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Apr. 12th, 2013


I find that I must once again ask for explanation.

"This necromancer, did he have six fingers on his left hand?"

"Never go in against a Númenórean when death is on the line."

What is meant by this?

Apr. 3rd, 2013


I think it would be fun to sneeze. Or have a hangover. Or even vomit.

Apr. 1st, 2013


[Text messages to Fingon]
» I think I need to be closer to my brother.
» If he is not reminded to eat he won't.
» Tch! I trade one for the other.
» But this stress is one I gladly accept.

sometime later

[Text to Legolas]
» Aiya Legolas!
» I have need of you.


my brother showed me how to use this

but it is very strange and I am not good at things like this

are there people out there

where are you

why do we simply not meet and speak instead of using such things

i am makalaure


Mar. 25th, 2013



And that's what saved middle earth.


As my dear friend was busy today, I went to a movie, and saw a movie called The Lorax. I was rather intrigued at the idea, and went to the bookstore to find the book upon which it was based.

I cannot help but wonder if this creature, this Lorax is simply an Ent re-imagined.

Cut for image )

This is nothing like what an Ent looks like, but it is the same sort of thing one would say.

Mar. 18th, 2013


Dying of grief seems to take quite some time.

Mar. 10th, 2013


[To the Tolkien Elves; Backdated to 3/8]

I have been invited to spend the next several days with Lady Thalia and her companion. If you have need of me during this time, please do not hesitate to inform me of such. We will be returning to the city after the week's end.

Mar. 7th, 2013


I saw...The Hobbit in the theater today while my friend was helping his dad in the smithy.

Hobbits and Dwarves are silly little creatures, aren't they?

And who was the Elven King who refused to help the Dwarves? Seemed quite wise, to me.

Mar. 6th, 2013


It's rather strange, sitting in front of this screen and writing something in the hope that someone reads it - but this is what they told me I should do, and that it is a common way of communicating in this world. And I suppose it's no more strange than using the palantirs - not that I tried them much.

So if anyone really reads this - this is Galadriel speaking, Galadriel of the Golden Wood. If there's anyone from Middle-earth out there, I'd like to get in touch.

Oh, and some of you would know me better as Artanis. That's what I used until Celeborn named me Galadriel.

Mar. 4th, 2013


Text message to Legolas

» Wanna go camping this weekend?
» It's with me and Diana

Mar. 3rd, 2013


I do not understand.


Gi suilon!

I have been speaking to my cousin, and I have decided that, in order to attempt to understand how Men live, and not stand out from them any more than I must, I am going to cut my hair short, human-style.

But instead of just cutting it on my own, I should like to attempt to raise donations for charity. So...I suppose humans do it this way - if I reach $500 - which will be donated to the Youth Center, no strings attached - I shall cut my hair short.

Mar. 2nd, 2013


As my cousin stated yesterday, spring is at last in the air. And it disturbs me to see so many people worrying about their deaths and dying at such a time. I understand that for Men, Death is often a preoccupation in its speed and inevitability, but I should think that at such a time as this, time could be better spent in the making of life.

I suppose that human children are made and grown in the same way as elven children, and are as precious to their parents. Are there those of you here who are planning to have children soon? Or is this something you try to prevent as much as possible?

I know my people do not have children in times of war or strife - is this true for Men as well? I fear that if they did this, with the shortness of their lives, there would be no men left at all.

Mar. 1st, 2013


So I'm disappointed I didn't get my act together fast enough to get a hunting license during actual hunting season, but maybe it's for the best. After hunting chimera and giants, I don't know if I'd have much fun with deer. And I'd need someone over 18 to supervise me, which is kinda silly.

Still need a reliable way to get to the parks. Getting a car is so expensive here.

[Filtered to Youth Center Staff]
If you haven't already gotten a nutritious breakfast today, I put cupcakes in the lunch room. There was a buy one dozen, get two groupon. I couldn't resist.

Feb. 25th, 2013


Nai! Aica umbar!

What have you done to the sea?!

Feb. 21st, 2013


Sometimes I wander about somewhere public, doing something on my own. Usually I watch people and only because they do the silliest things and it's occasionally funny enough to laugh about.

But I was walking the other day--Sunday actually--near the East River up toward Long Island Sound. I wanted to hear the Sound of a Long Island, after all. And I saw the damnedest creature. I suppose it wasn't so queer since I have indeed seen such a thing before.

But it was a tiny creature, no larger than four feet tall. He looked rather blue, and not because some unfortunate issue with asphyxiation. But blue in terms of emotion and feeling. And so I said to him, 'Dear Hobbit! What on Eru's green earth has gotten you so upset? Why have you come so far from your Hobbit hole?'

I'll not repeat the things he said to me in turn, as they were rather vulgar. But I find it so odd that a Hobbit would speak so ill. I had no idea they had the mind to stem together any such complex sentences, let alone insults that aren't about food in nature.

And anyway, once he insisted he was in fact a dwarf I told him he not look like one. Aren't all dwarves short and fat with beards that grow for miles? By then we had drawn a small crowd and I felt it necessary to depart.

People are so emotional. And they experience all the wrong emotions for all the wrong reasons.

Feb. 16th, 2013


It is strange to see Aragorn take the Paths of the Dead without the Dúnedain, and yet, had that been his fate, I do not believe he would have turned from it. Still, I do not wholly understand why the tale has been told in this manner. What benefit does it serve to remove Aragorn's kin from the recounting of the deeds done during the war?

[ooc: Possible lags/backdating in this post on the part of yours truly. Wanted to post while ROTK is on TV.]

Feb. 10th, 2013


Who: Legolas & Turgon
What: Discussions of an elvish sort.
Where: Potts Tower, #2302
When: Now.
Warnings | Status: TBD | in progress

Read more... )


Ai, look what I came across.

Cut, not Filtered )

How...how does this artist know what she looks like?

It is her; my love, my life. My heart breaks in yearning, and yet I cannot stop looking.

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