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Feb. 24th, 2015


Who: Michael Westen (two of them!), Audrey, Sam, and everyone else from his dungeon is welcome to tag in too.
When: Backdated to whenever the Midnight Channel plot ended.
Where: Michael's dungeon.
What: Michael faces his greatest fear: himself. His inner monster tries to convince him that's all he is.
Rating: High? There will be mentions of character deaths, childhood abuse, war/spy stuff, etc. Also there's a kidnapped child, but he's just an illusion of the dungeon bc I couldn't traumatize Charlie any more. (Also forgive the present tense at the beginning. I went into Spy Tip Voiceover Mode and it didn't work any other way >.>)

Some people just weren't built for parenthood. Our father was one of them, and so are you. )


Who: Tommy Shepherd and his TV friends
When: Backdated to the end of the Midnight Channel plot
Where: The Midnight Channel version of the Kaplan's house
What: Tommy has to deal with feelings. Which he still insists he doesn't have.
Rating: There's some creepiness with puppets.
Status: Completed Narrative, others in the plot can tag in with their own if they would like.

I’m not Billy. People remember Billy. )

Feb. 23rd, 2015


Who: Kíli :D
When: during all that midnight channel stuff :(
Where: Shale's dungeon :(
What: Kíli is not used to being without his family. :(
Rating: G?

What did he know about anything? )

Feb. 22nd, 2015


We're out.

( Filtered to those who were in Rose's dungeon thing )
I'm sorry.

( Filtered to Jack and Ianto )
This is me calling in sick for, like, the next two days.


Who: Penelope Featherington & Sully, Lydia Martin, Laurie Juspeczyk, Howard Stark, Helena Wells Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde, Tony Gates, Mary Margaret Blanchard, Fandral
When: Sometime before midnight, February 23.
Where: The ballroom inside Pen’s midnight channel
What: Penelope faces down her worst enemy.
Rating: Lowish?
Notes: Just a note, bullying is mentioned. If any of her dungeon-mates wants to jump in to add a bit of narrative, please feel free to do so! <3

I want to go home now. )


narrative: big boss battle

Who: Peter Quill, monster!ickle!Peter Quill, Jaina Solo, Anne Weaver, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Beth Greene, Abigail Brand, & Thor
When: Sunday, February 22nd 2015
Where: Cora's Apartment, 1204 in Peter's Dungeon
What: Personal growth, admitting feelings...
Rating: PG?

Peter would have rather listened to nineties music all day long than go through a self-confessional of some sort. )


WHO: Rose Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov
WHERE: Their apartment in Potts tower
WHEN: Mid-evening on February 22nd
WHAT: Rose is shaken by everything that happened in her Midnight Channel dungeon and Dimitri attempts to make her feel better.
WARNINGS: Vague talk of mental illness, but it’s overall tame
STATUS: Complete log.

--- )



TEXT TO NAME: Anakin Solo

-- You are not going to believe where I am.
-- Turn on your TV.
-- I don't know how I got here but I'm in some kind of dungeon video game world.
-- In a spaceship
-- With Master Kenboi
-- Who seems to have a fear of flying. What the kriff is up with that?


Can any of you see this?


[OOC: Albus is flicking back and forth between himself and being trapped in the dungeon where he thinks he and Gellert are taking over Europe together. And are together. :D]

What? Where am I? What is this? Why is Gel-

Yes, yes, Gellert. You're too impatient. You can't just steamroll your way across Europe. We need to-

This... this is not where I should be. I was... in my apartment-

Gellert! You are far too distracting. How am I supposed to work when you do that-

I don't know where I am or what's happening. But this is wrong. It's all wrong. Help.

Feb. 21st, 2015


At least this TV world appears to have a network connection. Can anyone see this?


Okay, I am pretty sure I would remember if I got picked or I volunteered for the Hunger Games. What is going on?


Who: River Tam, Simon Tam, Kaylee Frye, Inara Serra, Hoban Washburn, Zoe Alleyne, Cole, Sam Winchester
When: Midnight on Feb. 21
Where: River Tam's Midnight Channel.
What: Cannibals and mind games all set in space!
Rating: PG-13ish
Warnings: Firefly level warnings: Reavers are heavily mentioned throughout, so references but probably not explicit violence, rape, cannibalism.


WHO: Laurel Lance and Arrow/Flash-verse
WHAT: Laurel's dungeon
WHEN: Midnight and after, February 21
WHAT: Laurel's worst fears and nightmare come true! Sort of.
WARNINGS: Drug addiction, alcoholism


Who: Annie Cresta, Finnick Odair, Katniss Everdeen, Johanna Mason, Angel, Julie Power, Lucy Stillman, Bennett Halverson
When: Midnight on
Where: Annie Cresta's Midnight Channel.
What: Nothing is in your control, and everything is out to kill you.
Rating: Gosh, probably R.
Warnings: It's the Hunger Games, so mentions of children being murdered. :(

Main post for Annie Cresta's Midnight Channel!


WHO: Peter Quill, Jaina Solo, Anne Weaver, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Beth Greene, Abigail Brand, & Thor
WHERE: Eclector Tower w/a touch of the Kyln.
WHEN: Midnight on Saturday night, February 21st and onward
WHAT: Meet some aliens, fight the good fight, let your emotions out
WARNINGS: Violence, explosions, attacking a "kid", touchy feely moments

Main post for Peter's dungeon. Anything posted elsewhere can be linked to here. Team gathering being of first order, if they all can figure out they're in the same place. =D


WHO: Shale and friends is maybe a bit liberal of an interpretation
WHAT: Shale's dungeon
WHEN: Feb 21, after midnight.
WHAT: It's always a blight in the deep roads (main OOC/Comms).
WARNINGS: To be added as necessary


Who: Penelope Featherington & Sully, Lydia Martin, Laurie Juspeczyk, Howard Stark, Helena Wells, Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde, Tony Gates, Mary Margaret Blanchard, Fandral
When: Beginning at midnight.
Where: Inside the bubble dimension that contains her dungeon.
What: IC/OOC! Penelope caught in her own dungeon. Will her friends save her?
Rating: Eh, middling, probably? Mostly for language, I guess? IDK
Warnings: Trigger warnings for bullying!

Welcome to Penelope’s life before New York )


network post: xavin

Tell me, who is responsible for this fun? I was just talking about how boring non-aggression can be. You're a fascinating person, Moriarty. But this place seems beyond your doing.


WHO: Tommy Shepherd and friends
WHERE: Another pocket dimension?? Except this one isn't Billy's fault.
WHEN: Midnight on Saturday night, February 21st and onward
WHAT: Time to get friendly with Tommy's subconscious :D
WARNINGS: Prison, children fighting monsters, creepy doctors, some body horror.

Main post for Tommy's dungeon. If you post outside this let me know and I'll link it in here for easy access for everyone!

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