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Oct. 15th, 2015


Starting next week, the Potts Tower Clinic will be offering flu shots for anyone who wants them. I know needles suck, but being sick as a dog for a week sucks even more. They're free, and we'll also have tea, coffee and pumpkin cookies on hand while you wait, provided by the Orange Cafe.

[Lily Evans]
Depending on your class schedule, I thought you could maybe help administer the flu shots? I can supervise, but you should be good to go.

Oct. 5th, 2015


Refugee Supernatural Task Force Autumn Potluck

The Refugee Supernatural Task Force (and liaisons should they desire to come) are in the Stark room of Sam's Bar & Grill for an Autumn potluck.

Wesley provided lasagne trays with enough to feed everyone. Others are invited to bring desserts, bread, salads, or whatever else they are interested in bringing. The first part of the meeting is primarily for fellowship and getting to know each other better.

The second part of the meeting would be business so after everyone is done Wesley will get up and lead a bit of discussion. There has been quite a bit of turn-over, so he'll probably review the brief history of the group, how they started as a liaison to SHIELD for supernatural tasks, that was disbanded when funding fell through so they continued to work on the side as it became apparent that the Tesseract did not just bring through good guys and that sometimes some of these supernatural threats escaped into the native population and then would need to be dealt with. Currently they are working mostly extraneous to SHIELD, SWORD, and the NYPD, however they have in the past worked with those organizations at certain times and are open to doing so in the future.

He would want to have any suggestions as to how to better share information about the many variations of vampires/werewolves/etc that we have here. He would also remind them of known variations in this dimension.

He will also ask for any suggestions regarding structure of the group/patrolling schedules and if there is anything that can work better.

And finally he would open it up to Sam (if he's there) to talk a bit about liaising with the Supernatural Unit of the NYPD and what that entails.

(OOC: So I had this in my head as tonight, technically it was last night, handwave)

Sep. 30th, 2015


TEXT TO Lily Evans:
-- Are you free this weekend?
-- I'm planning on deconstructing one of the healing spells
-- I thought you might like to be there for it
-- Also it would probably be wise to have someone there as back up
-- Especially someone with healing experience.

Sep. 29th, 2015


It's really weird watching summer pass without a Reaping. But this place is so different from home, it's almost easy to forget.

What do everyone else's homes look like? How are they different from here? I think it would be interesting to learn about that.

[Filtered to Lily Evans]
Thank you for letting me help out last week. Do you still need help around the clinic?

Sep. 21st, 2015


Well, after a bunch of metal men and being the opposite gender and all that, I can't say that was the strangest thing to happen here yet. Then again, the world I come from has sort of conditioned me for [...] similar creatures.

The clinic is, as usual, open to anyone who needs assistance -- even if it's just a bruise, it's never a bad idea to have someone take a look and make sure.

    I hope none of you are against working a few extra hours. If you can't, then I won't mind -- I'm quite used to dealing with an influx of patients on my own. However, I would like to spend some time with my boyfriend, so...

Sep. 20th, 2015


There is a... person in my kitchen who is insistent that I gather up people to keep them safe. Very insistent. He is also a somewhat passable cook, despite looking not unlike a pile of rags. Since I have no desire to find out what he will do if he is thwarted, my apartment is apparently a safe haven. 713. Make your way here if you wish or I can come and fetch you via apparition. You will, at least, be fed. And don't step in the pile of rags. He's your cook.

Sep. 18th, 2015


Network post; Lily Potter

It's a little scary out there - I suppose that's an understatement - but we have rooms set up at the clinic and we can help anyone who is injured here. If you're having a difficult time getting there, or need help, let me know here.

I seem to still be able to apparate in the building, so I can come to you and depending on the situation help there, or bring you down here if you don't mind side-along apparation.

Sep. 16th, 2015


Network Post; Lily Potter (backdated to Sept. 15)

[Filter: X-Men]
I helped a woman in front of Potts Tower into our clinic here just a few moments ago. She had collapsed, and so I helped her in to take a look and she had some juice and I thought she was fine until the door to the clinic slammed for no reason, and items on our sheaves were thrown about.

