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Apr. 4th, 2014


[Filtered to Peggy Carter, Sharon Carter, Jeanne Foucault, Jessica Drew + Howard Stark, Beverly Crusher]
Vacation's over, ladies. Not going to bother with an introduction, but I do want to introduce Howard Stark and Beverly Crusher, our MedTech support. Play nice. You all should all have gotten your new assignment and I guess by looking at our team you can all sort out what we're doing here.

I am currently balls deep in red tape, but tomorrow, 0800, we'll take briefing room B to get the formalities out of the way. Everyone clear?
[Filtered to Nick's A-Team]
In case you didn't get the memo, I'm back in town.


They say if you don't watch your team'll do amazing and win. But I've gotta call bullshit because I missed the Elite Eight, and my bracket is shot to hell. Anyone still standing?

[Filtered to Percy Pinkerton]
Guess you were right.
[Filtered to SHIELD Science (Tech, IT, & Biological)]
I'm back.

Not today, but early next week, I want to know where everyone's projects stands, and any equipment, data, or reagents missing since 28JAN2014 that has not yet been returned, damaged equipment needing repair, or problems you're having in your lab. I've cleared my gcal monday and tuesday so pick a time.

You've all been having a picnic the last few months from what I've heard, and the brief I was given says that ends now, we're back down to normal budget and unfortunately, burned through a lot of that. I'll see what I can do in Washington, but no promises.
[Filtered to Jeanne Foucault]
Clear your evening. We have plans.
[Filtered to Bruce Banner]
Hey you,

You like kati right? There is this fantastic food truck I just read is going to be Herald Square. Let me buy you a roll.
[Filtered to SHIELD L7+]
Hey guys Did someone move my Bonavita BV1800TH?

Mar. 29th, 2014


[Filtered to Jeanne Foucault]
Do you feel yourself grow dull the longer you are here?

Mar. 19th, 2014


What was the cause of your chronic rupture of the rectus femoris muscle at the proximal musculotendinous junction?

Mar. 14th, 2014


[Filtered to Daisy Johnson, Natasha Romanova, Bucky Barnes (616), Jessica Drew (616), Sharon Carter, Herc Hansen, Pinky Pinkerton]
Alright, get it out of your systems cause I've got a plan.

Or at least most of one.
[ETA: Filtered to Jeanne Foucault]
Get me profiles on those shadows?

Mar. 6th, 2014


[Encrypted Filter to Finesse]
Hold off on that for now.

[Encrypted Filter to Daisy Johnson]
Those badges you make. They work?

[ETA: Encrypted Filter to Bucky Barnes (616)]
13 says you've got something?

Mar. 5th, 2014


This is incredible. I really need to get my hands on one of these.
In my own universe, I could just go to the Arctic, flash an Avengers ID and get in on the study but my resources are extremely limited here. The breakthrough is entirely worth it and if anyone has any ties to the Russian or French research team involved, I would really like to contact them.

Mar. 3rd, 2014


Who: Jeanne Foucault, Jasper Sitwell
When: Saturday, March 1
Where: IRC. Where the cool kids go.
What: Jeanne has stumbled upon something and manages to contact Sitwell on IRC. What will she do with the encryption keys she's dug up!
Rating: Probably low.

''So we're dropping the cat talk?'' )


If I didn't know better, I might think that locking a man in a box against his will with an giant prehistoric wolf might constitute a form of unlawful detention. Not quite the welcome I might have expected. I'd heard such good things.

However, she is a very nice giant prehistoric wolf. (So long as she's regularly fed, of course.)

Her name is Sansa. )

I, on the other hand, likely need no introduction.

Perhaps you know my brother?


Not to be a Debbie Downer, but, am I the only one that never thought DiCaprio should win something at the Oscars? Don't get me wrong, he's way talented but The Wolf on Wall Street? Not his best role.

You. Me. And this bootleg copy of Gamera. Tonight. Don't ask question.

Feb. 28th, 2014


Me outside when the weather gets warmer )

Or, you know, it would be if the weather didn't decide to get COLD AGAIN jhfgjdfg!!

Can I be relieved that February is over? Because I've had enough of the reds and pinks and everything heart-shaped, which isn't fun when you aren't even old enough to go to the more awesome nightclubs to pick up a hottie for at least one night. The only time I miss those five seconds of "whoa I was just giving my adult body to fight a bad guy".

