July 2016




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Aug. 4th, 2014


Filter: Pack
Hi! I know I haven't been around lately because of Comic-Con, but I think we should all get together soon. Supermoon will be on the 10th, have we made any final plans for our trip?

Filter: Snow & Emma
Ladies, I think we need a night out sometime this week. What do you say? Also, when fans tell you to look up your character on Tumblr, don't listen to them. I never felt so awkward in my life, and I have done a lot of awkward things.

Jul. 21st, 2014


Here I was getting a little jealous that I haven't received any special gifts. Only to find yesterday morning that I had my red cloak across my nightstand. Not that I'll need it but it's something from home.

Filtered: Remus Lupin
I'm having a thought. I wonder what the chances are of my cloak working on other werewolves. It prevented me from turning into a wolf back home. Not that I knew that at the time so normally it came off. Still, do you want to be the first to try it out?

Jul. 19th, 2014


I haven't had any weird dreams or gotten anything from them yet. Then again, Hope keeps waking me up so I haven't slept a lot. Should I consider myself lucky?

Jul. 14th, 2014


So did everyone enjoy the supermoon this month? If you missed it, that's okay! Turns out you have two more chances to see one this year! August 10th and September 9th. Plan accordingly. Nothing says romance like a beautiful full moon, right?

And now my brain that's adjusted to modern living understands the joke, but I did not mean it in that way. Just so we're clear.

Jul. 8th, 2014



We should camp or something this weekend before the full moon hits. Could be fun.

Jul. 5th, 2014


I've never felt more like an old woman than I do today. Why, you ask? Well, because I spent the entire day in a nightgown, knitting, watching daytime TV - soap operas included - and wondering if I should start extreme couponing so I can save a little money. These are things a mother of three does. If I start saying darling or dear, someone send help immediately.

Jul. 4th, 2014


Ugh got caught out in the snow and now I'll probably get sick. It was fun the first time but now it's just getting ridiculous.

Jul. 2nd, 2014


Baking Club

So there's a thing coming up and Anne is wondering if we can make some stuff for the concessions. I told her I'd see with all of you and get back to her. Thoughts?


I feel that this is as good a day as any to bring the Youth Center's summer plans to everyone else! I'm particularly excited, because it really isn't summer for me without a concert or two to look forward to. Now, this came up in the meetings, so I am going to explain. My idea of a concert and YOUR idea of a concert might be different. To me, it is several people entertaining by reciting poems and stories, singing, and any other sort of talent that is to offer. It's very similar to a variety show, I understand. And that's what we will be doing! A variety show, with the proceeds to go to the Potts Tower Youth Center, to fund our activities this fall and into the new year.

The children have had several days to choose what they will be doing, but now I give it to you, Potts Tower. Which of your has a talent that you are willing to showcase for the benefit of the Youth Center?

The Pride Parade was one of those experiences that I think that everyone should experience at least once. I was warned that it would be shocking, but once over that it was, quite frankly, an amazing experience, and one that I look forward to next year.

Filter to Steve
You remember when you volunteered to do some art things for the youth center? There is one scheduled for the 23rd of this month, and its yours if you want it.

I should have asked his a long time ago, but what do you want for your birthday?

Filter to adult female friends
I feel like I'm actually an old woman, staying in most nights with a book or one of the shows I've discovered on Netflix, and I feel like I need to change this. After all, I am still relatively young.


Signed up for some cooking classes. Those should be fun.

Jun. 29th, 2014


You know, not that I'm ever going to be sad about not dying, but I was kind of in the middle of something. This is probably the better alternative, even though it is New York.

I'm River Song, Archaeology Professor let's just underplay the fact that I'm also a time traveler. Good job, River. This day is giving me a fucking migraine. and all around frustrating person to be around, if the people I know and love are correct, which they probably are.

Jun. 28th, 2014


Anyone with source material here they can look up or watch... ever looked at what happened after the point at which you remember things and just thought that it was a relief to be here?

On a fairly related note, this is surprisingly the first time I'm finding out that you can have were-somethingelsebesideswolves. Anyone else who deals with the supernatural ever dealt with a were-coyote or were-jaguar?

Jun. 26th, 2014


[ Jack ]

So you and Elsa, huh? Are you having like a snowgasm? ;)

Jun. 25th, 2014


I wish to thank the kind people in Asgard, and then those at Stark Industries for their patience with my questions. And I would also like to apologize, for my heedless actions upon my arrival in Asgard. Your understanding does you credit. Thank you.

I was told that I should introduce myself. I am Elsa, Queen of Arendelle. I've been told that she isn't here, but I can't help but ask -- is my sister here? Anna?

Jun. 22nd, 2014


I'm not going anywhere, in case anyone was worried about the status of the bar. The last week's fucked up my profits for this month, but the best way I can think to give anyone who doesn't want us here a big fuck you is to stay put. This is where I put my roots down here, and this is where I'm going to stay. This is home, and we've got a strong community here, for better or worse. I'm not giving up on what we've got here, or we could have here.

As long as I'm here, the bar'll be too, and jobs for whoever wants one.



So I dug that tracker thing out of my arm myself because fuck that. Need bandage. I don't heal quick like you guys do.


Quite the show you put on today. You need to do it again sometime.

Jun. 21st, 2014


I've been feeling a bit restless this past week. I know I'm just homesick, and there's not much I can do about it now. But I was thinking about taking a camping trip once I get my schedule worked out. I think it'll be good to get out of the city for a while. I knew I'd mist the forest, but I never imagined I would actually miss Storybrooke. If only my Gran could read that, I can very easily imagine some sort of "I told you so." look. It's almost a trademark of hers.

Jun. 13th, 2014


Strange request, but does anyone have any experience delivering babies?


If there's one thing I've learned about being out on my own, it's that running is always an option. If you guys didn't hear those gunshots, you probably read about them. Angry protesters. Heroes being declared fugitives. Bad stuff is happening here and I don't think it's safe for me or the baby. I'm packing my stuff up right now and heading out to Serenity ranch tonight. If any of you want to carpool with me after tonight's full moon, I don't mind taking you. In fact, I'd love the company. That's up to you guys, though. If you are staying, just be safe. I just... Now's not the time for all of this messiness.

Jun. 12th, 2014



Hey roomie. You coming with us tomorrow?


Yo. We should hangout again this weekend.


Who: Remus and Erin
When: Thursday the 12th, around dinner time
Where: Erin's apartment.
What: Remus brings Erin a rootbeer float
Rating: Low, totally low

With a small carton of vanilla ice cream and two cans of root beer, Remus had his hands full. But he knocked on her door anyway. )

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