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Jan. 29th, 2014


[Filtered to Christine Chapel]
May I request your assistance with a personal matter?


I have found that the sense of humour of those working at SHIELD is not unlike that which I encountered on the Enterprise. I came to work this morning to find a toy tribble had been left rather prominently on my desk. It is certainly preferable to a live one being left there.

Jan. 24th, 2014


My, our fans are enthusiastic. I would be happy never to talk about a Tribble again however.

Jan. 18th, 2014


[Text to AOS Kirk]
--Don't use all the hot water
--Chocolate chip or blueberry pancakes?
--How do take your coffee?

[Text to AOS Spock]
--Kirk is with me.
--So you don't worry about his whereabouts.

[Text to TOS Kirk and Picard]
--I need some advice

Jan. 16th, 2014


Network Port: Hikaru Sulu

I happened to look at the TV this morning while I was getting dressed for work and noticed that they were announcing the Academy Award nominations. This was one of the films that was nominated. I wish I'd had the chance to see it, it looks good.

Jan. 15th, 2014


I think the ESD winter break has spoiled me. I missed having work to do and the teaching, but I quite enjoyed not having any work at the same time.

But I am glad that classes are back in session so I am able to share my knowledge of languages with others.

Jan. 16th, 2014


Hm, well. I seem to have been afflicted with a case of insomnia. I don't suppose anyone has milk, whiskey, vanilla, sugar, cinnamon and a touch of nutmeg? Assuming anyone else is as awake as I am, of course.

Hello, Potts Tower. I'm Beverly.

Jan. 14th, 2014


FILTER | Chapel, Foucault, Kirk (TOS), Maximoff, Maya, Mordecai, Rogers, and Summers
Agents, confirm current location.

FILTER | Refugees who went to Asgard
Volunteers, thank you for your service and welcome back. If you had a return date post-12/31, check in below. If you are classified as a minor by SHIELD, also include your current location.

Dec. 23rd, 2013


The tesseract has been most generous. It has sent through my father's ka'athrya, an ancient instrument that has been in our family for generations. Sarek has often spoken of giving it to me since it is his opinion that I play with more skill than he does. It seems the tesseract has decided that the time is now.

[Filtered to Jim]
It is, of course, tuned to be pleasing to Human ears. Perhaps I shall play for you?


Dec. 19th, 2013


delivery: tos Kirk & Spock

Wedding gifts )


[Starfleet + Friends of Christopher Pike]
Things weren't quite what we

Just checking in to let everyone know that we're still doing fine up in Asgard. So there's no need to worry. Especially if you don't hear from Pike for a day or two. He got hit pretty hard, and he needs some time to recover before we make the trip back.

Until then, I'll probably be staying with him, so. If you need anything or need to reach him, let me know.

Dec. 20th, 2013


[Filtered to Foxtrot team]
[OOC: See 18th on the calendar]

I would be interested to hear your observations and suggestions on how to proceed with our teleporter. While I am reluctant to treat the man as a test subject, given his predilection for robbery, some form of containment is obviously necessary.


It has been quite interesting observing the traditions of Christmas here in New York. In most cases, I believe the traditions fit the term festive, though some do fall over into gaudy. Nevertheless, it has been fascinating, though cold.

Dec. 11th, 2013


I admit, I'm fairly excited about heading off planet. Even if it's not on a starship.

[Filtered to his students + AOS!Kirk]
All of your work for the semester should have been turned in by now. However, I realize students lives are always filled with extenuating circumstances. If any of you have work / final projects that have not yet been submitted, please submit them to Jim Kirk the younger as I am heading off to Asgard today. I will be in correspondence with you about your final grades if you haven't already received them from me.

[Filtered to advising group Echo]
As this semester draws to a close, I just wanted to check in and see how all of you were doing. If there's interest, I'd like to host a small get together over the holidays for all of you in recognition of the hard work you've put in (or for those of you just joining us, to get to know you better). If you need to get a hold of me regarding this semester or next, feel free to do so via the journals as I probably won't be at my office hours over the next week or so since I'll be off planet.

Dec. 9th, 2013


It's been some time since I celebrated the holidays planet-side, and I'm enjoying the jingles and lights. Although I think I've had "White Christmas" in my head for approximately three days now.

[Filtered to Spock]

Is there anything in particular you'd like to do on the holiday? And how likely is it I can get you in a Santa hat?

Dec. 8th, 2013


I don't know if I'm looking forward to Christmas, but New Years. Now that right there is a party and a half waiting to happen.

Lots has been going on lately, hasn't it?

Dec. 5th, 2013


How NASA might build its very first warp drive

So, yeah, there's that.

Nov. 23rd, 2013


While I find many things in this world to be rather antiquated and even inadequate at times, I am continually fascinated by the interest in science that I see on the internet, seemingly in defiance to some of the prevailing public attitudes of ignorance and intolerance. Of course, much of the scientific interest on the internet veers towards the odd and whimsical but I cannot find fault with that. I believe that any stepping stone into scientific enquiry is valid. It does not matter what prompts you to ask why but that you do indeed ask the questions and seek the answers.

Nov. 12th, 2013


I don't even know how to express what I'm feeling right now. Six of my friends all at the same time. I know that it's not a unique experience but it still hurts.


Kathryn, Deanna, Will, Carol, and McCoy the First are all gone.

And I know some of you knew Luke Skywalker. He's gone too. He was the first person I met when I got here. and he gave me one hell of a welcome.

Nov. 8th, 2013


Cameron left last week. Now Zoe and her crew. And apparently she left me the ranch. I imagine I'll be spending a bit of time there - and of course, anyone is welcome to come out and spend some time there. Horses, nature and the open sky. You can see the stars. I think I might do something there for the holidays.

In other news, I - or should I say my body - is not a fan of the damp cold. I miss the dry cold of the desert. Or a spaceship where you don't normally have this problem.

I gave my Military Tactics class this assignment and decided to share it here: Pick an event from the list of militarty disasters and provide a strategy for how you would have proceeded in the face of certain defeat. You can also submit events from the future / other worlds.

[2009 Kirk & Spock]
How long does a commanding officer have to wait for information? Or were you attempting to keep things secret?

Nov. 7th, 2013


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

I have airline tickets to take me to France over the holidays. I don't know if this will be more or less depressing than being here, but I am hoping that it will be a fruitful experience and perhaps will show me a bit about what this reality's version of my home is like. At the very least I shall have had the opportunity to travel in an airplane and I'm looking forward to that experience. It still is fascinating to me that it will take me multiple hours to cross the Atlantic.

[Will, Deanna]
I do not have plans over the Thanksgiving holidays however. Perhaps we ought to do something together or perhaps something with all of us from Starfleet?

Oct. 20th, 2013


Damn it, Bones

For those who knew him, Bones was sent is gone. Whatever happens when we leave here, that's what's happening to him now and I'm not - so wish him luck.


Good talk on Friday, but let's lock it down - I say we do this. I say we strike out on our own and fund and build this. We're bound to hit enough snags along the way before we even get something someone might want to steal. We've just got to start crossing bridges as we come to them and stop speculating so far in advance. We all know the Kobayashi Maru test, we all know that we can't plan for everything -- and you all know that I don't believe in no-win scenarios. There's a way to do this, a way to do it right and we'll find it as we go.

So who is with me? And who has fundraising ideas?

I suggest we sell the Vulcan.

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