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Sep. 8th, 2015


Perhaps my perspective on this particular subject is unique, or different, being from the inclusive (and at times, too inclusive) nation of wizards and things such as powers and abilities are obviously different there -- I can't help but wonder, with all this talk, what Superheroes, or heroes - what makes a person one?

And what world do we live in where doing the right thing is suddenly extraordinary and worthy of praise? Doing the right thing, no matter how difficult, isn't what makes a person a hero - it's what makes them human.

[Ethan Chandler]
I signed up for your Latin class, I do hope that's all right?
[Draco Malfoy]
How are you managing?

Sep. 1st, 2015


Tweets from JK ROWLING:

Well. This is awkward.

Aug. 31st, 2015


I picked up a book last week called "American Gods". I thought it might be a good introduction to living in this country. Thus far, I'm not so sure it is, but it is a good story. A sad story.

Aug. 30th, 2015


The only thing that's made this place bearable is the service that brings you food without making you talk to anyone. And last night that went belly-up. They took my money, I never got my supper, and when I tried to find out how I was supposed to complain, it said I had to call. What's the point?

House-elves might be awful to look at, but at least they don't just go and take the night off.

Aug. 5th, 2015


.... Pottermore just sorted me into Gryffindor. So, there is a fake Wizarding World in Florida? That's weird, isn't it? I know I'm fictional in this world and whatever else. Or at least, you don't know the truth of wizards here but that seems like it's taking things a touch far, doesn't it?

[Remus Lupin]

[Basil Hallward, Jo Harvelle, Ethan Chandler]
You've all extended invitations to me and I'd like to thank you all again for your consideration, I've never felt quite so welcome anywhere before. I think I'd like to see you all this week, so perhaps I could make a proper plan with each of you?
[Faith Lehane]
Are you feeling all right, this morning? I was sorry I had to leave you alone in my apartment, but I was supposed to meet with my brother this morning, I hope you don't mind at all. I put a pitcher of water in the refrigerator for you, and lay out the tea set. If you haven't made use of it yet, please feel free to do so.

I haven't had any time for potions to help your head, but really, water is the best.
[Draco Malfoy]
I saw your name on the registry, and you're only a few doors down from me. I'm not sure if you'll get this message, but if you do - Hello. Regulus Black. I'm your dead cousin.

[Hermione Granger]
Can I... speak to you, for a moment?

Jun. 26th, 2015


network post: ginny weasley

The future is cool. My dad would love all these electric things and I'm getting the hang of the internet (maybe), and if Ritchie and Jimmy were here they could finally stop "secretly" flirting and actually do something about it.

And since classes are out for the summer (finally), I want to see everything in New York City.

Jun. 9th, 2015


Who: Draco Malfoy and Maria Hill (MCU)
Where: The Hub
When: June 9, afternoon around 4 pm
What: Draco is curious to meet Maria and had a craving for tea
Status: Incomplete, threaded
Warnings: Probably none, but will update as needed

He was impressed with her resourcefulness, and respected her because of her friendship with Snape )

Jun. 8th, 2015


[Filtered message to Severus Snape]

I actually acquired a kitten during this adoption thing. A young black kitten, who've I've named Midnight. He's quite friendly and already acts like he owns my apartment.
[/end filtered]

[Filtered message to Maria Hill]
I've plans to visit the Hub some time this week for tea. Would you care to join me?
[/end filtered]

Jun. 6th, 2015


Thank you to everyone who attended my birthday celebration.

[ooc: if you were able to see Draco's network post aka HP Filter, feel free to assume!]

Jun. 4th, 2015


[Filtered to Harry Potter people]

You are cordially invited....

it just doesn't sound the same as it would back home.

Anyway. My birthday is tomorrow, Friday. I'm sorry for not giving more notice, though at least some of you may know when it falls. I would welcome you all to join me at my flat here in the tower for a birthday celebration. Food, drinks, and cake will be provided. Starting around seven in the evening.

[Filtered to Maria Hill]

Hello, Maria Hill. I would like to invite you to attend a birthday celebration tomorrow evening at my flat, if you are interested in attending. You're a friend of Severus and I think he would like you there. It's tomorrow evening around seven.

May. 27th, 2015


network post: ginny weasley

So let me get this straight

This morning I was fighting for my life and watching people die , and now I've traveled to another dimension, is that about right?

No I have a better question-- where are the rest of my people?