We've sedated her currently, but thought you might have someone that would be willing to come over and take a look and perhaps help her further.

Sep. 7th, 2015


I have to say, the American habit of using BBQ to celebrate just about anything isn't the worst thing they've come up with.


Well it looks like you're in charge. I'm not sure how well your Peggy was at taking orders.


Network Post; Lily Potter

Sometimes I really just want a study break and so I think, oh I'll see a film - but then there really aren't any films that I want to see (that I haven't already seen?) and so I end up watching two hours of television instead and regretting my life choices. I suppose at least I got dinner made out of it this afternoon.

[Filter: Severus]
So did you find out anything about that warehouse?

[Filter: Sirius & Harry]
Would you like to come over for dinner tonight? I'm making a cottage pie and I need to share it with someone!

Sep. 1st, 2015


Tweets from JK ROWLING:

Well. This is awkward.

Aug. 31st, 2015


The Tesseract giveth and the Tesseract taketh away. I guess we should all be lucky Herc didn't find out about what's been going down in Times Square.

Also? Is Nintendo doing viral promotions? I found this epic blue shell but it zoomed away when I picked it up. I'm telling you, that's a pretty sweet drone.

Aug. 30th, 2015


[Filtered to the "Harry Potter" crowd]
Hi...have any of you heard from Albus? He didn't show up at the shop today, and that's not really like him.
[Filtered to Oliver Queen]
Doing okay?
[Filtered to Verity]
How's today been?
[Filtered to Sam Winchester]
Long time, no talk.

Aug. 25th, 2015


Network Post; Lily Potter

With school starting back up I can tell that I am hardly going to have free time. The good news is that I seem to have completed most of my science pre-requisites and this means I'm working on some nursing classes this fall and I'm very excited about that. I hope that if the Tesseract lets me stay here long enough that I'll get the opportunity to do actual nursing in the clinic here in Potts Tower.

Who is going to be at the book club tonight? I personally found The Missing Head of Damasceno Monteiro to be quite fascinating reading.

[Filter: Severus]
I saw you got quite the set of attention over your review.

Aug. 24th, 2015


Well it's certainly oddly busy.

Aug. 18th, 2015


I found out that when I went to the dogpark, my dogs have pretty common names.

And it's rude to change their name after they've already had it. At least, I think it would be rude. It would be like someone telling me that I can't be Tonks.

Aug. 12th, 2015


Network post; Lily Potter

Today as I was walking around the bookshop I saw a copy of Fantastic Beasts and where to find them, which was quite bizarre. But then equally bizarre - it's a bit smaller than the version I remember reading at home is. It's like - a terribly abridged version of the original. And I don't have the heart to tell the fans of our world that this is the case, but there was a great deal more information in the Hogwarts library copy. I might be able to remember some of it if anyone has any great questions.

[Filter: Potterverse]
I am planning on making a cottage pie, and I would love to see you all for dinner tomorrow night.

[Filter: Harry]
Shall we go and get ice cream and walk around central park tomorrow afternoon? If you're free?

Jul. 31st, 2015


Network Post; Lily Potter

[filter: Harry (ooc: backdated to this morning because I've been running around like a mad-woman all day)]
Your father isn't here, but if he were, there would be instead of breakfast, cakes, cupcakes, jelly beans, and the like. I don't think I've done quite as well as he would have, but there are waffles with whipping cream and other toppings, some bertie botts every flavor beans, some ice cream cupcakes (I feel as if that pushes it up a notch, doesn't it?), and well, come over and see.

Jul. 24th, 2015


Who do we talk to about the puppy place on the ground level floor?

[Filtered to Steven Universe]
What's your world like?

Jul. 21st, 2015


Someone in this city has an odd definition of 'week' but then as far as I know, there is no word for a three week period. So NYC Restaurant Week stretching three weeks makes a bizarre sort of sense. Why they simply didn't stretch out a further week and call it 'NYC Restaurant Month' is beyond me. But quite apart from any of those conundrums, I intend to enjoy myself exploring New York's restaurants.

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