July 2016




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Apr. 27th, 2014


Prom was actually a lot of fun. Much Better than the last one.

Want to grab some lunch?

Apr. 2nd, 2014


Ahhh board game night. I think it's awesome that the youth center is doing it so often. But I'm a little sick of the games I keep bringing and so I'm going to go buy a few more and want to know if there's anything that anyone might want to play that I don't already have and that aren't available at the youth center.

Filter to Tony Stark (MCU)
So I was wondering if there is anything else that needs to be done at the Avengers Mansion that I could do. Or, like, at Stark Industries. Or if not, if I could use you for a reference somewhere. I'd like to sort of move out of the dog babysitting business and see about getting a job that will be closer to what I'll be studying at college when I go in the fall. You know, sort of get that sort of experience.

Mar. 27th, 2014


That was unbelievably awkward. This tesseract thing has a cruel sense of humor. At least I don't have to go back to Carlton right now.

[ Bay ]
I have to say I'm a little relieved not to be home. With the whole video thing...


So, New York is cool and all and I like being blindfolded as much as the next girl, but that was embarrassing a little uncalled for. And I'm really not crazy about the timing.

Emmett | Bay
Hey, you.


TEXTS TO DAPHNE VASQUEZ (Forward dated to after his re-arrival)

-- hey
-- daphne?
-- someone told me you might be here
-- and that i was here before...

Mar. 21st, 2014


I dare you to watch this.

OOC: This is scary, and I'm unsure about what, if any trigger warnings it might contain, but it's nothing bloody. Just be warned that it is scary and if you have difficulties with things like that (like I do), then watch it during the day or just skip it. The fact that I watched it is amazing. And if I need to, I will gladly add in the trigger warning tag to the entry.

Mar. 3rd, 2014


I got to level 13, Charlie, but no further.

I've been watching this show on the Hallmark Channel called "When Calls the Heart" and I've been enjoying it very much, except that it makes me miss my parents.

Feb. 23rd, 2014


You find some interesting things on the internet.

[Bay and Daphne]
So I may have decided to take a look at the fanfiction about us. I found one about the two of you. Moving to Lima, Ohia and joining Glee Club. Oh and Toby? He joined a club like that at his all boys school.

[/Bay and Daphne]

Would you want to go see a movie or maybe get some dinner tomorrow night?


Feb. 20th, 2014


for image, no filter )

Aracely keeps sending me Farmville requests on FB. Just an FYI, I WILL DELETE YOU IF YOU DO THIS. Maybe I should migrate to Tumblr. Can't do Twitter, there's already a Spider-Girl there. ;)

Who's on patrol with me tonight?

Who was asking about a basketball team??

Hey, I had a Valentine for you but it got lost in the delivery process.

Feb. 17th, 2014


Anyone want to join me at the soup kitchen on Sunday mornings?

This has been a good week for my investments. I'm glad that I started working on generating capital. Numbers and patterns make sense to me and researching that gave me something to do over the Christmas season.

Feb. 15th, 2014


I'm not big on dances. Who wants to pig out on chocolate with me instead?

Feb. 13th, 2014


Charlie, I've gotten as high as "5" on Flappy Bird. That's all I've been able to manage!

Feb. 12th, 2014


Oh, seriously?

Failed Filter to Daphne Vasquez
So, I watched out show and apparently future me goes crazy and tries to kiss Emmett.

WHO HAS AN INTERNET GIRLFRIEND, BY THE WAY! I mean, what the hell is THAT about?

Anyway, of course that made everything weird. And now I feel weird even though none of that has happened between us yet

You were right, by the way. That guy you like at your community service is REALLY cute!

Feb. 11th, 2014


Not that this hasn't been fun.

But the show is over. JARVIS is offline.

Feb. 8th, 2014


[Texts to Bay Kennish]
-- I'm signing up for the new Women's Studies class.
-- You should too.


You Flappy Bird fans should be ashamed of yourselves!


I am not treating this like a vacation. I hit the ground running. I'm already teaching classes for us refugees. So if you're in any of these, you'll see me:

  • Basic Math

  • Modern Dance

  • Aircraft and Flight Procedures (with a Miss Moya?)

  • Hand to Hand Combat (with HOLY SHIT CHRISTOPHER PIKE?? Mr. Pike).

  • Women's Studies

I added Women's Studies in because I felt it was needed. So far there's only one person signed up for it. Hand-To-Hand Combat should be fun, I learned Krav Maga from none other than Wolverine himself, kiddos.

And if anyone needs any extra help with anything, I can tutor you. If anyone from further back needs help with new technology, you just gotta holler at me. I'm your IT friendo.

Feb. 3rd, 2014



How are you liking it at Sam's?


It'd be a really, really, really terrible idea to lock Paige and Prue in a room together until they get along, right? Especially since both would have a way out of the room, what with Paige being able to orb and Prue can astral project.

I don't want to force them to spend time together, but at the same time I want us all to spend time together and I don't want to deal with any headache that they might cause. I wish Leo were here. He'd be able to work his magic and make everything better.


Twitter started to trending about marshmallows walking, so I went outside to see what everyone was talking about. There are seriously little Adipose walking around outside, waving at people and giggling to each other. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen.

I may have taken a few.


[Texts to Starfire]
-- Look what I found!
-- Picture message
-- I'm bringing one home today.
-- Is that okay?

[Texts to Bay & Emmett]
-- Look what I picked up today
-- Picture message

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