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Apr. 30th, 2015


I think Sully already mentioned this, but with the weather getting warmer and my students clearly getting spring fever, I thought I'd say it once more. Serenity Ranch is co-owned by a number of refugees and is just 45 minutes outside the city with plenty of open space, room to tinker, horses, a growing vineyard, and homemade cider.

ETA: And monthly laser tag.

I'm more than happy to teach anyone to ride who doesn't know how and take you out for a trail ride.

Apr. 27th, 2015


Okay. This is a rather interesting situation to find myself in. I got the welcome speil but I admit it wasn't exactly what I expected to hear when I arrived.

I assume that talk is accurate of the situation we find ourselves in and not just people making it up?

Apr. 13th, 2015


Network Post; Byron Sully

Sometimes I ain't really sure why I'm here. Friends seem to disappear and I'm still here.

[Carol Danvers (EMH)]
I don't mean to bother ya, but I don't suppose ya found a small wooden trunk in Penelope's things?

Apr. 9th, 2015


Network Post; Fox Mulder

How early is to early to start your kid on Star Trek? Original series mind you. I can only take so many lens flares before I want to hit something.

[Filter: Sam Winchester]
Do me a favor - give me one lie and two truths.

Apr. 3rd, 2015


Network Post: Christine Chapel

Well at least today it feels like spring. I was beginning to wonder if Earth had somehow forgotten what that was.

Thanks for the chili the other night. Best I've had in a long time. Sunday is Easter and I'd invite you to church but I'm afraid if I walked into one, the roof might cave in. So instead how about lunch? If it doesn't rain we can do something ridiculously trite like have a picnic in Central Park. If it does, I'll hide Easter eggs in my couch cushions and laugh at you while you look for them.

Mar. 29th, 2015



Thanks to everyone who came out to my laser tag birthday party. It was a blast!

[Floors 7 & 8]

I apologize for being behind on this. I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Richard Castle and I'm your new Housing Assistant. I am a native of New York, though a different one. I am almost always home (I make a living writing) and can be found in 810.


For those of you who knew him, Jean-Luc Picard has returned home through the Tesseract.

Filter to Brand & Danvers
Effective immediately, I am tendering my resignation from SWORD. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity work with you and this organization.

Mar. 28th, 2015


Network Post: Christine Chapel

New York 2015? I know time travel is possible but I wasn't expecting to walk out my front door, get hit by a blinding blue light and end up here. So how did this happen and how do I get back?

I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Christine Chapel. They told me I've been here before but I don't remember any of that so if I knew you then, please don't think I'm being rude because I don't know you now.

Mar. 27th, 2015


Always something new in our neck of the galaxy. Anyone up for an impromptu hand of cards? Or a drink

Mar. 26th, 2015


Any thoughts on whether to go ahead with our games as planned this weekend or to postpone them in light of the body swap? Or should we wait to make a decision until Saturday morning?

Mar. 6th, 2015


Weekend Wargames

Some of you might remember that in the fall that started out as a field exercise for my Military Tactics and Strategy Course and expanded. This time, we're doing something a bit different. Sam Winchester and I have redesigned things a bit. It started out of a desire to provide some field experience for his Weaponry class and my Military Tactics and Strategy Class are cohosting, but it will be all ages.

If you're unfamiliar with war games - think of paintball and camp games you played when you were younger (capture the flag and the like). Add in optional toy weapons, lots of open space, alliance and intrigue, and you have war games.

Saturday & Sunday, March 28-29, everyone's invited to join us out on Serenity Ranch for a weekend of war games. ESD students can get credit for participating in this event. More details to come from us, but we wanted to see who might be interested.

Mar. 4th, 2015


Network Post; Dawn Summers.

Cut for Image not filtered )

Too soon?

Feb. 25th, 2015


I never would have thought I would become so fond of the snow, but there's finally enough that we've managed to hook the horses up to the sleigh and get them used to it. Sleigh rides were certainly not a possibility growing up in the mojave.

Also, would anyone be interested in a trip to see the Dark Universe Space Show at the Museum of Natural History? It looks interesting and I'm always curious to see how different worlds present space exploration.

[Sam Winchester]
I was looking to my calendar. Are there dates that work better for you for the training / war games weekend?

Feb. 26th, 2015


[Filtered to Christopher Pike]
I have been told that you have a ranch that refugees may make use of. Might I enquire as to the details of how we may use it?


I think I am quite ready for winter to be over. The last time I was in this sort of weather for any length of time, we were about to storm M's fortress and I ended up half naked in the snow. Which I suppose did put me one step up from Skinner, all things being told.

Feb. 12th, 2015


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

I am rather hoping that Mr Groundhog Day was wrong about winter this year and we will be seeing warmer weather sooner, rather than later. I admit I'm a bit antsy to spend a weekend at the ranch amongst the vines I have there.

[Filter: Beverly Crusher]
Would you like to special order furniture for the bedroom? We have the pieces that they provided, but I rather think a nice wooden bed frame and matching dresser could be... a nice look?

[Filter: Anne Shirley-Blythe & Mary Margaret Blanchard]
Have you considered the organization or charity that you would like to donate too? If so, I could contact them this week to scout interest.

Jan. 27th, 2015


Network Post; Jean-luc Picard

It has been a fulfilling start to the new year.

[Filter: Audrey Nathan]
Audrey, if I may have a minute of your time.

Beverly Crusher and I would like to move apartments, from our two apartments into one apartment - perhaps one of the two bedrooms like 907 or 908?

Do we contact you to make these arrangements or someone else?


Who: Sam Winchester & Christopher Pike
What: getting drinks, discussing classes and life experiences and so on.
When: Tuesday night
Where: Sam's bar
Warnings: TBD, probably nothing much aside from mentions of weapons/war

... )

Jan. 24th, 2015


Your stars keep secrets. I wonder what they might have looked upon before your people bore smoke to cleave the territory between earth and sky. Ron rangwa amin? It is done, whatever I may say about it.

For all they are quiet, at least your steeds have much to say. The horsemaster has given consent to allow introductions now that I lend my aid. It is just as well: long has it been since new paths were made.

Now. Who among you can ride?


I can't decide whether hot and dry is better or worse than hot and humid.

I do know one thing though. Either one is better than freezing my balls off in New York.

Jan. 16th, 2015


Network Post: Kaylee Frye

I've seen some strange stuff but I ain't never glowed before.

[Dr. Crusher]
I know you said I was fine the other night but this thing I can do now. Turning gooey stuff into whatever I want. That ain't normal. Is it gonna last forever? And when can I go home?

[Serenity Crew]
Did anybody else glow the other night 'sides me? And now I can do stuff. Like anything gooey? I can make it into stuff. It moves. Kinda fun but still weird.

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