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Jun. 5th, 2013


Network Post

I've been here long enough now that I should start thinking about a job. I've never really had one before because while there was a salary involved with being a member of the Imperial Senate, it's not the kind of thing you can list as experience when you're looking for work. I'm considering SHIELD, maybe some of my experience with the Rebellion might be of use to them. I have no idea but the only way to find out is to ask.

Besides that I've been trying to spend time with those I know that are here. I miss Han. Luke and I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Sunday and saw a lot of very interesting things. I was fascinated by the Egyptian mummies but Luke wasn't quite as impressed. He thought they were strange.

Filter: Jaina Solo
Would you like to have lunch or dinner with me? Whichever is easiest for you. We haven't had much of a chance to talk and I'd really like to get to know you.

May. 27th, 2013


Ugh. This weekend was crazy. Tabs, we have to do that again sometime!

But all those sailors over the weekend got me thinking. It's always fun to look at fine examples of men. But then I just found myself missing Emmett. I mean, I'm always missing Emmett, this is the longest we've gone without talking for as long as we've known one another, even if the distance thing isn't new.

But I can't be the only one here without a spouse, or a fiancé(e), or significant other who isn't here, and a lot of you have been here way longer than I have. How are you coping with it?


...Are all College students so frustrating? I don't remember it being like that when I attended College.

May. 21st, 2013


Cut for picture! )

"The Angel and the Devil play a game on an infinite chess board. The Angel is a generalized chess piece that occupies a square on the board. In each turn, the Angel can move to any square that is reachable from his current square in k chess King moves (but the Angel doesn't need to step on the intermediate squares). k is called the Angel's power. The Devil does not have a position on the board. In each turn, the Devil may eat any square on the board, and from that point on, the Angel is not allowed to land on that square. If the Devil manages to trap the Angel, i.e. get the Angel into a position where all the squares that the Angel might fly to are eaten, the Devil wins the game. The Angel wins if he is able to fly to uneaten squares indefinitely.

For any given k, there must exist either a strategy that guarantees the Angel to win, or a strategy that guarantees the Devil to win. The Angel Problem is to decide whether for some large enough k, there exists a winning strategy for the Angel."

May. 20th, 2013


network post: ben stone

I am, again, a lawyer in the city of New York. It feels good. I will be celebrating tomorrow evening.

Filtered to: Sam Winchester
I would be happy to do legal assistance for the non-profit organization. If all goes well, we may have more lawyers in November.

May. 16th, 2013


Who: Ellie & Open
Where: Thirteenth Floor
When: Evening
Rating: TBD

Read more... )

May. 15th, 2013


While it isn't exactly what I was hoping for I have managed to secure a place as a lecturer of archaeology at Columbia University here in New York. It does offer opportunities to go on research digs - mostly for students but it is something. Perhaps from there I can get myself integrated into a group that will do actual digs. Something like the show Time Team that is on television here would be brilliant. I've been to the UK before back in my time - the Isle of White specifically which isn't something I would like to repeat but it was still an eye opening experience.

May. 13th, 2013


Human Mythology, Paleontolgy students
I am going to give everyone a couple of days extension on the homework. For personal reasons I won't be taking classes for the next two days.

I was in the shops. I saw memorabilia from my 'movie'. I... It was the first time I've seen that and I really don't like it. It's making the nightmares come back. I can't function again. I need to forget.

I wish Charlie was here.

May. 4th, 2013


network post: ben stone

The city has been rebuilt to a great extent in the last year. I had not realized how much of the changes in the last two decades had been so recent. Yet still, much of the older parts of the city still stand. Thank you, to those who have defended the city and to those who rebuilt it.

Apr. 14th, 2013


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

Today I looked into the possibility of auditing some coursework particularly in history and archaeology. I suspect what is true in my reality is not necessarily true in this one, and additionally even if it were, I suspect I have not covered what is true in this one in nearly as much detail as what I could.

I have also been thinking - we used to have talent nights and shows aboard the Enterprise. While I am aware of a karaoke night I am wondering if there are those here who sing or play instruments or do drama in their own reality who might be interested in entertaining us, should such a thing be set up.

Apr. 9th, 2013


Now with both Charlie and Ellen gone, I wonder if I will be taken too since they were the only other ones from my universe here. Still I am determined to live life as much as I can while here just in case something does happen. I would hate to miss out on something just because I was worried that I would be taken.

