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Feb. 22nd, 2013


So, I've been here for like...almost four months now.

And sure, I get that people are totally jealous, but it's getting old to have people not like me. Like. Really. Why don't people like me?

Feb. 18th, 2013


My name is Jake. That's all you need to know.

Feb. 15th, 2013


[Text to Jason Grace]
>> So. How did it go?

[Text to Piper McLean]
>> Heyyyyyyyyyy
>> We haven't hung out in a really long time
>> We should fix that. I miss you!

[Texts to Gabby Delacour]
>> I love you. Just saying.

Feb. 12th, 2013


I've grown used to people approaching me in this city and asking me questions. But a few moments ago was unlike any of the other times. A young man walked up to me and point blank said "voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?" All I could tell was that it was intended to be a question and with a crowd gathering decided to escape with a quick "sorry dear, not tonight," while I still could. Would someone explain just what the hell it was that I was asked?

Feb. 11th, 2013


Hello. My husband has explained to me that I might know some of you but many will be unfamiliar, or perhaps some of you who are familiar are from unfamiliar times. It's a lot to take in, and I'm definitely still adjusting, but I wanted to introduce myself nonetheless. I'm Alice Longbottom, neé Burke, most recently an Auror with the DMLE. I come from the year 1980, and I'm thankful to say I have had some typing experience, though this is nothing like the Muggle typewriter I learned on. It took a while to realise I didn't have to press down quite so hard as I have had to in the past. I'm told that some of you might know my son, Neville. though to put it bluntly, I was taken just two weeks after his birth. It's not easy I don't like I can't believe that I abandoned him Is it too much to hope?

Filter: Harry Potter Universe

I haven't yet investigated my options here, though I imagine returning to the Auror division isn't possible. I have always considered that I might be a good teacher, and I wonder if any of you who did not finish your education might like some tutelage. My strongest skills lie in Charms, Defensive Magic, Spell Creation and I am very well-versed in History. I would love the opportunity, should you wish to take it. It will be good to do things, and to work hard to forget, no not forget, oh, darn


So Thursday is Valentine's day!

I'm so excited because I've never had a boyfriend on Valentine's day before and this is so exciting! I mean, it doesn't matter how pretty you are if you're alone, right? I mean, Valentine's Day still sucks if you're all alone.

And my boyfriend is definitely the best of all the boyfriends out there, so I'm sure we're going to have a great time.

What is everyone else doing for Valentine's day? And what are all you poor single people doing?

Feb. 10th, 2013



Good afternoon, everyone. As I've now had the time to familiarize myself with your course schedules, I'd like to meet with you individually this week. It would only need to be for a few minutes to discuss how things are going with your classes, and if there is anything I can do to help. Also, I'd like the chance to get to know those of you I have not already met.

If you could let me know a time that works best for you this week, we'll work something out.


Good afternoon, you three. I realize a Sunday is hardly the day any of you would pick to spend sitting around thinking about your schoolwork, but I wanted to address something with you. Ginny approached me about the possibility of continuing to teach her here. As you two are both underage and have yet to graduate, I'd like to extend the offer to you as well. Miss Delacour, I realize the Beaubaxtons curriculum is somewhat different from Hogwarts, but I'd be happy to help out any way that I can. You are, of course, not obligated to continue your studies here, but should you want to and I strongly suggest that you do, I'll be here. Give it some thought and let me know so we can make arrangements.

Feb. 9th, 2013


[Filtered to Gabby]
Soooooo Valentine's day. Would you like to go out on Thursday, or do you want to stay in and keep it quiet? I don't know how crazy crowds and things may get. But I'm good for either! Let me know?

Is anybody else going to that ice skating party thing tonight? I'm tempted to go check it out. Although that might not be the best idea. I don't really get along with ice very well. Hrm.

What's something good to do today? I want to have some FUN!

Feb. 4th, 2013


i've happened upon a collection of the "harry potter" series. do i read it or just assume that anyone not on team potter are painted as terrible people?

Jan. 30th, 2013


Mr. Dedalus' suggestion to create more art is useful, I think, and inasmuch as a very cheeky part of me would like to suggest creating sculpture from the spent bullet casings I regularly leave at the shooting range, I was thinking ...

Would anyone be interested in a writer's salon? I was acquainted with Gertrude Stein and Ern I'm not particularly skilled with a pen but I can facilitate activities better than anyone and I'd like to learn to be a bit more clever, anyway.

Mr. Cobb (for I am always waiting for you to ask), a writer's salon is a group of people who share creative endeavours such as poetry, short stories, &c and seek out objective criticism or simply a space to share.

