July 2016




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May. 21st, 2013


Has anyone seen Reyna?

May. 15th, 2013


I want to try zip-ziplining. It looks really brilliant!

May. 12th, 2013


Does anyone else have a completely okay relationship with their parents? Because I'm beginning to think that the Tesseract is attracted to people with mommy issues. (Winchester, add this to your weird little study.)


Controversial opinion: mothers should only get credit if they actually do something for you. You know, teach you things.

Mine gave me a gift once, and other than that, I've never even met her.

Filtered to: Piper

Can we talk?


Network Post; Eragon

Today is a day for Mothers. I do not know my own mother. I have heard very little of her, as she left me when I was very young with my uncle. I saw how other mothers treated their own children, and while it was a hard life in our village - they still cared for them.

I hope one day, I will learn more about her. And my father.

May. 10th, 2013


Filter: Lancelot
I have located us a place to hold a late May Day celebration, in the Catskills up north a wee bit! I feel a vacation for us all would be nice.

Filter: REYNA
Roomie! I haven't seen you much! Blame work, I'm sorry.

I am ever thankful this job is more interesting than mine at home.

How are you feeling?

May. 6th, 2013


Does anyone who has been aged up or down require any assistance?

Apr. 28th, 2013


How about one more post about the prom? YEAH, LET'S HAVE ONE MORE.

My name is Bobby. I don't have a date yet. Have some facts about me:

2. I'm even using vaguely proper grammar right now. Isn't that alluring?
3. Also I can freeze things WITH MY MIND.

Ladies who are 16 or older, in need of some coolness to counteract their hotness, and are single so I don't have a guy 10 times my size shoving my head in a toilet when they find out? Hi. Hey. I'm awesome company.

Apr. 27th, 2013


I know there's a Society of Displaced Rebels Against Kings and Rulers around here, which ain't exactly what I'm looking for. Let's see if I can phrase this right. I ain't knocking it. But I'd like to start a group that's more me? Displaced Military something something?

Meaning, I ain't a rebel. I do as I'm told, even if they turn out to be things I ain't ever gonna be proud of. There ain't an officer out there who's got some regrets about something in their military careers. Some even got more than just a few. Reckon you just learn to live with it. But yes, I do as I'm told. Mostly. I improvise a lot, okay? I got a list of medals, ribbons and recommendations that's longer than my forearm. I salute the flag. When the National Anthem comes up, I stand up. I always stood up, regardless of whether I was bedridden or in a wheelchair. That's how I rolled. Literally, once upon a time. And yes, my doctors gave me some serious side eye for even trying.

I've just come from an alternate timeline where I was stranded, basically in a witness program where I was forbidden to rejoin the military, fly anything or even talk about my experiences in Stargate. I ain't gonna do that again. I flat out refuse.

And I miss my job. My original timeline. Because. It's normal.

Pft,they're just looking at me funny because we got beat up. But we WON!

But I know I'm not alone.

And if this just turns out as a group where we war veterans just talk about our experiences, that's okay too.

Apr. 26th, 2013


Hazmat and I were kinda talking about some of this stuff, so there are things I want to check off my bucket list next week:
☮ Take the Slavery and Underground Railroad Tour
☮ Build model RC plane
☮ Make more paper cranes (45/1000. This is really hard for big hands and really freaking frustrating!)
☮ Visit Niagra Falls (think they'd let me do a cannonball from the top?!)
☮ Make some story stones and leave them in Central Park
☮ Welcome home the troops
☮ Do some awesome food challenges and WIN!
☮ Get a tattoo (or really sweet tribal vinyl sticker per Hazmat's suggestion)
☮ Water balloon fight!
Other stuff to do )

Apr. 25th, 2013


Network Post; Eragon

My name is Eragon.

I come from a land that the people wearing uniforms says does not exist, and yet they recognized me. One remarked that I had been here before. I have been given my old belongings in a box. There are items here that look like clothing and yet look nothing that I would wear.

I am sharing a home with someone named Peter Pettigrew.

To anyone who knew me, hello.

