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Oct. 27th, 2013


I really need this shirt.

I'm going to put it on my list for Santa.


If I ever hear The Fox song again, it'll be too soon.

That said, apparently, I'm not the only Vulpes vulpes who can manage his way through modern tech. Recently, a Norwegian Fox stole an iPhone, and sent text messages to it's original owner.

Guess this is what the fox says:

Jlv In ø \ a0ab 34348tu åaugjoi zølbmosdji jsøg ijio sjiw.



Read more... )

Oct. 26th, 2013


I never thought I would have a girlfriend... but I do. And it feels really good. I like that I have someone to count on... especially here where I don't know that many people, and I don't have my family.

Oct. 11th, 2013


If anyone needs me, I will be at Santana's, dying. This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me, and right now I don't really care if there's a class going on I need to be in.

Private to Kurt

Why the hell did you not tell me? Why did you have Santana do it? Not that I don't love her and care about her, and if we're going to be an item now, she needs to be more important to me than you are, but you're my best friend, Kurt, and he was your brother.

(spoilers for glee 5x03)


I.... I don't even know what to say. I think I used up every tissue in my apartment, and I'm in a ball on the couch.

(spoilers for glee 5x03 in the comments)


Why do I feel okay. I'm okay. I'm really okay. I've had months I know I'm only adding to the chorus here, but I'm back to being a man. Dude looks like a lady, no more.

Good times for a change.
See, the luck I've had
can make a good man turn bad,

Cut for Gif )

PS : How in the hell can I afford a $288 Marc Jacobs shirt scrounging by on tips? Come on now, Glee. I can't even afford it here and I work two jobs.

Filtered to Santana
How's Rachel?

Filtered to Brittany
Give me a hug. We've been here the longest. Give me a hug.

Filtered to Julie Power
Why am I okay?

Spoilers for Glee 5x03

Oct. 8th, 2013


Network Post: Santana Lopez

Filtered to Rachel Berry
Berry, on Thursday night, you're coming over to my place.

Filtered to Blaine, Brittany and Kurt
I'm taking Rachel on Thursday. Whoever you're with or not with... be safe and call a buddy if you need one.

Oct. 4th, 2013


[Slight spoilers for Glee 5x02]

Private to Glee + friends )
(If you've talked to Kurt a few times, you're included in the filter.)

Private to Doug Hammond
Is that offer to watch it at your place still open?

Sep. 30th, 2013



>> Love you babe.

Sep. 27th, 2013


Private to Santana & Brittany )

Sep. 26th, 2013


cut for image )

We got the space!

[Filtered to House of Life + T'Challa, Selina Kyle, Azari, Brittany Pierce]
So, the owner of the building's finally come around to my way of seeing things. But we reached an agreement and he says we can have space on the roof so long as we don't interfere with the machine things that are on it.

I mean, the House shouldn't so that's fine. But! That means we should start building.

Sep. 23rd, 2013


My show is starting back up, I don't know how I feel about this. I don't know if I am going to watch it or not.

Sep. 17th, 2013


I've figured out the reason for my existence. And it's way cooler than I ever thought. Now I know why I can't be a dancing pet rock.

[Private to Daisy the Invisible Girl Johnson]

Hey Roomie. I know you aren't supposed to tell spy secrets but if I wanted to talk math and physics with one of the SHIELD geeks who would I talk to?



» Where ru?

Sep. 16th, 2013


I've been told there's people here I know. Kurt? Rachel? Is it you guys? I don't know why I was brought here but I really hope it's you... I was supposed to perform at Regionals... the New Directions need me.

Sep. 12th, 2013


Network Post: Santana Lopez

So who runs this Youth Center that I've read about? And are they/you hiring? Because no one seems to be hiring right now

Filtered to Iskierka
I see that we used to be friends. I need friends. Ugh, I can't believe this Do you want to hang out?

Filtered to Brittany Pierce
I don't know if I can do casual.

Filtered to Rach
Filtered to Rachel
Filtered to Rachel Berry
You. Me. Girls night out. Just us.

Sep. 9th, 2013


I am in Juilliard! That is amazing, and there's even some on campus things as far as part-time jobs go. I miss NYADA, but this will be good.


[Filtered to Jean Grey, Pepper Potts (MCU)]
Seeing as we had a few more fish regress over the weekend I took the liberty of euthanizing two of them and, working up histology and genetic profiles for both. I'm still running tests, but the preliminary results are positive? confusing? I suppose complicated.

It seems only fish with a specific mutation are the ones reverting, so, I would think, Pepper, that you might be in the clear on this matter. But histology shows a strange pattern on the tissue level. Jean, I've dropped the images on the Medical server.

[Filtered to Under 25s]
You know, I was speaking to a friend the other day, and they said there were not enough parties here. Why if I recall, even Erasmus said "No party is any fun unless seasoned with folly.”

So let's have one. Tomorrow. 1408. 8 pm.



» Where are you??


» Hi.


» Going to join the circus as a magician's assistant.
» Or go work at a strip club.
» If I turn up on an episode of Law and Order I want that Munch guy to investigate. He's hot.
» BCK is in charge of my things. He forged a POA.

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