July 2016




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Jun. 10th, 2016


I can't sleep.

Mar. 19th, 2016


How long until beer goes back to being normal color? I just was introduced to beer, but I got used to it being gold. When it's green it freaks me out. Looks like there's something wrong with it.

It doesn't help that the bartender called it "left over" green beer either.

Mar. 18th, 2016


So far tonight, we've had no Michael Malloy Wannabes, but I did have to put a wrist cast on a girl with a green wig. Stay safe out there, and remember: drink water. Drink lots of water.

Feb. 13th, 2016


I'm actually looking quite forward to what tomorrow has in store. So far the holidays here have been enjoyable. And this month will mark a full year since I've arrived here.

    I'll be a bit busy tomorrow to spend time with Hawke. If you need me, please don't.

    (I'm joking, of course, but try not to need me.)

    You know, I was thinking we could have Cora and Zevran over sometime next week. We could do dinner together, get caught up. It's been a while since we've all had a chance to sit down and chat.


Nothing says February like frozen pipes, though that's never stopped me from working when there's things that need to get done. Also, tomorrow is Valentine's Day, but I'm more concerned about discount chocolate day on Monday. Who's with me?

Jan. 5th, 2016


It's a little late it the season, but it's always better late than never. Potts Tower Clinic is going to be offering free flu shots to all residents today and tomorrow.

Also, there will be homemade muffins. Not made by me, because last time I tried to bake something I set the oven on fire, but made by someone. So come for the muffins, stay for the health benefits.

Jan. 1st, 2016


The start of a new year is a momentous occasion among thousands of cultures. Although it hasn't been an easy adjustment for me -- a sentiment I am certain is a common one -- I am truly thankful to have spent my first new year celebrations among such admirable people. I look forward to what the future has in store and wish everyone a prosperous and happy new year.

    Hello. My name is Leia Organa, and I was recently assigned to your team. I thought it was time that I introduced myself to you as I'm certain we'll be seeing more of each other in the future.

Dec. 21st, 2015


I'm afraid Miss Mittens is not nearly as impressed with her holiday sweater as I am.

    How are you feeling, Carver? Anything abnormal?

    I haven't got the slightest idea of what to get your brother. Which means I require your assistance.

    I purchased a machine that makes coffee and hot chocolate for the clinic.

Dec. 12th, 2015


Our search protocols concerning KEYWORD: "MUPPET" has been ineffective in contributing to our understanding of their primary functions. We are unclear as to how they are able to sustain viability. Their platforms appear inefficient to adequately host intelligent life.

Dec. 10th, 2015


You know what I hate? I mean like, what I really hate? Transit talkers. Honest to god, no one on the train wants to hear you talk about your finals, or what you got at Starbucks, or the fact he hasn't called. We invented text messaging for people like you so that people like me can read out damn ebooks. That's what technology is for.

I feel like it gets worse around this time of year. Or maybe that's just because more people are out lugging around heavy bags and excitedly telling some people about other people's Christmas presents.

Hey, cheeseboy.

I brought you some bread paneer rolls. You can thank me later.

Dec. 5th, 2015


Is it an American thing to throw out massive amounts of elves?

They're a little unsettling all piled up by the mail.

Nov. 19th, 2015


Just a reminder to wish a happy International Men's Day to the men in your life. Because those with political, social & economic supremacy also deserve to feel special.

Nov. 13th, 2015


network post: liv moore

Flow of bodies is going the other way, I know, but if anyone gets injured and can safely get back here, I've canceled my Friday night plans, and I have admitting privileges to multiple hospitals in the area. Clinic will have the light on.

Filtered: Avengers
I don't know what you guys normally do for medical care. But SWORD and SHIELD have their own divisions, so logic would state. Perhaps you mostly treat in house too with well paid doctors. But if you need medical care outsourced or the ER's your usual go to, just throwing up my name and number. It wouldn't be the first time I've treated a superhero.

Actually, if there's ever a time you're likely to just pass out in a dumpster or otherwise not receive care, just text. And... good luck out there.

Oct. 29th, 2015


Right, okay, portal travel to another universe. Important question: is it alternate or mirror? Because you'd be surprised how many men who are fairly attractive with full beards can't pull off goatees. Not that I tried in university or anything.

Oct. 23rd, 2015


I don't know how I feel about all this "science" business. It all seems very clever. You know, good on you. But I'm not sure that I understand the scientific necessity of wifi pavement. Or self-tying shoe laces.

Obviously I want them. But still.

Harry, what's this I keep hearing about your cursed child.
Have you seen your


As much as I love the idea of spending an evening outside at a fair ground in late October, duty calls. Still, everyone involved with the opening ceremonies for Stark Expo tonight: Good luck!

What are you feeling? The usual or should we go all out and get Italian? Really make a night out of it.

Sep. 21st, 2015


Well, after a bunch of metal men and being the opposite gender and all that, I can't say that was the strangest thing to happen here yet. Then again, the world I come from has sort of conditioned me for [...] similar creatures.

The clinic is, as usual, open to anyone who needs assistance -- even if it's just a bruise, it's never a bad idea to have someone take a look and make sure.

    I hope none of you are against working a few extra hours. If you can't, then I won't mind -- I'm quite used to dealing with an influx of patients on my own. However, I would like to spend some time with my boyfriend, so...

Sep. 19th, 2015


For those of you still in the tower, if you need any help then let me know.

    I'm still in here but it's been hectic, so to speak. Anyone else here too?

    You're not here, are you?

Sep. 12th, 2015


network post: saturday evening

In some ways, I think I'm in a better place to help people in this world than I was in my own. In other ways, I feel like that extended reach is not always as efficient.

Vigilantes, is it worth it?

When you patrol, do you use your stake from home? Or something else?

You know that guy from the other day. The one who tried to file a report?

Sep. 9th, 2015


It is good to have returned to Midgard. I found myself eager to come back, if only because I've come to truly appreciate the reputable hot dogs vendors on the streets. While nothing is quite so delicious as roasting meat over a fire, perhaps I've grown more attached to that stale warm water nonetheless.

    I am afraid I have been rather [...] distant since you returned through the tesseract. I would like to speak with you, if you would allow it.

    While I was in Asgard, I retrieved something for you. It is likely to be far heavier than the swords you are accustomed to wielding, but I have faith that you'll adapt just as well.

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