Mar. 29th, 2013


Who: Reyna and Eragon
When: Wednesday, March 13
Where: Some clothing store
What: Eragon is confused about modern fashion. Reyna helps.
Rating: PG

If you think purchasing clothes for yourself is torture, be grateful you are not a woman )
Tags: , ,

Mar. 24th, 2013


Don't feel bad if you got your ass handed to you by a twelve year old. Not even if you're a fucking JEDI or you have SPIDER-SENSE.


Kidding, you should totally feel bad. Completely and utterly ashamed. I even had the time and energy to go out and smack around some bullies yesterday.

This is how embarrassed you should be.

Mar. 20th, 2013


[Filtered to Kara/Peej]
So it's not catching muggers on my lunch break or anything, but I did work with four others to stop a bank robbery yesterday. I've never been part of a team before, so there were a few mistakes, but in the end no one was hurt and the police took all of the robbers into custody. A win for the good guys.

I ended up calling it a night after all of the questions and reports (so much paperwork, why?) and I just remembered today that I never even finished what I was in the bank for in the first place. It took a small loan, but you're looking at the proud owner of a '76 Herreshoff Nereia. She's old, but I didn't want some fancy plastic-looking white boat.

I've got a little hibachi grill and the night off if you're bored and want to see what sailing is like.
[End Filter]

So... any sailing enthusiasts out there, by chance?

Mar. 16th, 2013


To: Peggy Carter
cc: Deirdre Barimen
From: Reyna
Subject: Change of Accommodations

You have 1 new message )
Tags: ,

Mar. 12th, 2013


Cut for video of an ice-climber who falls 100 feet )

In our ice climbing course, we are taught what to do if we slip or fall, but even so, teaching can only go so far. The rest depends on training and experience - and solid ice to stab an axe into. Given my relative inexperience with climbing, I think it's a good decision to move to other activities now that the weather is growing warmer.

[Filtered to Eärendil]
Thank you for the sailing lesson this morning. It has been a long time since I have had the chance to be on the deck of a ship. It reminded me much of the home I had as a child.

[Filtered to Deirdre]
I've given more thought to what we discussed this weekend, and my sentiment still stands. I am not used to living on my own, so if you are still interested, perhaps we can put in a request to move into an apartment we can share.


There has been many times when I read the network and I feel agreement stirring in my soul. There are times that I cannot believe I am here and I cannot return. My Pattern will not allow me to return home but it functions almost normally otherwise. I am loathe to admit that I cannot figure out why. I have never been to another world that I cannot return home from. Even when I was lost among the out lying lands of Chaos, I knew I could Hellride home - it would just take longer to get there. I tried again, today. To Hellride home and I couldn't even shift a damn flower.

For someone who is so used to just focusing their mind and changing the world around them - it's extremely depressing to find myself unable to change even the smallest things. I also may have given myself the biggest migraine of my life trying. Then I read the entries about change - about aging or not - and part of me agrees. It's hard to look at the world around me and adapt to the fact it's not my world. Some days I take it for granted that, generally speaking, I'll live forever. Of course that's not entirely true - I get thrown into the Abyss back home. Which isn't certain death, but it can be. Chaos is not a friendly place, after all. There are many creatures in the Abyss who feed on me and my kind. But I may survive it - who knows. But generally speaking, I have relatives that are thousands of years old. Then again I think they cheated - we can move between realms where time flows differently - but I digress.

Some days I find it hard to adapt here. Not only am I the warrior princess of my family used to war and fighting, not so much down time, but here I am looked at as a woman - a weaker sex. Back home our biggest issue was that us women could not rule the kingdom - but it didn't bother me because I never WANTED that. But here? I see women treated poorly. I don't understand it. I don't get it but I don't blame people. Each culture has it's own idiosyncrasies. I just hope I can adapt enough to survive here, but never lose who I am.

There might have been a point to this but I can't remember it. I suppose it was more about rambling and letting all the things in my head out for once.

Cut and Filtered to Reyna )


Would anyone like to learn how to sail?

Mar. 4th, 2013


I'm going to New Orleans this weekend. I've never been, but I feel like I should. I leave on Thursday and return Sunday. I feel like I need to. Just to see it and feel closer to Hazel


Filtered to Deirdre, Jason and Lancelot

The weather grows warmer. We'd better go up to the mountain before the ice begins to melt. This weekend?

Jason, do you have a tent? If not I can go buy one with you, or you can share one of ours.

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