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Sep. 22nd, 2013


Looks like Johnny's gone. Back to being by myse I'm really starting to hate this pl

Sep. 15th, 2013


[X-Men + Magnetos]
So Mags Jr. and I are going clubbing and you're all invited. Discuss.

I could be wrong, but this might be the weirdest moment of my life.

Sep. 12th, 2013


[Filtered to X-men]
Even though last weekend's training session was quite successful, There has been discussion that given the recent arrivals and departures, we should meet again this week, and perhaps more regularly.

I have acquired a room at Blue Smoke, the Battery Park location, at 2 pm on Sunday, to discuss the following points:
  • The increasing number of non X-men affiliated mutants, particularly, relating to the Magnetos who have been arriving. I realise some among us view them as frien allies, and we have had this meeting before, but it would do well to revisit the discussion in light of changing circumstances.
  • Last week's exercises and objections held to it
  • Jean wishes to discuss cooperation with other teams here.
  • Future strategies moving forward
  • Logan, if you could give an update on what is needed for the building
  • The problems with "cures"Any other business

  • Punch & Pie.

    P.S. The liquid sort of punch only
    P.P.S. That is not a challenge


    network post; erik lehnsherr

    Please remind me how anyone could enjoy the particular pastime of swimming. It seems to lead to terrible consequences. My name is Erik and I don't want to be here. I'm told I'm not alone here.

    Sep. 11th, 2013


    This is not an entirely unwelcome turn of events.

    Hello, my name is Professor Charles Xavier. I'm told some of my people might be here.

    Sep. 9th, 2013


    [Filtered to Jean Grey, Pepper Potts (MCU)]
    Seeing as we had a few more fish regress over the weekend I took the liberty of euthanizing two of them and, working up histology and genetic profiles for both. I'm still running tests, but the preliminary results are positive? confusing? I suppose complicated.

    It seems only fish with a specific mutation are the ones reverting, so, I would think, Pepper, that you might be in the clear on this matter. But histology shows a strange pattern on the tissue level. Jean, I've dropped the images on the Medical server.

    [Filtered to Under 25s]
    You know, I was speaking to a friend the other day, and they said there were not enough parties here. Why if I recall, even Erasmus said "No party is any fun unless seasoned with folly.”

    So let's have one. Tomorrow. 1408. 8 pm.

    Sep. 8th, 2013


    [Filtered to Mutants]
    I am told the X-men are here. This is true?

    Sep. 6th, 2013


    Hey hon. I just wanted to check in and see how you're doing.
    You should come over for dinner soon. This is really not a request.

    Sep. 5th, 2013


    [Filter to Alex Summers]
    Do you have a moment to talk? There is something I need to discuss with you.

    [X-Men (OOC note: This will be sent out AFTER she talks to Alex)]
    I'm sorry that I have to tell you this, but Scott has left us. The building is still rented and the boxing is still on. Our heart leader may be gone, but we are still a team.

    Please respect Alex's privacy and his grief.

    You weren't supposed to go first. I told you not to leave me.


    [ Filtered to X-Men / Mutants ]

    It hasn't escaped my attention that the past few weeks have been difficult. In order to raise morale, I've rented a private space [address] and am hosting a Punch and Pie gathering.

    You bring the punch, I provide the pie and the boxing ring. Talking to you about your feelings is never, in any universe, going to happen, but I'm happy to help you hit it out.

    I'm thinking this for food. I hope it's sufficient (but given that I've already paid for it, if it isn't, too bad).

    [ /Filter ]

    Sep. 4th, 2013


    Bill Nye is going to be on Dancing With the Stars.

    Bill Nye is going to be on Dancing With the Stars.

    Bill Nye is going to be on Dancing With the Stars.

    That felt important enough to share. He's the only reason I paid attention in school, tbh. In other news, you can also buy candy in bulk. Guess who found a new use for the empty room in her flat?

    Sep. 3rd, 2013


    So we can just... not do that again, right?

    Yo, nerd. So you did awesome a decent job with my power focuser thing, but uh.

    Question about that cure you made.

    Can I ask you a question?

    Aug. 29th, 2013


    Not to say Remy be a vétéran at this other worlds amanchure, but this all never end. Seem you just need to go sleep, wake up somewhere else. Only, got to say, I was certainly not expectin to end up fillin my dance card with SHIELD this time round. Ain't no one seen a Joelle come through here?

    I seen some folk I recognize around the portal, nice seein you all again. Not sure where here truly be, but I been sworn to stay outta trouble for the time bein. Got me a fancy room to stay in and all, and Remy ain't one to look that cheval de cadeau right in the mouth, non?


    While preparing for the upcoming school year I attempted to find an appropriate science joke for the first day of class.

    But all the good ones argon.

    Aug. 22nd, 2013


    [Text Message to Scott Summers]
    » Are you around today?
    » I have something I need a second opinion on.
    » Or I may.
    » At 9:30
    [ETA--Text Message to Alex Summers, about 11:30 pm]
    » There's not really a delicate way to ask this.
    » Can i borrow some clothes?

    Aug. 19th, 2013


    Sorry. Yeah, I got the picture when I had Wolverine squashing me against a bus window for the entire car ride.

    Pro-tip: when your brother is dating a telepath, don't end up with your pants down around your ankles and making out with your girlfriend on a camping retreat.

    There's your explanation for the Wolverine glares and awkward bus ride home.

    Aug. 12th, 2013


    [ Filtered to X-Men (Various Worlds) ]

    Alex suggested that it was time for another X-Men retreat. Due to the currently crippling amount of ennui and angst, I am inclined to agree.

    I've made arrangements for us to enjoy Saturday night and Sunday morning of this weekend at Fillmore Glen State Park. It's not far, so consequently we will be enjoying the pink bus for a shorter amount of time. Bus songs and abject joy continue to be strongly discouraged. I've reserved some cabins for the overnight portion of the retreat. Please RSVP if you are able to attend.

    Wear comfortable shoes and clothing you don't care about. Relaxation will be earned.

    [ /Filter ]

    [ Filtered to Jean ]

    I trust your talk with Ororo answered your questions?

    [ /Filter ]

    Aug. 3rd, 2013


    As much as I have complained in the past, I do think I would miss the tower if I were to leave.

    Protestors notwithstanding.


    Hey, you. I got nominated to harass you about a retreat.

    I took the liberty of finding you a few places in New York so you aren't stuck in the bus for 9 hours with us. 1, 2, 3 and 4.

    Those are the ones that have cabins and they're available the next few weekends.

    Feeling any better?

    Aug. 2nd, 2013


    Some days I just want to be a fat wrinkly dog who gives no fucks. Is that too much to ask?

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