Apr. 8th, 2013


Text to Ben Stone
Would you like to go for coffee?
Or something else?

Mar. 22nd, 2013


I'm glad I found this in the internet here:

Cut for image - not filtered )

It hurts to look at them but it's a good picture. We weren't a miserable bunch despite what the picture shows. Damn Company idiots just dragged us out of our work for a 'promotional picture'. We weren't exactly the promotional picture types. I mean look at us. We more fit the definition of ragtag. I find it kind of funny that it's been mirrored here with the actors who played us.

Mar. 19th, 2013


Who: Ellie & Xaph
What: Talking about Angels and Aliens and stuff
Where: Java Movement
When: Evening
Rating: TBD

Read more... )

Mar. 16th, 2013


Now, that there are more people here. As well as emailing a few people, I am wondering if anyone here has any tips on finding a job. Particularly in the archaeology field. I'd prefer something in the field compared to teaching/lecturing etc.

Mar. 9th, 2013


Ben Stone
Thank you for allowing me to attend the congregation with you on Sunday. I enjoyed it a lot. I'm planning on talking to the Priest about joining officially.

Mar. 6th, 2013


Should it appeal:

I have decided to conduct a historic cemetery crawl or two within the New York City area. New York has hundreds of hidden, forgotten, and curious sites intended for the peaceful rest of the Dead. If you have any interest in history, architecture, or if you have an odd morbid streak, you might wish to come with me.

I intend to see the "hidden" cemeteries lining the Western-most border of Queens, the Cypress Hills National Cemetery honoring both Confederate and Union Dead (and incidentally, where you can see debris from the glacier that once covered the area), and the beautiful stained glass of Flushing Cemetery. If I can manage it, I would also enjoy visiting the Catacombs at Green-Wood. I anticipate little difficulty in our visitation provided that I keep the groups small and we are respectful and quiet, and if anything terrible should go awry, I assure you that I am well-able to care for most.

So that I can gauge interest, please let me know if you might like to attend such tours here.

Mar. 2nd, 2013


Ever since Charlie left, I've spent hours upon hours just working on my classes and researching current and recent archaeology digs to keep myself distracted. It had been fun to be able to spend time with him without the pressure of work and other commitments. Well we did work but not like the way we did before were we were on digs and missions, constantly surrounded by other people.

I've been seriously looking for another job lately but I haven't had any luck unfortunately. Perhaps another museum might work. This one just isn't working with me but I need the money ifI actually want to survive unfortunately. I am enjoying teaching my classes though for Ms Sto Helit though. The students are wonderful and my classes are quite small which allows for a better teaching environment. It took me some time to get my feet with that though.

Now that Charlie is gone as well as Chloe I have no one I can call a friend. It's lonely. Still some people are nice enough but none that I'm close too. I was never much one for having friends, especially growing up in the middle of nowhere but I always had some. Even if it was just my father. I had hoped to meet some people at Church but that was dashed by those people who didn't want me there. Somehow I wasn't surprised but at the same time I wished otherwise. At least I seem to have found one now. The person who told me about it seems quite nice too. It would be good just to have someone to talk too.

Mar. 1st, 2013


International Refugee Festival

Friends! The Displaced, the dispossessed and refugees all. I beg your attention for one moment that I might share an idea.

We have come from all different walks in life, alternate worlds, and in that way are we unfamiliar with each other beyond brief scatterings of knowledge found in printed, published or other media. And so I would like to take a moment to suggest an idea to change that.

My cousin and I propose an event for our Springtime season to promote knowledge, understanding and acceptance of our cultures and our worlds. I would like to design an international festival for all of us here so that we might come together in one place and show each other the pieces of our world that we the people feel represent us.

Have you any objects, items, lore on your person, in your rooms, or in your minds that you would share with us on one day then I bid you, join me and my cousin in planning this. I We would dearly love to learn of you. And I we should dearly love to share my our world with you as well.

It would be good, I think, to span universes and expand our knowledge of each other.

We welcome all! Large, small, old, and new.. to friendship and peace.

Feb. 26th, 2013


I have been trying to find a church that I can attend while here. I am Christian but it seems a lot of churches aren't taking new members or perhaps I am going about this the wrong way? Does anyone have any suggestions?

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