July 2016




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May. 4th, 2016


Are there any people here that could make me a vampire that can walk in the sun like Caroline? If not, I guess I can deal with no sunlight. Invest in some sunglasses.

Or any werewolves that want to nibble my ankles?

I want to be one with the night!

May. 3rd, 2016


All this election news is really making me miss Indiana.

But it's about time it has its political moment.

May. 1st, 2016


network post: caroline forbes

Ooooooooh my God have you been outside? If you haven't, you should really go outside. It's so preeeeeetty. I made a flower crown, and you cannot even tell I picked any flowers. So many!!! Flower crowns for everyone.

Apr. 30th, 2016


I'm beginning to think that while the Republicans were trying to come up with solutions to the current job crisis, they watched Portlandia and thought, you know what? That sounds like the job America needs right now.

Apr. 24th, 2016


How exciting are these primary results? A write-in candidate getting actual percentage points levels of votes! Maybe a run for city council's not out of the question.

Unless that means online voting didn't actually work. But that's silly, right?

Apr. 17th, 2016


Remember if you haven't already. Taxes are due tomorrow at midnight!!!

And Tuesday, we have the New York Primary. Because of the whole, dinosaur thing, they've set up an online portal you can use your State ID on (assuming you already registered to vote)!

Could there be a week with more civic pride?

Apr. 10th, 2016


Little Shop of Horrors Prop Crew,

I humbly request that you give me Audrey II.

If this request is denied, I will ride a dinosaur into where ever you're keeping it and get it myself.

Mrs. Janet Snakehole

ps Where are you keeping it.

Also hey Leslie, do you want to make a flower crown for my steed?

Apr. 11th, 2016


The dogs are very confused about this. Including about why I will not take them off the leash when everything looks like a park, but they would probably try to chase something and get beaten up.

Are they still trying to evacuate?

I miss Betsy.

Apr. 9th, 2016


The show was amazing! Everyone did an awesome job, and I didn't get stage fright! Thank you to everyone that came and watched!


To the cast and crew of Little Shop, I'm so proud of everybody. The production was fabulous, and I enjoyed working with every one of you. Plus, Audrey II didn't come to life and eat anybody for real, which is a big plus.

I'm going out of town for a while. The Tesseract took back Wanda. Wanda Maximoff, from my universe. We were dating for over seven months. She left a couple days ago. I didn't say anything before, because 'the show must go on', but I'm not in the best headspace right now. I was going to take her to Paris once Little Shop was over, to make up for barely giving her any attention these past few weeks. I was busy directing. And now she's gone.

I want to go to Paris, the way we planned. In her memory. Maybe spend some time in Germany. I'm going to miss her, I'm going to miss the relationship we had. She was always worried that she wouldn't be accepted, because of her past in our universe. I hope I managed to make her feel loved while she was here.

I'm not sure when I'll be back. Probably later this month.

Mar. 23rd, 2016


Tonight's a full moon.

I wish I was a werewolf.

Mar. 1st, 2016


I hope everyone else is as excited as I am! We're less than an hour out from polls starting to close for SUPER TUESDAY!

For those of you who aren't from around here, Super Tuesday is practically the most important day in the Democratic and Republican Primaries where 12 states (and America Samoa) are voting on who they want. Over half the necessary delegates for the Republican candidate and over a third for the Democratic race are up for grabs!

So I'm having a watch party in Room 210. Anyone who wants to can come. I've got recipes from every state voting, red and blue cupcakes, and the Ruth Bader Gingsburg coloring book. Come early and fill out your predictions! Just like the Oscars, only with less Joe Biden. Unless we're lucky!!

Feb. 9th, 2016


image, no filter )

Feb. 4th, 2016


network post: alistair theirin

So I didn't lose my shadow. I know exactly where it is. But it's stuck. And not to me.


In affiliation with Educational Services Division (ESD)

Directed by Kurt Wagner


Monday, February 22th - 6:00 - 9:00 pm
at the Tower Gymnasium.
Come prepared to sing a song from the show and to familiarize yourself with one or more of the scenes. Contact me for scene clips and MP3 samples for practice purposes.
Characters Needed )

Also needed: backstage crew, sound crew, lighting crew, props, costumes.

ETA: If you don't know your vocal range, contact me to set up an appointment and I'll test you.

Inquires and questions may be made to this post, or to me, privately. Thank you, and break a leg!

Feb. 3rd, 2016


I don't have a shadow.

I'm a vampire.

Feb. 1st, 2016


This is so exciting! A new month, yes, but tonight are the IOWA CAUCUSES, people. I've been baking all weekend in preparation. It's still a few hours off, but all the pre-analysis is just getting me anyone who wants to see democracy in action the party is kicking off on the 13th floor!

Jan. 30th, 2016


So, we couldn't get Hamilton, which is a bummer, but I didn't think it would happen, anyway.

Instead, the ESD will be putting on Little Shop of Horrors! Keep an eye out for the audition announcement, next month.

We're going to be doing something a little bit different in this production. Instead of having Audry II be a puppet with a voice actor off-stage, the plant is going to open up, and out will step Audry II as an actress in a seductress role to sing and interact with Seymour, wearing a plant-inspired outfit.

Jan. 21st, 2016


network post: alistair theirin

The little dogs have coats, just like us. But it's the large ones, the full fluffy ones, that truly love the snow. I wonder how hot they are the rest of the time.

Filter: Thedas
Comrades, strangers, by royal decree I invite you all to a Thedan snowball fight in their largest park. This weekend, it shall be. And we shall all drink warmly afterward. What say you?


Alternate Universe.

Does this mean I have a doppelgänger? Do I have to kill them, Highlander-style?

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