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Mar. 1st, 2014


network post: azari

Filtered: X-Men
If it would be acceptable to you that I not live there all the time, I would like a room in your house and to live there with Ororo you. If there is not enough room for that, I understand.
Filtered: Sadie Kane and Carter Kane
Would either of you want to study together during the week? I like to discuss things, not just read them from books. I have gotten used to having the books, certainly. It's much different than learning things from Tony Stark by his memory.
It's curious to learn history after having "History of the World" by Tony Stark.

Mar. 19th, 2013


Sometimes all the noise in the city makes me miss living in the woods, but I'd miss the telly. And plumbing. And heat. You know, living in a tent can be very overrated.

[Filter to Hal]
I want to throw a fancy dinner party but ghosts don't eat. Ideas?

Mar. 18th, 2013


I admit I know next to nothing about this world, but this thing you call a shower is nothing short of a miracle.

Mar. 17th, 2013


What a truly remarkable place. I have never seen such an overabundance of girth green. I must admit I am still wrapping my head around the idea that this is real, but the gracious gentleman who greeted me when I arrived was very patient in explaining it to me. He even helped me understand how to use this little device.

Despite the introduction, I know that the majority of this world is still foreign to me. Is there anyone here who is willing and capable of helping me understand it? I would like to know more about the customs of this land before I cause unintended offense.

Apologies, I forget myself already. My name is Lucrezia Borgia, sister of Cesare Borgia who arrived here a few days ago. I'm sure it will be a pleasure to meet all of you.

Mar. 13th, 2013


I think the best part of working at the deli is that every now and then, no matter where I am, I smell salami. Sometimes it makes me hungry, but that's alright. We haven't had too many customers at the Fat Turtle today. Do you think turtles can get fat? I wonder if their shells get bigger or if they just get fat rolls along the shell. Nothing worse than clothes that cut into ya.

To tell you the truth I'm a bit bored. Someone want a sandwich? You have to pay, but they're good.

Feb. 21st, 2013


Personal Ledger of Mordin Solus
Have completed second session of Salsa dancing course. Referred to as instructional assistant now. Rewarding. Considering Swing next, high energy movements has appeal.

Also seeking vampires. Have successfully created artificial blood supply, would like feedback on sustenance capability.

Would also like to make a request: Have been reading modern literature by author JK Rowling. Have interest in learning potions. Would like to discuss exchange of knowledge with resident experts.

Feb. 18th, 2013


I don't find myself burdened with nostalgia, as there is no time that cannot be improved with false remembrances. But while I find there to be many frivolous technological advances that I cannot wrap my head around in the years that I have been between Worlds, one that I cannot find fault with is the camera. I had a very old one (a daguerreotype, actually) that required its sitters to be perfectly still; Bod was too much a fidgeting child for me to ever catch his likeness. Not that it matters, since my belongings did not follow me into this universe.

But I maintain that there are quite a few of the Living and the Dead along the way that should have been immortalized in light and shadow of the camera's recording. Faces I have missed seeing, people whose features grow more vague with the ticking of the clock. In some ways it is a comfort to think that here, there are those who have the faces of others.

Perhaps I will see their likeness again, someday.

Feb. 14th, 2013


network post: ben stone

I was only beginning to learn about Pope Benedict XVI. His choice is stunning, the first time in hundreds of years, since the 14th or 15th century I believe. Are there any Catholics here?

Feb. 11th, 2013



Cut for spoilers for the new episode; not filtered )

Feb. 5th, 2013


I had a nice chat with some of the people who came through to see the sights today. They're all terribly fond of Granny, because of course they've never had to sit down to dinner with her. Some of them had very nice things to say, though. People can be so sympathetic - so caring, and so invested in things that don't concern them, that perhaps never even happened. I find it difficult to fault them for a little insensitivity.

But it is still considered rude to point and stare, isn't it? Not that they were doing it to me, of c


I got a job at the deli. Can't beat the commute where you don't have to leave the building and they let me try the meat. Pretty good gig, minus the music they make us play. I don't know this Bruno Mars chap, but he really needs to talk to someone about how sad he is.

You can organize the mustard if you'd like. There is like four different kinds. I didn't even know there were four kinds of mustard. Seems a bit silly, don't it?

Feb. 4th, 2013


My source material is a bit of a problem for me. I lack self control to We came back to the air and Is this our future? Is it set in stone? Is there a way to prevent things?

Feb. 2nd, 2013


network post: mickey smith

Filter: Whoverse Blokes
The girls had a night out to bond and it got me thinking that we should do that - get together and get some drinks or something. Or there's this place that has a good fish n chips.

I know some of us have jobs keeping us busy and all, but hopefully we can find sometime that works for all of us.

Hello, February, how are you?

Is it me, or did January go by really fast?

Jan. 28th, 2013


I stopped at a blood bank today. I must have scared the pants off the administrator there, but good god, she wouldn't sell me anything. I got in her face and did the vampire thing. She wet herself and fainted. I almost killed her. I would have drank deeply from her

THIS, this is the sort of thing you have to stop me from doing. I need to be TIED down until I can get this out of my system. I need order and responsibility. I need my dominoes. I need to buy some. NOW.

Jan. 24th, 2013


For those of you that are full moon intolerant, have you had a chance to test the SHIELD holding rooms? I trust them and all, but I'm used to having my own chains.

Jan. 15th, 2013


So. Right then. I'm bored.

And, to that end, I need a job.

Problem is, I'm sort of a ghost. Well, scratch that. I'm completely a ghost.

Which means nobody can really touch me. But I can pick things up, so that's a problem.

But I still can't exactly just go out and apply at the local Tesco...or whatever you have in place of a Tesco here.

Point is, would anyone want to hire a ghost? I'm a good worker. And I have people skills. Unlike the boys And I'm good with bars. Just answer here if you're interested. Maybe?


I don't think I'm ever going to figure out these ... farenheit to celcius conversions. Whenever I see something like it's 37 or 42º degrees I expect people to be outside complaining about the heat and dousing themselves in ice cream. But it's not that at all, is it?

Not that I can feel the difference, anyway. It's all the same to me.

Jan. 14th, 2013


Network Post



Vegetarian vampires The ridiculousness of this universe has no boundaries

Every time I am convinced that I have seen all this world has to offer, I am proven incorrect. I suppose something profound might be said about this place teaching tolerance.

I am embarrassed for them And patience.

What's next? Spelling bee succubi? Yetis who yodel?

No matter how it strains credulity.

Jan. 12th, 2013


network post: moya

What supplies are needed to clean up the tower? I want to help make her clean again. The tower's done nothing to deserve it.

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