July 2016




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Aug. 8th, 2013


OMG NOW I KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS MEAN WHEN YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT SAME FACES! This must be the girl that all my customers at Sephora keep thinking I am.

Personally? As much as it sucks to be a halfblood, I'd rather be a demigod than a vampire.

Like, no offense vampires.

Filtered to: Annabeth Chase

Um..I know Percy just got here but...you don't want to leave because he is do you?

I like having you as a roommate...my roommates haven't all...

Aug. 7th, 2013



Annabeth? Are you here? Someone said you were. Please be here.

Aug. 4th, 2013


Gods. Nico, too.

Looks like it's just you and me now, Drew.

Aug. 2nd, 2013


Network Post: Rachel Summers


Hi everyone. Don't worry-- you still have a little over a month of summer left. With the semester coming up, though, we need to look at finding instructors to take over classes that no longer have someone to teach them. Some of our teachers have empty class sessions, so we should also review if you still want to make yourself available for them should a student be interested. We'll also need to look at whether or not to remove empty classes with no teachers from the class offerings. Please let us know if you're interested in taking a position, want to drop something, or have any other feedback.

Cut for length, not filtered )

If you're of school age (18 or under) and arrived over the summer and haven't already done this, please get with Kitty or me to make sure you're enrolled and assigned an advisor before the semester begins.

Private to Kitty:
OMG I totally recruited LIEUTENANT UHURA as a teacher and I didn't even fangirl at her once so let me get it out of my system now! I GOT US UHURA!

* [OOC: Post is not filtered (except for the last) to make sure people not already part of the ESD can think about joining in. FYI, I've been working on a not-yet-public REVISED SPREADSHEET and trying to clear up some user-friendliness concerns before we switch to it from the current. I'll try to make sure any additions to the current spreadsheet make it over to the new one]


Gods, it's like I'm cursed when it comes to roommates in this place.

For those of you who knew Violet Parr, she's gone.


I was just thinking as I was watching the news (shut up, I do do that sometimes!) and...well, what would you expect with a guy named Weiners really??

Filtered to: Annabeth

So...you're in a 2 bedroom alone...what if we became roommates?

Filtered to: Nico

We're one of the few left from our world. I guess we should get to know each other better, huh?

Aug. 1st, 2013


I'm going to be doing another (planned this time) waffle open house tomorrow morning. For those of you who missed the last one (which was really the result of me not paying attention and making WAY too many waffles), this is when I make lots of waffles and anyone who wants some is free to come by. There will be plenty. If all else fails, I'll use one of my favors to get Loki to help me out.

I figure it's a good way to meet new people. Also, waffles. Who doesn't love waffles.

Jul. 27th, 2013


Usually I think it's good to have locked myself away and buried myself in books, but I think I've just been in denial about all the people who have come and gone over the past few weeks. I think I need to get out of my routine. I actually think I'd like a new job. The library is lovely, but I think it contributes to me being a bit antisocial.

Filtered to: Ron Weasley

How are you doing, with all the comings and goings.

Jul. 26th, 2013


network post: annabeth chase

Thalia and Luke are both gone.

I'm really starting to hate this place.

Jul. 21st, 2013


With the summer half over, I'm starting to think about what I want to do with myself here. I'm only 16, so even though I could probably get a job, my options in this world seem to be limited, especially when you add to that the number of places who don't want to hire refugees because they could get sent back anytime.

I've been looking over the information of the classes offered here, though. I think I kind of have to take some of the classes, because I'm a minor, but I'm trying to figure out exactly what I want to take.

Jul. 6th, 2013


network post: annabeth chase

I woke up this morning with several months worth of new memories. Several months. Is this a normal thing here, because I've had some pretty bizarre dreams compared to most people, but this was different. Even when Hera stole Jason and Percy's memories, they didn't come back to them all at once like this.

Jul. 3rd, 2013


Is it expected for most objects to be turned red, white, or blue? In the past few days I've seen forks, chairs, and even food in those colors. At times all three at once. I was told it was in honor of this country's independence. And I was curious about how n common this tradition was. I asked a coworker and her only response was that my hair

Jun. 30th, 2013


Text to Annabeth Chase

>>How are you doing?

>>With...you know.
>>Like, everything?

Jun. 27th, 2013


I've been here for two weeks now. I've watched the film that I come from, it seems much more...comedic than I remember. I know they meant for this to be a children's movie, but it certainly wasn't fun. But I guess that can't really be anyone's fault, from what I've seen most of us come for something that's meant to be entertainment. Don't worry though, I won't talk about anything that I've seen while I'm here, if there are people that wouldn't want me to. I understand some subjects are tougher to talk about.

I'm happy that I've finally found a job, at the youth center! I've been spending a lot of my time there lately, just to get a better feel for the place. I really like it.

I have been looking around online, but are there other places here in the city that I should check out? Now that I have a job, I feel more comfortable exploring.

I also have a question for some of the Supers here, is there anyone that works with force fields?

Jun. 24th, 2013


Okay, so, this place is not New York. I don't know why they're trying to pass it off as New York, but I do not like this. I was trying to relax after my last case. Now I'm here.... and it's five years in the future? I mean, seriously? Time travel is a real thing?

Filtered to Law & Order People

So, how many of you are here and do I know any of you?

Jun. 13th, 2013


WHO: Violet Parr & Annabeth Chase
WHERE: Their room
WHEN: Thursday, June 13th
WHAT: Violet is taking a look at her new place.
STATUS: thread; in progress.

Violet didn't know what to think about her new home. )

Jun. 9th, 2013


First Reyna, now Piper. I'm being punished for something, I swear to

Well, this sucks. It looks like I'm not the only one of the opinion, either. My thoughts to anyone else that lost someone recently.


I […] I don't understand.

Jane & Lydia
He's gone. William was sent back.

Jun. 8th, 2013


For those who knew her, Piper McLean is gone.

If anyone needs me, I'll be downstairs hitting things.

Jun. 7th, 2013


Since Homeless Runaway and Immortal Hunter haven't worked out for me as career choices, I guess I should start thinking about what else I can do. What kind of jobs are open to dyslexic teenagers who don't have a high school diploma but are really good at shooting lightning out of a spear?

[Private to Luke]
I'm talking like I'm going to be here for the long term, but we've seen that people are taken away and brought back all the time, and every time it happens they have to start over. And then I started thinking about how much I was still hurting over losing you to Kronos and thinking I hated you for it when I got brought over, and I don't want to go through that again. I don't want to put you through that again either. If it does happen, though, I want some record of what we've gone through that you can point me at, so I can read through it and figure out where to go from there. So here it is:

I love you. I've loved you ever since you almost knocked me over at the dragon's lair. Even when you'd gone over to Kronos and I convinced myself that I hated you, I still loved you. I love you now for managing to find the best parts of yourself again after Kronos tried to stomp it all out. I love you for the tireless way you put yourself into making other people happy. Most of all, I love you because it's you and me against whatever the world throws at us, and nothing, least of all a shiny blue cube, is going to take that away from us again.

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