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Feb. 9th, 2015



Don't ever try to prank me again.

[ooc: So May finally got them back. Some way really dirty and awful where they literally got dirty some way. I'm not sure since I'm bad at figuring out pranks but say they all ended up covered in gross stuff. And she's Not. Happy]

Jan. 28th, 2015


Who: Leo Fitz
When: After THIS
Where: Room 108
What: Preparing to go back in the field for the first time since he was hurt
Rating: Low

Hoping against hope that this wouldn't end up being a mistake. )
Tags: ,

Jan. 25th, 2015



Change of plans. Everyone suit up, we're going to Oregon to take back the Needle. Strategy meeting when you all get here. Don't be late. We leave in twenty minutes.


network post: rose hathaway

If someone could just go turn off the sun, that'd be great.

Ow Why did I think that was a good idea


Filtered to Team Tahiti

I want to help. Is, is there anything I can do to help?


Do you think May noticed? She hasn't said anything.

Jan. 15th, 2015


Never a dull moment around here.

Has anyone else noticed that most of the people talking about glowing during the blackout are also talking about having crazy new powers or is it just me?

Posted via Journaler.

Jan. 10th, 2015



I have to be gone for a couple of days. Personal business. Don't break anything or kill anyone while I'm gone.

Jan. 1st, 2015


I think I'd forgotten this ...uh..thing even existed.

So, umm, new people. Hi, I'm Fitz. I'm a native, I work for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Alright, I think that's all the..uh..important bits.

Oct. 17th, 2014


Filter: Leo Fitz
Hey, man. I'm Sam Wilson. I'm aware that Agent Weaver has talked to you about some talk sessions with me, but I thought I'd introduce myself and get the ball rolling on that. Assuming you're still good on going ahead with this?

Oct. 5th, 2014


Hello, Refugees, Residents of Potts Tower & Stark Network Affiliates!
Fitz and I have now, officially, moved into Potts Tower. We've got all the boxes and things in order and lots of unpacking to do but we're absolutely here. And very much looking forward to getting better acquainted with everyone.

Um, also, in a week or two we will be getting a monkey. So if you like monkeys, that's good for you, if you don't like monkeys, you can consider this your official monkey warning.

But I will say that Monkey Helpers assures me that she will be a very polite and well-behaved monkey, so I do hope that that might put any of your monkey fears at ease. If it does not, then I do suggest you look up the Ricky Gervais podcast for Karl Pilkington's monkey news.

And apologies to the Doctor in advance, if she does attempt to steal any of your pocket bananas.

Oct. 1st, 2014


[Mr. Sam Wilson]

Given that you've resumed operations in New York City, I was wondering if I could ask for your assistance with a matter.


How is today treating you?

Sep. 30th, 2014


Filter to Sharon Carter (MCU)
You got anything going on this weekend?

Filter Fitz and Simmons
Hey Fitz, they clear you to do fun things yet? Regardless of when you do, consider this a standing invitation for both of you to take advantage of my mom's home cooking in DC. I'm heading there this weekend. She's a nurse and she's worked in trauma and the neurological icu before, so if that's a concern, it shouldn't be a big one. And your monkey friend's welcome, too.

Sep. 27th, 2014


Who: Anne Weaver and Leo Fitz
When: Backdated to 9/15
Where: The hospital
What: Anne promised her protege oreos. Anne keeps her promises.
Rating: Talk of injuries and recovery.

That nightmare of a woman’s gone, right? )

Sep. 15th, 2014



Most of our resources are being used in the fight against HYDRA, which is what they should be.

However since we are spread across the globe currently, if any of you overseas hear word of 084's in your area that might be in need of help, SHIELD exists to help them as well as destroy HYDRA. SWORD is attempting, as are the Avengers, but they don't have the experience that SHIELD did in this. I'm sure we are all aware of how people react when someone is different. And it is very rarely pleasant.

[Ororo Munroe]

I know that we have had very little reason to speak previously. And we are not terribly familiar with one another.

My name is Dr. Anne Weaver. I'm a former agent of SHIELD and my area of operation prior to removal from the field was dealing with what we tasked as 084's, incidents of unknown origin. Often these incidents would involve people with unknown abilities who lacked the ability to control them. My job was to help hide them, to keep people from seeking them out to using them and to keep the local populace from reacting poorly to the presence.

As Mr. Stark has pointed out, these incidents have risen to a previously unmatched degree. And those are just publicly recorded incidents. It's unpleasant to think how many have happened and have disappeared before they could be reported on.

It's my understanding you have some experience with finding and helping these sorts of individuals with limited resources. I truly believed in SHIELD's mission to help and protect these people, despite HYDRA's corruption of that ideal. Without SHIELD or a similar agency in place though, our global reach is severely diminished. And I was hoping that you had similar concerns and we might be able to pool our experience for the greater good.

Not that I don't have the utmost faith in the Avengers. But their previous experience has mostly involved punching their problems until they go away.


How is today treating you?

Sep. 3rd, 2014


I was told textinmg might be the bestthing for rebuilding U U' I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 30.

Jul. 15th, 2014


Who: Leo Fitz
When: July 15th
Where: Whothehellknows which is part of Themiddleoftheocean
What: So, basically, Fitz has some time to process how much longer he has to live.
Rating: Low!

The water rose higher against the glass. )
Tags: ,

Jul. 10th, 2014


The vending machine's out of pretzels again.

And given everything so far, I think I have a working theory about Ward.

Jul. 6th, 2014


Secure Filter to Coulson, Fitz, Simmons
Simmons and I are just now leaving Audrey. She's agreed to lend us a hand and will be at the concert hall at 2 for her regular practice time. She told us that he usually showed up about five minutes into her rehearsals, so we'll look for him soon after.

Fitz, you good on all the little bits you need for this? Need us to pick anything up? We still got a few hours before we get Audrey to you, and this standing still is a pain.

Simmons, anything else we need that you know of?

Jun. 30th, 2014


I was thinking Would you Would you say a packet of information documents would trump a flash drive? Considering that it's the information on it that's more important than what it's stored on. No one but the person holding the packet would have that information. In theory.

Jun. 29th, 2014


Filter to Team Tahiti
Ordering Chinese, what does everyone want?

Filter to Sharon Carter (MCU)
Things going okay?

You know, I do not even get the World Cup. It's like a bunch of guys just running around on a field, then biting like four year olds.

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