July 2016




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Mar. 15th, 2016


And a Merry Ides of March to all. A day to celebrate with mischief and unlawfulness -- unless you happened to like Julius Caesar. In which case there's nothing much to celebrate at all.

Jan. 26th, 2016


I like this haiku!
It's very succinct and neat.
I hate getting up.

Dec. 23rd, 2015


I know there's been plenty of chatter about the kitsching of Christmas, and I know there are plenty of people here who are missing their homes, members of their family, or their friends.

But I say, take it from an old soldier: all moments are rather fleeting. So, this time of year more than any - grab someone here you care about. Be with someone who is important to you, bite your own cynical tongue - and enjoy it.

[Jasper Sitwell]
Tomorrow night. I'll table the drinks, y tu.

Dec. 21st, 2015


I didn't think I'd be spending Christmas here. Or anywhere, really, so this is an improvement.

Nov. 19th, 2015


Must be a Thursday.

[Jasper Sitwell]
As likely as it is for Dum Dum to make up rhymes whenever he pleases - is there something on at the tower, you know of?

[Nick Fury (616)[
You all right, old man?

Sep. 27th, 2015


Hello, darlings I'm Sadie. I have two questions. One where is my husband, and two where is the bar? Feel free not to answer in that order either.

Frank Morgan Freeman Doyle, if you are out there and have not told me, I will be very cross.


[Filtered to Steve Rogers (616)]
You still got that Texas-shaped waffle iron?
Just a reminder from the science side of the network that tonight's impending lunar eclipse is a completely normal phenomenon that happens all the time and signifies absolutely nothing. "Blood moon" sounds very ancient and mystical and spiritual but is a bit of contemporary gibberish pasted together out of scattered Bible verses by some crazy apocalyptic preachers.

To clarify:

1) it's only a "blood moon" if you're being ridiculous,
2) if the world ends it definitely won't be over something this stupid, and
3) you're all going to be fine.

Sep. 19th, 2015


[Jasper Sitwell + Mara Jade]
I'm sure you're not in there. But do you know anyone who is? Are they all right? Is there anything can be done, do you think?

Sep. 11th, 2015


Tax evasion. Why'd we never think a that one?

[Filtered to ESD Military Tactics and Strategy (Luke Cage, Danny Rand, Claire Bennett, Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, Torunn, Ahsoka Tano, and anyone who decides to ask)]
Alright. I'm Col. Nick Fury and you've signed up to work under me on this military class.

Don't expect the touchy feely Starfleet crap of the last guy. This world's got actual militaries, and we're gonna be following in traditions of one I'm partial to. Readings for the class will be coming from We're gonna be following the APD's Doctrine with a focus on intelligence and special operations. Then concentrating on whatever specialities come up. I don't like quitters, whiners, or people who are afraid to work.

I've pulled files on all of you or are aware of you by reputation. But I want to hear it straight from the horse's mouth. Give me your background, your strengths, and your weaknesses. And don't write a fucking novel.

Aug. 31st, 2015


I don't know if it's my age, or the things I've lived through. But I can't get a newspaper these days without reading the obituaries first. (And yes, I won't stand any comments about how I still read the paper in print.) Seems that keen mind Oliver Sacks left us yesterday, after a long and meaningful career.

I didn't know he's a planet named after him.

Aug. 6th, 2015


[Text Message to Pinky Pinkerton]
-- I'll be your Reagan if you'll be my Tip O'Neill

Aug. 1st, 2015


[Filtered to LEOPARD, Nick Fury]
So assuming no one was fooled by our masterful disguises, what does this mean? Going semi-public with Helicarrier and relief effort, do we go dark again stateside? Give ourselves up? I doubt some of us have many fans, these past few days taken into account.

Alternately, if we ever wanted Latverian citizenship, now might be the time.
[Filtered to Pinky Pinkerton]
Surprisingly, this still beats my average at Squash I think.
[ETA: Filtered to Mara Jade]
Your boyfriend-or-whatever is using FRIENDS gifs.