May. 21st, 2015


Not this again. I didn't particularly enjoy being eleven the first time round, I have no idea why the tesseract thinks it will be any better here. I suppose I should be grateful that I have all my memories this time.

May. 18th, 2015


Poking at things and pushing buttons seem to be a good way to make Muggle things function properly.

Filtered private to Draco. Severus can read and comment as well )

[Private for Maria Hill]

I would like to thank you for your tea recommendation the other day.

May. 16th, 2015


So things I've come to learn. Americans are rubbish with tea. Honestly. Where can I find a good cup of tea around here?

Apparently your heroes all run around in tights and iron suits. Right. Where were all of you when that no-nosed idiot was threatening our lives?

Muggles do have the most interesting ideas on how to adjust without magic. It's taken a bit, but I've been reasoning out a few things here. Like the television, or I guess as it's called in England, the telly. Works wonders for someone who's developed insomnia.

[Filtered private to Harry Potter-verse People]

Assuming I've done this bloody thing right. Are we going to acknowledge the very Muggle and American holiday coming up later this month? It was always custom when I was growing up for Mum to host parties.

Filtered private to Severus Snape )

May. 10th, 2015


hello, i am veralidaine sarrasri, but i'm mostly called daine. it took a while but i think i understand what has happened. i do not understand this world though. it is strange and unusual. like this thing i am using comepuhter. with its webs and sights. mouse and clicking. buildings should nto be so tall. twenty five floors. too high up. unnatural. windows don't open. no fresh air. no way for animals to come in to visit. do not like the moving pictures much. the bathroom is interesting. the kitchen is confusing.

May. 2nd, 2015


Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

This month's book club book is Offshore by Penelope Fitzgerald, we'll be meeting on the 1th to discuss it.

[RSTF + Harry Potter crew]
Severus, thank you for what you were able to do in assisting to pull Greyback out.

Thank you to everyone who has put in additional time for patrols through this whole ordeal, and has been willing to work with those who have been injured in the meantime. We can hope that we will have no more 'wild dog' or 'wolf' sightings this coming full moon now that Greyback is in SWORD custody.

For those of you who have been helping us, but are not on our team as a regular basis, if you are interested in continuing to assist with threats of this sort, we would welcome you - particularly we are in need of those who are willing to patrol throughout the week for signs of trouble.

Zoe has been returned, but we still have two natives to this world who are turning. Phoebe and Piper are you two willing to continue to work with them throughout the full-moon? We have one upcoming. If anyone else is willing to work with them, let me know and we'll arrange for you to do so.

Good work all.

The big bad wolf is behind bars, I'm not patrolling tonight, how do you feel about dinner, and a very long, luxurious night in following dinner?

[Danvers, Tonks, & Brand]
Thank you for your assistance with getting Greyback off the streets. May the tesseract remove him from your care soon.


network post: padmé amidala

Filtered to: Charlie Group
I've come in just at the end of this school year, but I would like to speak with all of you about finishing up this year's classes and your plans for the summer and next fall. Flash and Ava, you are both 18 and thus not required to take courses after this year once you pass your exams. Lets discuss what plans you have for the coming year and what I can do to assist you. Danny and Luke, you each have at least one more year. I've reviewed your records. What courses are you interested in finishing up your time here with? We can discuss it in the context of your educational and professional goals. Draco, you are new here. In your culture, you come of age at 17, but here you'll have to wait another year before that time. I'd like to meet with you since your educational background differs greatly from what's offered here. You are all welcome to contact me at any time.
I'll be at Sam's today during lunch and into the afternoon for anyone who wishes to join me, and you can always count on finding me there every week.

May. 1st, 2015


Severus. And how do I make it so only he can see this damn thing? I don't understand! I can reason out how to cross bloody things out but not that. Bloody hell. I want to tell him that Harry's being a git and I tried to apologize and everything but the prat just kept at it...

Apr. 29th, 2015



I suppose I should have expected the most unexpected thing to happen next.

Hello. I'm Harry Potter.

Apr. 21st, 2015


Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

[Filter: RSTF + HP]
I want to thank all of you that responded to Sam's call earlier. Unfortunately, we still have a werewolf on the loose and we're counting down with less than two weeks to the next full moon.

We have a location and it matches what we've seen thus far. We need to pull him out. I believe we'd had some ideas of Severus using his connections to try to make a call out - Severus if you're willing to do that still, let's make it happen this week.

I'd like to get this bastard in a cage for good.

[Filter: Lilah]
How goes the slaughter?

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