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May. 31st, 2015



This is so weird...

Mar. 30th, 2015


Er, I think that there's been a sort of garden on the 13th floor? Which is brilliant and if the person who did it isn't here anymore, I know of some people who would like to take it over. But would it be possible to open the roof open to such a thing? Or if it's not, is there anywhere that I might be able to have a bit of land where I can grow the plants I brought with me? And have a vegetable garden? And perhaps a greenhouse, one day?

Mar. 13th, 2015


network post; ginny weasley

Hello, New York. Er - you couldn't have sent some Pepper-Up through that box, too? Maybe my broomstick? My mum? Alright, then. I'm Ginny, and it seems -- I've got your plague. So, thanks.

Oh, and I'm back. I expect drinks when we're through this rough patch. Yea?

Mar. 10th, 2015


( Filtered to Nymphadora Tonks & Neville Longbottom )
Cheers, I'm sorry I missed your arrivals here, but I'm Dorcas Meadowes. You don't know me, but I was mates with your parents. Here, I work for an organization that is trying to track down information about this flu that seems to be going around. As part of our investigation, we're interviewing recent Tesseract arrivals and I was wondering if you both would be willing to meet with me and answer some questions.

Mar. 9th, 2015


Filter to Harry Potter
Hullo, Harry. Sorry I sort of... stopped talking to you. I think I got overwhelmed and then I had a nightmare like I do at home and that just made everything fucking worse. Your Mum and Dad invited me for dinner, that was really nice of them. Your Mum said that she was good friends with mine and I never knew that.

I might have also spilt the beans to Remus about him being dead and him and Tonks being married. I didn't know he knew and now I'm afraid he's angry at me.

Mar. 8th, 2015


Network Post; Lily Potter

Neville, I am so very embarrassed. I have had my head all in books, and work, and I didn't even introduce myself or say hello.

I'm Lily Potter, which you might know from the name by the side of my entry, but I'm Harry's mum, and I knew your Mum - she was a good friend of mine. And I'd very much like it if you would join Harry, and James, and I for dinner sometime this week - if you'd like.


I'm sorry I forgot to put the silencing charms up the other night. Er, does anyone know of where I can get something that will help me sleep? I used to get a potion to help with it, but those aren't really available here.

Mar. 6th, 2015


Who: Neville Longbottom, Michael Westen, Pepper Potts, and whoever else who hears Neville's shouting and wants to help out!
When: about 1 a.m. Saturday, March 7, 2015
Where: Neville's apartment
What: Neville has a night terror
Rating: Highish? Trigger warnings for mentions of character death, war, unforgiveable curses, ptsd, and probably some other things that I can't think of right now.

Mist curled around stone that had been knocked from its foundations, and piled at the bottom of a set of stone steps that lead to a tall, wide wooden door.  )

Mar. 4th, 2015


WHERE IS MY BROTHER? I swear to god if they told me he was here just to get me to calm down, I'll be really angry.


Er. Hello? I'm not entirely sure I'm doing this right, but here goes. Er, I'm Neville. Neville Longbottom.

Mar. 6th, 2014


Network Post: Neville Longbottom

Another cold weekend it appears. Not that it's out of sorts with how Hogwarts was. I remember the numerous trips we made to Hagrid's for Care of Magical Creatures.

My side project is going ok, nothing to write home about - though I imagine Professor Sprout would be pleased with what I've accomplished.

I also have an interview for a job next week.

Alexis Castle
Would you like to have a picnic this weekend? The garden is always the right temperature and I can show you what I've been working on.

Mar. 4th, 2014



Just a quick note to let you know I am here.

[Friends & Family of Kate Beckett]

If you don't hear from Kate, there is no need to worry. Kate is fine, she's turned her phone off. She's going through something and she just needs some space right now.

Mar. 1st, 2014


network post: sookie stackhouse

This has been my first winter in about two years, five if you're choosing to think about the idea it was 2008-2009. Mostly I think about it every time it gets real cold out there, and I can't remember it being cold in a long time, even Louisiana cold. And that's well above freezing, let me tell you. I'd just pull on the Merlotte's pants and wrap a jacket around me, and I'd be good. Now, I don't mean to be complaining here, and that's not what this is about. I finished building my room at Dr. Strange's a while ago now. And I think I'm going to try for something more: a garden, where it's warm and sunny all the time, like the fairy dimension in the cemetery, with fewer gravestones. There's no guarantee I'll be able to do that before it gets proper warm around here, but if I do, I'm welcome to sharing it with some company now and again, to anyone that misses the sun and warmth like I do.

Feb. 27th, 2014


The welcome wagon needs work but, hey, New York. I'm Ginny.

Could have done without whoever thought it'd be funny to have me live with Harry. That is the opposite of funny or clever.

Feb. 26th, 2014


[ooc: posted after he sees Ginny in their flat]

Er, I'm still not sure what just happened, but they said there were people I know here?

As kidnappings go, this has to be the strangest one I've ever been involved with.

Feb. 24th, 2014


Now this feels more like my version of NYC, never a dull moment! But add me to the growing list of people sick of winter at the same time.

*Filter: Hermione*

My grandmother (Grams) just got here last night/early this morning! She's also our new neighbor so I'll be running some food over once I'm out of class.

Now that I'm thinking about it: need anything picked up from the market?

*Filter: Neville*

Grams is here! Of course I'm happy about this and you need to meet her before too long I think? She's also living between me and Hermione and Dad and Kate.

And my class for tomorrow afternoon is called off (professor has jury duty), time for another food truck hunt? :)

I've not stopped smiling either.

*Filter: Kate*

I just realized Grams is about a year behind us, the fact she was in the bank was a big clue. Sooner or later she'll need to know what happened but how do we tell before she finds out via the TV? And yes I know I'm more than likely overthinking things once again.

I've also got a couple of things do to after class but nothing major (and breakfast on Thursday before class as usual?).


Text to Neville

Hey, Neville, you want to go get a cuppa?


New York you haven't changed a bit! Well besides having super heroes and fictional people but the basics are still the same. I wonder if my acting studio is still here? Probably a different company but the building would probably still be the same. Of course going from being a hostage to being kidnapped by some strange alien device is an unusual day and not something I normally would expect. I live a normal life besides my son being a consultant for the NYPD and my granddaughter being a genius.

Now. Talking of my family I have been told I am living between the two of you since neither of you have rooms to spare. Expect me over or the two of you - Kate you are welcome too of course - can come over here.

Feb. 13th, 2014


Who: The whole game!
When: Valentine's Day! (Pretend it's the 14th)
Where: In your pants. Wherever love is!
What: Valentine presents!
Rating: Who knows!

Because this game is massive, and even if everyone just sent ONE package to anyone, it would end up being 300+ posts in the community. So to save our friends lists from imploding, we the moderators are asking that you fill out this form and reply HERE. It'll make it easier to find (Control-F is a lovely thing!) and we won't have to abuse our scroll button. Here's how we're going to do it. You will post for one character with everything that they got for their friends/family/etc. Make sure to tag your character as soon as you get their information up!

Feb. 12th, 2014


Individually sent text messages to HP 'verse, Laura Roslin, Rogue 616, Dr. Beverly Crusher, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Martha Jones, Willow Rosenburg, Dawn Summers.

--Are you okay?
--Handling everything as well as can be expected?
--Anything I can do?

Text Message to Jane Rizzoli
--Hanging out at Grayburn's library then at Kylie's flat until the Tower's back to normal.
--You okay? Anything I can do for you?
--Having friends native to this world, living in the city, & willing to host you on short notice is a blessing.

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