Feb. 26th, 2014


Already working to pull the site down, ma'am.

Feb. 12th, 2014


I suppose I should be thankful that I have not been in Potts Tower all week.

I have prepared my visit to the hospital. I have plans A, B, and C for getting the information we need. I will keep you informed.

Feb. 11th, 2014


I need a new phone. Between flappy bird and it's sudden stand alone complex, it broke. In my hands. All by itself. Into many, many pieces. Somehow.

Feb. 8th, 2014


From what I understand, there's a dimensional schism present that has been active for ... a lot longer than I have ever heard of. It brings other beings from across time, space and reality and can .... God, break the laws of existence? Well, it can bring duplicates of entities to the same space.

What I am getting at is ... how many Hank Pyms have existed here? Have they... done anything? Just so I'm clear.

And who installed Galaga on the operating system?

Feb. 6th, 2014


Filter: Avengers Academy
Logan has asked me to move into the house that he and the X-Men have set up in Brooklyn.

Feb. 4th, 2014


I believe I will be doing a pamphlet for new refugees who are unfamiliar with the modern age. What did you find difficult upon your arrival here?

I've completely my thorough investigation of Jasper Sitwell's financial records. A good deal of it was your typical run of the mill living expenses. I have left this out for brevity's sake.

From 1989-1993, Agent Sitwell had a bank account in Gloria, TX. Every month, he made a substantial transfer to his mother's account while he was in Kuwait. In 1994, he changed to a military bank but those payments to his mother's account continued until 1999 when she died. After that, payments were made to an account in UAE. At the time it was closed in 2003, there was several thousand dollars in it. In 1997, he transfer to a DC bank where he stayed until 2003 where he fell completely off the financial paper trails.

Obviously, this was not the end of Agent Sitwell. Instead, he was on an extended, deep cover mission in Kabul, Afghanistan. He had a joint bank account with Rachel Loerschter under their cover names. When Jasper left that mission, he was presumed dead and everything went black for him to join SHIELD. The other account was granted to Loerschter. All evidence points to Sitwell and Loerschter actually being married. There are legal documents for it. She is CIA, so I could not find any public records on her.

He then popped back up in 2006 with a new social security number and has been banking in New York City since then. He purchased his condo after the battle of New York City when the market was scrap. He does not have any other major assets. Unless you include a $700 pet bed from a specialized company in NYC. I checked it out with Agent Hand. It's legitimate.

I did find one other thing of note: a medical side-note that I could not find much information about in the normal channels. Medical records are much harder to break into; they are not usually on a mainframe connected to the network due to patient confidentiality laws, but it should be noted that neither the Veterans Affairs, nor Jasper Sitwell, paid for an extensive medical procedure.

Feb. 2nd, 2014


So apparently the puppy bowl is a real thing?

[Young Allies]

Soooo I'm going to be gone most of the month. And James was supposed to come but he's disappeared and so now it's going to be a transatlantic flight of awkward. They don't really make cards for sorry your alternate universe son is gone from your alternate universe trainee. It's been a rough one for team Rogers

But it is Superbowl day, which means lots of drunk and possibly rowdy people around the city tonight. What's a better superbowl post party than patrol? Sounds like fun, right?

Jan. 30th, 2014


I'm pleased to report that Operations is now back online completely. All communications have been reestablished.

Data is still missing from databases, but indicators are that the data is there, just heavily encrypted. This will be problematic for decryption. We will need to begin algorithms and decrypt keys, however, estimated time until decryption can be anywhere from 100 minutes to 100 years, depending on how many keys have been used.

I leave content checking in Ops to Agent Hand.

Jan. 28th, 2014


Not that I want to jinx it, but in little over a week, I'll have been here for a year. Alternate universe or not, this is... This is amazing. It's a blessing. An opportunity. A chance to do everything that I never could again. I don't know if this is someone's sick game, and sometimes I find myself getting skeptical about something blowing up in our faces. But then I look around at what I've got: my wife, my teammates, my friends, new friends... Game or not, I'm happy here, not just because I'm alive, but because there are people here that I love, and no matter where we end up, as long as I'm with them, I'll always be happy and at peace with the flow of this life.

So thank you, tesseract, I owe you one.

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