is always the one you came from or the one you're going to, never the one you're at.".

I don't know if that's true, then at the moment - I'd do with about any assignment.

Still three mores of this damn

Aug. 14th, 2013


[Sherlock Holmes (BBC)]
Did you get a new case I don't know about?

Aug. 8th, 2013


...I just wanted to take a minute to be... incredibly grateful the friends I've made here. It wasn't until just this moment that I realised how much I treasured each and every one of you.

We should all get together one night next week and watch Bring it On or something.

[Joan Watson]
You know what we haven't done in a while?...I knew you'd ask, so the answer is: broken into a building. I think we ought to fix that this weekend, don't you? I bought you a present (hint: it's a set of lockpicks)
[Sherlock Holmes (PBS)]
It's clobberin' time
I have work. For us.
[Sherlock Holmes (The Other One) + Jude Law!Watson]
Sherlock -- do you think you could cut your hair and put on a suit?

Watson -- do you think you could make him if he says no?
[Saul Goodman]
So if I had a friend who accidentally left some legal documents in my hands, do you think I could bring them by? Maybe, ask a few unrelated questions that might shed some light on their (in)significance?
[Tony Stark (616)]
If I gave you a list of things I needed which included military grade tech, what are the chances you could get it for me without asking questions?
[Steve Rogers (616)]
I don't actually have anything to say to you


Edit: Added much later

[Steve Rogers (616)]
I changed my mind
...How good are you at lying?


network post: ben stone

Filtered to: Sherlock Holmes (all)
Though I am not familiar with you personally, nor the particulars of your work as consulting detectives, I read the stories of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle about another Sherlock Holmes. I cannot with all certainty say that the situation I have is a case, but I do believe it warrants investigation. I cannot in good conscience do less, but I have reached my limits to investigate without drawing undue attention to myself. If something is indeed awry, that would be dangerous. If it is not, it could cost me my job.

I am concerned about the behavior of my employer, the Phoenix Project. I do not know with whom exactly that concern should be within the charity, but I have gathered documents that shows irregular behavior for an organization of this type. Would any of you be interested in investigating? I have hard copies.

Thank you,
Benjamin Stone

Aug. 4th, 2013


You know, I find I'm rather hungry.

It's too bad.

Aug. 3rd, 2013


[Sherlock Holmes (BBC)]
Could I speak to you about something? I can entice you with breakfast, if eating is a thing you're doing today. I promise it isn't about your Watson's mustache

[Sherlock Holmes (Film)]

She's gone

Good morning!

Jul. 29th, 2013


caution: casting spoilers

Cut for Sherlock Series 3 casting spoilers [not filtered] )

Jul. 17th, 2013


→ network post

I do wish they'd keep it down out there. This city has enough noise pollution already.

Jul. 12th, 2013


[Sherlock Holmes (BBC)]

I know there's been a lot on the news about these bombings and the broadcasts, and things. I know you've been watching them a lot and I know you've been bored but this isn't your city, this isn't -- I don't know, it's not even really our world, then, is it? Which means it most likely won't go at all like it did before, sure, but I don't want to give it the chance to. I really don't want anything to happen to you because, you know

... Anyway.

What I'm trying to say is, I don't want you running after the Ben Kinglsey looking Terrorist.

Jul. 7th, 2013


The violins are like sad souls that cry,
Poor souls that hate the vast. black night of Death ;
A shrine of Death and Beauty is the sky.
Drowned in red blood, the Sun gives up his breath.

This soul that hates the vast black night of Death
Takes all the luminous past back tenderly,
Drowned in red blood, the Sun gives up his breath.
Thine image like a monstrance shines in me.

~Lord Alfred Douglas


But anyway, is it daylight already? There are far too few hours during the night. I want to sleep for at least another seven. Not that I have anything to do today, of course, but my body has decided to expel me from my only source of peace and respite.

Dorian's list )

Jun. 29th, 2013


I'm not quite sure how to take all of these things on the internet about me.

Most of them aren't too bad, but apparently the man who created my.. television show said I am in love with the main character.

I don't understand whatever all of this 'shipping' nonsense is, or why it is me with Hannibal Lecter or Jim Moriarty.

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