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Feb. 13th, 2015


Delivery for Caroline Forbes

  • A large hamper of booze.

  • A large box of chocolates

No note. He doesn't think he needs one.

Feb. 12th, 2015


[Caroline & Bonnie]
I think we should go ahead and try whatever we need to for the sire bond and getting rid of it.

Hey. I love you.

I'm sure someone has talked to you about sire bond problem I have with Damon.

Are you really considering helping?


I've been here for three weeks now, and I suppose there are worse places I could have ended up. I still have my body so I am going to put that on the list of positives. Not having the Mikaelson account is definitely going on the list of negatives.

I'm going to have to find a way to make money.

Lord, if Elijah could see this he would think the world is ending.

Feb. 7th, 2015


( Damon Salvatore )
Hey. Thanks.

( RSTF Magic & Research )
Hey, guys. My friends and I could use some help with something. In our world, sometimes new vampires end up kind of bound to the vamp who sired them. As in, they feel compelled to do whatever that sire says. This is a problem for a couple of my friends and we need a way to fix it. There are a couple of ways we know of to do it, but they're really not idea solutions for anyone involved, so I'm hoping if we all put our heads together, maybe we can come up with something else.

( Rupert Giles )
Hi, I guess you probably know this, but my name is Bonnie Bennett. Wesley told me I used to work at your magic shop, when I was here before. I don't really remember my time here, but I'm back and I was hoping I could maybe have my old job back?

( Elena and Caroline )
I think we need a girls night soon, just the three of us. What do you say?

( Davina Claire )
Hi, Davina. We haven't really talked much, but I hear we have some mutual, um, acquaintances. I'm Bonnie, I'm a witch, too, so maybe we could get together and talk magic sometime.

Feb. 1st, 2015


there are no saints here.

glint of silver scalpel, and they cut and they cut and they cut, because they can. heal. and then we start again. cold floor, cold cell, cold hearts.


network post: caroline forbes

Filtered: Hank McCoy
Others have been preparing for the Superbowl. It's a truly quiet almost dead time in Fangtasia. Sundays are never our busiest days on less snowy football-less weekends to begin with. As such, I've been putting thought into our wedding. I want to announce it in the New York Times, which has a remarkable number of guidelines. My hometown doesn't even exist here, but given it's fully verifiable information, I'm sure they'll accept it. There is a symmetry to having our eyebrows photographed on the same level. It's aesthetically pleasing, and it would be lovely to save many copies of that issue. I don't know whether or not we'll be able to win the Vows Column, but I have already started on the second half of it.

My mind's been swirling on the date. If it's the summer, I was thinking June or September. It's so much hotter in July and August. But five months isn't that much time to plan a wedding. But it's doable, definitely manageable. What do you think? I might accidentally plan the whole thing without realizing I haven't asked you. And it is your wedding too.
Filtered: Elena Gilbert
It's been quite the Mystic Falls/New Orleans arrival party lately. More New Orleans than Mystic Falls, but Rebekah, Kol... they're originally from Mystic Falls, so it counts. But I was wanting to speak with you about options... Sire bond dealing options. We have some more, some less, than dealing with it the first time around. And we can learn from that. So, would now be a good time to discuss that?
Filtered: Fangtasia Employees
One year anniversary coming up, February 15th. And I know it's all romance and glorious times for many couples downstairs, good times for singles upstairs on the 14th. But I want to do something special for our one year anniversary. It's a Sunday, a slowish day, but that also means we can do what we want and not drive business away if it's too crazy. So while I've had some ideas for a while, none of them seem like Just the Right Thing to Do. So I'm open to suggestions.
It's really 2015. It only ever completely settles on me that it's a new year once we reach the second month. It's not as though I've been writing the wrong year until now, but it really feels like it. I've also been doing an amazing job at staying calm. No Bridezilla moments. It's almost a miracle.

Jan. 25th, 2015


network post: kol mikaelson

I'm not sure exactly how I got here but its better than being locked in the compound with a bunch of hungry baby vamps.

I heard my dear sister, Rebekah, is around.


1) I always feel better after some good old fashioned violence.

2) Gaige's Garage. Anyone who knows something about mechanics who wants a set up with another refugee, lemme know. No assholes. Or if you are an asshole at least be one of the amusing ones. No boring assholes.

3) Test subjects needed. If you're okay with being shot at with a 95% chance of nothing bad happening to you, come see me! I have a job for you!


network post: rose hathaway

If someone could just go turn off the sun, that'd be great.

Ow Why did I think that was a good idea

Jan. 24th, 2015


It's Saturday night in New York City.

Time to go have some fun.

Jan. 23rd, 2015


[Filtered to Rose H, Lissa, Adrian I, Bonnie and Caroline F]

Fine. We'll try it.

Or, we could go for the way we're sure of. Now we have an Original Vampire in our midst.

[Filtered to Rebekah]

Might need a favor, Beks.

[Filtered to Elena]

Want to come over for dinner? I'll cook.

[Filtered to Caroline]

Faith said you might have an opening at your stupidly named bar, now she's left.

Jan. 22nd, 2015


As much as I'm enjoying the some expenses trip to New York, that was a seriously unfun way to get here. The nice men with the guns told me I was here before, but I don't remember it, so sorry if we were friends or something. For the rest of you, hey. I'm Hayley.

( Buffy Summers )
Hey, I guess you're my housing assistant or something. Do you happen to know if Hope was with me before? And if I had stuff for her here. The clothes might not still fit her, but it'd be great if I didn't have to buy another crib.

Jan. 21st, 2015


This is very inconvenient.

Jan. 19th, 2015


Going back and reading posts you don't remember making is kind of weird. I don't exactly regret doing it, but it's weird to think about.

( Wesley Wyndam Pryce )
Hey! So a little birdie told me about this task force thing and they said you were the person to talk to about getting signed up. I guess I didn't have my magic when I was here before, but I do now, and I want to help if I can.

Jan. 14th, 2015


(pretend I posted this at 8:45 EST)

( RSTF )
Hey, did you guys just see every light in the city go out, except for the glowing people?

Because I've seen weird, but that was weird

Jan. 11th, 2015


Kind of thought I'd make is farther than that

Congratulations to the winners of yesterdays competition. Some of those matches were really fun to watch.


So, since lack of family fortune is a thing. And, compelling people is apparently stealing. And with people knowing who I am, that makes staying under the radar harder Apparently, I might need a job.

[Filtered to Faith]

So, what was that I bumped into you doing the other night?

Dec. 31st, 2014


Who: VA World + Friends of Rose Hathaway who came
When: Tonight, starting around 8pm
Where: Spread around the VA crew's apartments on the 16th floor
What: A low key New Years Eve party
Rating: Tame, most likely
Status: IC/OOC thread

tonight we're going to party like it's 2014 )

Dec. 30th, 2014


Filtered to TVD World

The Vampire Academy lot are having a New Year's party on their floor.

We're all invited, if anyone wants to go with me.

Dec. 21st, 2014


I think I could begin to like it here.

Wasn't the same without my car. Now, if it would just bring my brother

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