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Jun. 1st, 2013


Is this some kind of joke? Really.

I wish I knew how the fuck this is all supposed to go.

Filter: Gin, James Sirius, Albus

Your sister's gone. So's Teddy.

I don't

How's everyone holding up? I know Hugo and Rose just left too.

May. 13th, 2013


Happy Mother's Day, Mum and Gran! :)

You, me, dancing, prom? I promise to get you spiked punch and only let you streak in my flat.

We're stuck here and you still run away. Seriously, man, when are you going to face any of your problems?

May. 2nd, 2013


Delivery for Lily Luna Potter )

Apr. 21st, 2013


I took a train out of the city for the first time. Suppose I could have apparated Went up just north of the city and did some hiking. It almost felt like camping. Haven't done that in years. Don't really fancy camping ever again, honestly.

Filter: Ron & Hermione

I feel a bit like I'm losing my mind. You two want to come by tonight? I'll provide the refreshments. I need my two oldest mates round.

Filter: JSP, Lily Luna, Albus

Now that I've had a chance to get out of the city and regroup (that's Auror speak for calm down), I wanted to take a moment to apologize if I said anything while all riled up that upset you. You know how I get when someone starts insulting me or condescending to me and such. For the record, in case it wasn't clear, I never threatened any sort of physical harm to Gray -- he's not worth my time in that respect. Or anyone's time, really. He's textbook narcissist, and I really should have known better, but I couldn't help myself. Didn't expect everything to get so out of hand though. Suppose we've got Ms. Carter to thank for that.

Filter: JSP

Wanted to thank you for standing up for your mother the way you did. That was great to see. Really, though, Zabini has always been an arse, so I didn't expect anything less from him.

Apr. 19th, 2013


Filter: James Sirius and Lily Luna
I need to tell you two something.


Filtered: Albus Severus Potter
Albus? I think I saw something I wasn't meant to.

Apr. 18th, 2013


Mysterious chocolate in front of my door; poisoned or safe to eat?

Eh, what are charms for?

Apr. 17th, 2013


I've a question for you wizarding types (and you admin types - Ms. Watson & Ms. Pepper, specifically) which may or may not warrant a group discussion.

However, sharing is caring and I'd like to get back to my card game with the honourable Messrs Dedalus & Grantaire.

Witches and wizards, do you often threaten 'Muggles' with violence against their persons? And if so, how serious ought one take it?

Now, back to the game. I think Stephen is about to guess his card.

Apr. 14th, 2013


Fuck me, what day is it even?

Apr. 13th, 2013


You never answered.


And I made Baklava. Alicia said it was delicious, so now I turn it over to you.


Even if I could build a TARDIS, she'd never fly, not in the way she's supposed to. She might fly here and there around this world, but she'd never leave for the stars, she'd never travel through time, never back to my home universe. It would just be a box, with no heart.

Filter: Donna

Did you travel with Jenny? I saw your earlier post.

Filter: Sally Sparrow

Do you and I know each other?

Filter: Team Time

So it would appear the only way out of this mess is through the tesseract cube. They really should let me near it. Failing that, it seems the only thing to do is to figure out who is leaving, who comes, how long they stay, if there's clues in what part of their timeline they're pulled from, etc etc. Someone else on this network has to have done the same thing - it's only logical. Anyone have ideas as to who that could be?

Filter: Metacrisis, Other Doctor

Jenny left. I was just getting used to the idea of her. I was going to get to know her.

Apr. 10th, 2013


"Watch how much cake you're eating, Ginevra," they said.

"Don't lose thar planner, it'll save your life," Hermione said.

"Gin, please don't get hurt the week before our wedding," Harry said.


So. Lemon tarts? Raspberry? Or even twizzlers? Girl's gotta stress eat.

Apr. 9th, 2013


Weasley-Potter role-call! They told me the lot of you were here and I need to know how much food to make for dinner.

Edited in later: Ah, right. Molly Weasley here. The first. I imagine some of you remember me a bit older or with gray hair. Surprise!

Apr. 1st, 2013


I was flipping through the telly and BBC America was advertising for the new episode of Doctor Who that aired Saturday. And something horrible occurred to me. If I remain here, it will be another twenty years before I see a new episode of Doctor Who.


Filtered to the Ninth Doctor
Do you ever think you are supposed to feel an emotion but then feel guilty because you don't?

Mar. 29th, 2013


I think my girl liked the early Easter basket I got her.

Mar. 21st, 2013


Text to Harry, James Sirius, Albus, and Lily Luna

>>Hugo gave me a bit of an idea.
>>This basketball that the Muggles play? Looks fun. And sort of like quidditch, at least for a Chaser.
>>Aiming a ball through a hoop and all.
>>I think I'd like to try it.
>>Anyone want to go? It could be fun. It might also be terrible, but I would like to see you three.

Mar. 20th, 2013


Well, if you want to alarm someone then taking them very painfully from their home, pointing guns at them, and rattling off questions will certainly do it. I also should probably apologize to the man I hexed - but you shouldn't threaten to shoot someone just because they asked where their children were.

I'll admit I probably shouldn't have sworn at him, but desperate times and all of that.

They told me I had been here before, at 15 no less. What a bloody nightmare. Sorry about that. But better 15 than 16. Or 17, come to think of it. Those two years were complete rubbish.

Name is Ginny. Anyone mind pointing me to my children or, possibly, my husband? Goes by Harry - Harry Potter.

Mar. 11th, 2013


I just spent the entire day watching something called "A Very Potter Musical" and then something equally amazing called "A Very Potter Sequel" and all I can say is that while some fans out there are completely bonkers, some are completely brilliant. Completely not factual, but that's basically what makes it great.

(And the first person that gets sassy with me for finding a parody of our world entertaining is going to be glared at like they've never been glared at before.)

Mar. 10th, 2013


Something is very wrong, this is all wrong, everything is wrong!


Filter: Rose
Time's gone off. Very off. This should be 2013, a little eclectic, a little too much pop-country. Not technology way beyond their means. What's the last thing you remember?


Filtered to Castiel:
As it seems less likely with each day that passes that I will be going home, I suppose we should discuss our living situation?

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