July 2016




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Mar. 2nd, 2015



It's no Buzzfeed quiz but if you like to read, it's useful.

Feb. 28th, 2015


I'd say this fits my life, but my mother is the one who needs the coffee IV. I've gone to grab a cup at home many times and find it all gone. At least I'm still guaranteed a free cup of coffee for a few more months if mom comes back.

Feb. 23rd, 2015


Filter: Zed Martin
So I ended up disappearing for a bit in another pocket universe or something for about a day. But I'm back now. What do you say about me trying to reach out to the magic community about the possibility of a healer?

Filter: Jess Mariano
Guess where I went.

Filter: Penelope Featherington
You know, some of the dresses were pretty. Just some.

Feb. 7th, 2015


Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

A reminder, for anyone who is interested, that there is a book club that meets in the Stark Room of Sam's Bar & Grill every other Tuesday night. This coming Tuesday is our first meeting for this month and there is still time if you are interested, to get involved. This month's book is The Empathy Exams By Anthony Doerr and we'll be discussing the first half. If you need a copy, I can hook you up with a copy from NYPL.

[Filter: RSTF]
As you all know by this point, Zoe Sage was bitten by something last week during the full moon. At this point it is somewhat unclear exactly what, but I know where all of our minds are jumping and from the description she and Angel have provided it is certainly a possibility.

Those of you who have werewolf expertise in your particular worlds - let's talk about what the options are and see if any of them might match with what Angel and Zoe saw. Sydney, I suspect you are already doing so - but if you can help us by keeping a close eye on Zoe and let us know of any changes to the bite or to Zoe herself, that would be incredibly helpful.

If it is a werewolf, there's a possibility we won't know this for a month, but it does lead to the question of what kind, from what world, and how many we are dealing with. We already have vampires from multiple worlds in this city - and likely further abroad at this point - so a werewolf opens up new potential difficulties.

Until we know exactly what we're dealing with we should be cautious in drawing conclusions as much as is possible. If we draw conclusions too quickly we may miss what it actually is.

[Filter: Lilah]
I'm sorry I've been out so much recently, but I've missed you and I'd like to remedy that with dinner if you're willing.

Feb. 3rd, 2015


Filter: Friends
Hi, everyone! So most of you might know that I'll be turning 17 on Saturday! YAY, ME! Well Usagi and I talked, and we're throwing a party on Saturday to celebrate! They'll be snacks, but feel free to bring something, and of course CAKE! Gifts aren't required, but you presence is! Really, if you can't make it, I understand. They'll be music, probably some boardgames and dancing. I hope you all can make it!

[ooc: it's violet so srs, if she's talked to you, you're most likely a friend.]

Feb. 1st, 2015


Guess which one I am.

Jan. 24th, 2015


I grew up in Beacon Hills, California (which doesn't exist here, but I guess.. think of Sunnydale) and even though there were some pretty low temperatures, the average was about 40-50. Snow? Once in a blue moon experience.. although the last time I saw snow was a trick played by a.. supernatural being called the nogitsune and it wasn't even cold.

And then I walk out of a late class and there's snow again. Real snow, of course. I'm still waiting for myself to get used to the cold winters in NYC but apparently, residents of NYC are still not used to it so there's no hope for me.


[Filtered to Advising Group Charlie*]
(*Flash Thompson, Daniel Rand, Luke Cage, Ava Ayala, Jess Mariano)

I hope the new semester is going well for all of you so far. As those of you who are taking them already know, the January Regents exams are coming up next week! I'd like to offer myself if you have any last-minute questions or concerns. Be sure to get plenty of sleep the night before any tests you have scheduled, and eat a good breakfast in the morning to fuel yourself. But also remember that these tests, while important, do not define you or your academic success. So try not to stress too much. If something goes drastically wrong, you'll have another opportunity in June.

I also want to meet with each of you individually at some point within the next month to discuss your plans beyond this semester. If you're continuing with the ESD, we can take a look at your course options for next year. If you're graduating, let's talk about what comes next for you. No matter where you are in your academic career, planning for the future is vital. It doesn't mean you can't change your mind later as your interests evolve, but it gives you something to work toward for now. Please let me know what your schedule looks like in February so we can set a time to sit down together.

Jan. 21st, 2015


"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart." - William Wordsworth

There is a list here of great literary quotes. Does anyone else have a favorite?

Jan. 22nd, 2015


It seems that Aziraphale is gone. To those who knew him, I am terribly sorry.

I had planned to keep A-Z Books open as best as I can but would anybody know how I could go about running it permanently? I find I'm quite enjoying it.

Jan. 19th, 2015


Coffee Table: 1 Lilly Kane: 0

Why couldn't I have gotten some cool superpower? Or at least done the cool glowy thing? A nightlight would have come in way handy when I was stumbling around in the dark.

And this bruise is really gross looking


Filter: Friends
If anymore Tolkien characters show up, I might cry from pure happiness.

Jan. 13th, 2015


[Violet & Jess]

Looks like Jess has a face twin now.

Jan. 12th, 2015


Okay, so teleporting to a new dimension is pretty crazy, but have you guys seen all the new menu items at Taco Bell? What the hell's a crunchwrap slider? I don't know but it looked good. And everything is improved, too. People are holding phones that you can touch with just your finger, no stylus needed! People thought I was crazy when I stared in awe at some of the features technology can do now. I feel so out of touch, it's embarrassing.

Anyways, hi, I'm Peter. I suppose I'm one of you guys now?

Jan. 7th, 2015


Johnny, Elsa & Anna are gone.

This day sucks.

Dec. 31st, 2014


11 Hangover Cures & Myths

1. Water
2. Toast or Crackers
3. Pain Medication (NSAIDs, e.g, aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen)
4. Exercise
5. Sex

Happy New Year.

Dec. 30th, 2014


Filtered to Bonnie & Caroline )

So, the ball dropping, worth seeing in person? Or over hyped?

Dec. 29th, 2014


I understand that it's also customary to have a party for New Year's. I've...never really had a party before Christmas, but I enjoyed our party.

Rory, would you like to have another celebration for New Year's?

Dec. 18th, 2014


[Friends of Rory & Mikasa]

Sorry for the late notice of this, but you all are invited to a Christmas party Monday evening. I thought it could be a nice way to start of Christmas break too.

You don't have to wear an ugly sweater, but if you do there might be an ugly sweater contest. There will also be food and you are welcome to bring something too.

Dec. 12th, 2014


-- Apparently I had a visit from the book fairy.

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