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Mar. 25th, 2013


I'm sad to see that Silas has left, but I'm sure that he is happiest in his own world. He was very kind and I won't forget him until I get taken back if I get taken back.

Hi there. How are you adjusting?

Mar. 12th, 2013


What, so is that the big twist of the 50th Hunger Games? Everybody dies?

How depressing.

Mar. 11th, 2013


I got fired. FIRED. Fired for standing up for another employee. No one treats people like that, no one!

We remake drinks all the time, but no, it wasn't good enough. Nothing would have been good enough. He's lucky he left walking out with his family jewels intact. It's a good thing they were able to hold me back from that man.

Stupid job. I don't care, whatever. Alex McGee can shove my apron up his you know what. He doesn't know what an awesome employee he lost.


I've had people complaining left and right that I should've taken Blaine back, that I'm so lucky to have found my soul mate and that he's miserable without me.

So do me a favor ladies. Retract the claws and get a life!

And if I hear or see anyone exhibiting the slightest hint of homophobia, I will not let that go unchecked.

Mar. 6th, 2013


Hello everyone! This might seem like a silly question, but silly questions seem okay now and again. I'm thinking about getting a haircut and have been for a while now and thought that I would actually go and get it done at a salon rather than trim it myself. I know that I could just look online and find a few nearby, but I thought I would ask if anyone had any suggestions instead? Either I would do it back home or my mother would and I trusted both of our hands more than I do a random stranger, so I was wondering if anyone has had any good experiences here in the city?

I'm also so ready for winter to be over. I know that a few people have mentioned that here or there, but I think it bears repeating. Anytime now, Spring.


Filtered to Katniss, Prim, Johanna, Finnick, Annie, Haymitch, Cinna, Effie, Gale, Madge:
Someone here, Tali, is working on making me a new leg. Katniss and Prim knew about it but I wanted to keep the rest of you updated too. It's weird letting someone I don't know do it, but she's not like the Capitol doctors.

I also thought... I had an idea. Maybe it's stupid, but back home, we had this memory book that me, Katniss and Haymitch were working on. I got books for Katniss and Prim to write in here, and then I thought maybe I could get one that we all work on together. It could have whatever we want in it, anything we want to remember from here or home. I can draw anything we don't have pictures of, if anyone thinks it's a good idea. Maybe we could show it to the baby if we're when he's older.

Feb. 28th, 2013


Well, it seems that introductions are in order. Thankfully Haymitch was able to show me how this works, not incredibly complicated. A bit primitive as far as technology goes but easy enough to figure out how it works.

My name is Effie Trinket. Former Escort of District 12. I apologize for now making my presence known last night, I was a bit exhausted from the journey.

Feb. 21st, 2013


I'm Gale. I was told that I had been here before but would not be able to access any of those memories. What a joke

So, hello again.

Feb. 6th, 2013


Between people hanging around the tower and random other people on the street, I'm finding myself just automatically responding to Quinn and Dianna without thinking about it.

I've hardly even looked at the network the past few days and just now saw about Gale. I know you two were at different places and all, but I just wanted to be sure that you were doing okay. Are you?

I'm always here if you need anything. I might be occasionally too distracted for the network, but not you.

Feb. 3rd, 2013


I don't understand anything about this football game that's going on (I'm not big on televised sporting events, even if they aren't what we had to deal with back home), but what I do know is that since this afternoon there have been non-stop puppies playing on this other channel and I'm having a hard time looking away.

Feb. 1st, 2013


Note to self: never eat a Hot Pocket again, no matter how glowing of a recommendation the person working at the grocery store gave.

Jan. 28th, 2013


It has been so long since I had new music to play on the piano and it's almost overwhelming. Back home I would just play the same songs over and over again until they were committed to memory because I only had a few pieces that were available. But here? Wow. It's wonderful.

My new project is this one. As you can tell by all of my marks, it's taking a little work, but I just started today so I think that means I get a little slack. Cut, not filtered! )

But I do have a question! I don't know how many other pianists might be out there, but any of you that are familiar with the music of this relative time era, do you have any suggestions on pieces? I'm not at all familiar with anything that was composed around now or anything classical. Most of what I picked up were suggestions from one of the employees and it's almost all Chopin, since I believe he was a little bit biased.

Jan. 24th, 2013


Ugh Stupid paperwork. Stupid enrollment people

Are there any lawyers here who want to take on an intern or an understudy or whatever? I want to see if being a lawyer is what I want to do.

Jan. 21st, 2013


I thought I could handle it, but all of this waste is really upsetting. People just throw so much away when they really don't have to. It's still good. Or good enough. All this waste, and there are still people in this country starving.

Some things never change, I guess.

Jan. 14th, 2013


My sister brought me home a bunny!

Poor thing lost her home after the hurricane. But Katniss rescued her today and brought her home. She's just the sweetest thing, and very happy. She loves to be petted. She's curled up in my lap right now. She's an Angora Lop and her name is Cantiflas.

cut for bunny picture )


Okay, so this is weird, but. I guess it's no weirder than being surrounded by werewolves without realizing it. And then having crazy hallucinations and helping revive an alpha friends who keep certain things to themselves.

So, uh. Hi. I'm Lydia Martin, from Beacon Hills, CA. This is my first trip to New York City. And what a trip it will be.


Network Post



You might not know it, but I'm sending you mental hugs right now.
This is really overdue, but would you possibly be free sometime over the next few days to go with me to that music store you mentioned before? I'd really appreciate it.


I'm pretty sure the classic 'love triangle' storyline always sets someone up to be the villain. Whether it's through their own fault or the author's use of deep character flaws, the hero always needs to make a choice and in the end, it's easier if she can blame you for killing her sister.

So, I guess I'm writing all of this as an explanation to you all not so much to apologize but to give you some insight into my motivations. I've been blessed with never missing the forest for the trees. And you can make me out to be callous because of it but I've always put the needs of others (the needs of my revolution) ahead of myself.

When Primrose died, I told Katniss I didn't know if it was my bomb that killed her. I didn't know for sure that she'd be there. All I knew was that I was needed, so I did what I did because I wanted to make sure we won. They don't remember that earlier in the 'book', I'd saved her life. That when Katniss and Peeta were in the games, I kept two families alive and instigated a revolution of my own in 12.

And what the book doesn't tell you is that I spent a good ten years chasing down everything that ever hurt Katniss Everdeen -- every architect of the Capitoline persuasion -- to bring them to justice. Why? Because I, too, wanted peace. And I suppose I also wanted redemption.

So, don't believe everything you read or watch in the movies. They're water-bugs dancing across the surface of a deeper, richer story that keeps on going, even when you shut the page.

Also, regarding these protesters: Things happen. What are we doing to assure these people that we're not going to kill them, take over their world or bomb them to hell? Nothing. We're here, in this really expensive place with anything our little hearts desire. We're training. We're building weapons. I'd fucking protest, too.

Jan. 6th, 2013


I finally ventured out of my apartment today. The people I talked with over the Network were right; no one tried to kill me. This is going to take some getting used to. I'll keep my knife with me at all times.

It's cold here in this place. I think I'll go out to some of the shops to get a warm jacket and possibly a hat. Does anyone have any idea where I can get these? I don't know where anything is, and when I asked someone on the street what district we were in and where we were in relation to the Capitol, they mentioned something about Albany, and then asked me if I had any spare change.

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