Further, I should think that it would be quite easy to create a chapbook, sell it and donate the proceeds to worthwhile causes in the city.

Jan. 28th, 2013


Wotcher, New York City! This is officially my first visit to the States. Although how I arrived here is a bit questionable, I would have liked to have packed another shirt. Nothing with me but the clothes on my back and my wand.

Names Tonks, Auror Tonks if you want to go with titles. Though I don't suppose there's a real need for Aurors here, with SHIELD running the show.

So what's this about me being a book character?

Jan. 22nd, 2013


Who wants to see Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters on Friday?

This guy!

Jan. 16th, 2013


Yeah, okay, so maybe it wasn't an actual job offer. What they really wanted was to see my portfolio and have me audition somewhere other than on the street. So maybe...I mean, they thought I was pretty...and they want me to apply for real. So it was like...I don't know...a callback, maybe? I don't know.

I'm a little disappointed but I'm not giving up. A nice lady has offered to help me get a portfolio together. And I'm hoping it all works out like I thought it had to start with. But...that's the way things go, right.

[Filtered against Leo Valdez]

Leo got all mad at me the other night because of it, though. I mean. I think he worries. He knows how freaked out my mom always got about me gaining weight, and I think he thinks that being a model is going to bring all that back. I don't know. Maybe it will.

[Filtered against everyone but Percy Jackson and Harry Potter folks (Leo can read this)]

But...I don't know. Maybe...I don't want to be a model. I mean, my whole life, that's the only thing about me that anyone ever acted like was worth anything. I was Fleur's little sister, a Quarter Veela...and I mean, I hate that. I mean, it's nice to have people tell you that you're pretty all the time...for a while, but then it gets old. I'm...more than that, you know? Maybe I shouldn't go for this at all. Maybe this is just going to make everyone think I'm shallow and stupid. And I know I totally seem that way sometimes but that's just because it's easier. Because I'm not sure who I really am is actually very nice. Or very happy.

Jan. 13th, 2013


Bollocks, no idea how I'm to explain this one to the boss. Or mum.

Hello. I'm Rose Weasley, and apparently this is a prime example of why Time Turners aren't handed out like candy.


Who: Gabby Delacour and Leo Valdez
When: Backdated to right after this thread.
Where: Gabby's room, then around town
What: Dinner and srs talk
Rating: PG for mention of eating disorders

~+~+~+~+~+ )


I'm trying to decide if walking around a corner and spotting yourself on a billboard ten feet tall and in your laciest undergarments is awesome or weird.

I think. I'm going with awesome.

Today I saw myself.. or who looks like me but daaaaaaamn I looked good .... on a billboard. In my underwear. Of course. I had to go buy a set of what I/she was wearing.

Jan. 8th, 2013


So guess what?

I have a job.

I was out shopping yesterday while Leo was at work, right, and they were doing auditions for models for this store called The Gap? Weird name, right? But anyway, I auditioned and they called me back and they want me to model for them! It's only a few hours during the week and on weekends, since I have to be at school, but now I'm making money too.

And by the way, I hate school. It sucks. They don't even have Quidditch to make it bearable.


Well, maybe I'm not meant to understand this place yet, but I'm going to keep trying anyway. But, rather than ask if all of you came from significant points in your life (emotionally speaking), I'm going to try and disprove this theory right off.

Would any of you say that the time you came from, right before showing up here through the tesseract, was insignificant? Not in a bad way, necessarily, just completely ordinary and not noteworthy, whatever that would be for you. If you were just going about your usual routines, having your 500th cup of coffee, having your everyday run of the mill fight for your life, that sort of thing.

Jan. 4th, 2013


there is so much about this muggle world that i just can't seem to understand --

for example, i was thinking about why a person would need to "skype" if you can just apparate to them and speak in person. then i realised that muggles are far less superior lack the ability to perform magic. it's a right shame, really.

on that note, anyone (potter, you've been here for awhile, i assume you'd probably know the answer to this) know where i can get my hand on a broom? i want to go for a bloody ride and the only thing i apparently can do is walk around this dreaded city, with its awful roadways. those little "taxicabs" things are the worst. i was nearly killed this morning.

Jan. 2nd, 2013


Hello everyone, my name is Alice Cullen from Twilight. I believe some of you have spoke to my brother, Edward. Please don't be shy to say hello to me, I won't be of harm to any of you for the foreseeable future.

Also, if anyone has an inclination to purchase lottery tickets this week, I suggest holding off. The winner has already been chosen.

I'll be by shortly, don't run off looking for me. We're going to be roommates!

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