I'm currently writing this from a balcony of our hotel in Malibu, California, over looking the beach. It's very relaxing. I'm traveling with Master Tony, who booked the hotel, Captain Rogers and Tony's friend, Colonel Rhodes, who piloted us here.

As always, I'm astonished by how this area has changed since my last remembered it. Except perhaps for the beach, itself. It's pretty much the same, except for the increased amount of ladies in bikinis. I made a perfect fool out of myself this morning at an early yoga class, where I found out just how stiff and out of shape I am. Master Tony has plans to stop by his offices in the area before going to inspect the construction of his Malibu home, which I understand was demolished quite spectacularly. Later, I should like to take a bus tour of Los Angeles. There are a number of theatres in the area, but the only performance currently showing is a comedy called 'Spamalot'. I think I'll pass. This museum, looks interesting, however.

I'm amused that the Hollywoodland sign still stands and has become such a cultural icon, when it began as an advertisement for a housing development.

We shall be returning to New York on the third.

Jul. 21st, 2015


[Filtered to Nick Fury's A-Team]
cut for image, bloody )

Now you know, why didn't I think a that?

Jun. 23rd, 2015


[Natasha Romanoff (MCU)]
Jasper truly is up to his ... elbows... in a spot of an emergency at the moment. But I could probably help pass a message or two along if it's something life or death.

Jun. 5th, 2015


183 years ago, on the 5th of June 1832. General Jean Maximilien Lamarque funeral procession marked the beginning of the days in which I, and many others -- included my beloved friends, died.

pas de ne pleurent pour nous

3,000 citizens took to the streets of Paris in protest of the wealth of the state against the poverty of her people. In protest of the rampant sickness that plagued our streets without aid, in protest of the succession of kings, all deaf to the people upon home they leeched.

pas de ne pleurent pour nous

It took 60,000 troops and 800 dead on both sides to spend the forces of the rebellion. But the loss of lives never marks the loss of hope. It would not be long before others followed us with great success, marking our sacrifices as few of the many who have died for liberty and the pursuit of fairness.

pas de ne pleurent pour nous

Lives lost, hardships endured, violence begotten -- it always holds meaning. And what is right will always prevail over injustice. It may not happen quick, and when the bayonet is before you, your place might be to throw yourself upon its blade so that others can climb over your back, but it will come.

So do not mourn us.

Stand with us.

Hundreds of years have passed, the reign of kings has ended but there is still illness in your streets, New York, and there is a sickness in your highest towers that causes it. If this is the land of the free, as you are all so quick to claim. If this is the home of the brave, which you all hold your hearts in devotion to -- prove it. Change what you do not agree with, and sign your oath with your blood if you must.

Jun. 4th, 2015


[Filtered to SHIELD Counter-Intel (Jess Drew, Bucky Barnes, Sharon Carter (all 616))]
What's better than New York in the summer?


Pack up.
[Filtered to Pinky Pinkerton]
Steppin out, you got the fort, old man?
[Filtered to Jo Harvelle]
What's the ETA on this place of yours?

May. 19th, 2015


[Filtered to Pinky Pinkerton]
If you're not counting yourself in Avengers or SHIELD Monday, can I buy a vet a drink?
[Filtered to Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Nick Fury (all MCU), ]
I've pulled R&D data on that sceptre. We did some prelim work, spectral and quantum analysis. That sort of thing I have but it was locked down pretty fast in the aftermath of New York due to the Coulson connection.

And then I have a transfer authorized by Alexander Pierce to Ryan Hadley. I'm not sure where he was in AUG12. You'll need to ask someone who is active SHIELD for that.

But check my cloud. It's the Stark drive. See if any characteristics might help with tracking.

Also, check the Resilient folder if you want to see something fun.

May. 18th, 2015


So, if there's one thing I think I'm starting to figure out, it's the the Universe I end up in doesn't really seem to matter. It's always busy and sure to be interesting.

[Filtered to the adults among his friends]

I'm also thinking it's high time we assemble for something other than strange crises and world saving. Thinking I may head out on the town, find myself a table and something cold to drink. Company's more than welcome.

May. 1st, 2015


[Filtered to Pinky Pinkerton]
Sunday at Eight.

Got time for me?

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