July 2016




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Jun. 13th, 2016


(from a blocked number)
» So....uh, sorry for not showing up.

Jun. 4th, 2016




Hullo. I'm Tonks. I'm a friend of Bucky's. He was supposed to meet up with me tonight but I haven't seen him. I can't ring him and I've never been to his house. You don't have to tell me where he is, just... is he all right?

Jun. 1st, 2016



I was going to say we should meet up again for a broom-ride on the fourth, since they'll be fireworks.

But then I goggled it and it's the fourth of July that you lot do that sort of thing.

May. 21st, 2016


I think I preferred being young. Can we arrange that?

Especially since my broom arrived. :D :D :D I put three because it's worth three!

May. 9th, 2016


For fuck's sake. I want the dinosaurs back.

May. 3rd, 2016


This is the third time I have "celebrated" the anniversary of my death. As always, it has been done with a couple of bottles of excellent wine and a deep sense of satisfaction that though I may have died, so too did the Dark Lord. I had never expected to survive and thus I was inured to my death. He feared death and thus it was undoubtedly far more unpleasant for him than it was for me.

May. 2nd, 2016


Today marks the 18th anniversary for the Battle of Hogwarts and the final defeat of Lord Voldemort.

Apr. 30th, 2016


While I'm sure it was impressive having Donald Trump get out of his car and walk a few feet, having taken part in the 1968, I can safely say. 2016. Step up your game.

[SWORD science]
You know, I'm understanding more and more how Jurassic Park happened.

Apr. 21st, 2016


Oi, I managed to do Trump's hairstyle, who wants to see it?

Apr. 10th, 2016


network post: kanan jarrus

Who all is stuck out of the city during this... green time?

Filter: SWORD & the City
Mandatory meeting at Sam's at 1900. First round of drinks will be on Felix Blake. We'll be discussing what we know, getting a SHIELD update from Agent Blake, and organizing our response/investigation. Odds are it's not of this planet, which makes it our responsibility.


[Filtered to SWORD]
Everyone report in location.

I want to know who's in the city and who's elsewhere.
[Filtered to MCU SHIELD]
This ... whatever this is is making me sincerely rethink my commitment to returning to the city on weekends.
[Filtered to SHIELD (All)]
For any agents in NYC, there's an all hands meeting at the old Hub at 1700 hours.

National Guard evac has failed and it seems outside resources are cut off from us. Until this clears, we're going to teach FEMA how emergency management is done.


network post: bucky barnes (mcu)

You and the kid aren't allowed to get eaten by dinosaurs.

You alright?

Are you and the pups in one piece?

Do we have any theories about the source of this latest situation?

Mar. 21st, 2016


UK Research Vessel May Be Named 'Boaty McBoatface' By Popular, Awesome Vote

The UK’s Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) thought it might be swell to ask the public to vote on a name for its new research vessel. And swell it is, as…


It's almost enough to make a man feel homesick.

Mar. 15th, 2016


network post: garrett hawke

It is almost impressive that refugees and the superpowered have not played a large role in the presidential race, but that may be my past experience influencing my opinion. We do warrant, it seems, some attention on the senatorial level. And they are the ones who pass laws.

Filtered: Avengers
I am curious what it takes to join your number and - be there enough interest - to have a magic based team. Your thoughtful regard and guidance is most appreciated. For one, I am best suited not to sit on the sidelines but to do something for people. And in my observations, you are kind and good purposed people who help the citizens of this country and indeed the world.

Filtered: Magic Users
We discussed it some time ago, but if you would be interested in working together as some form of team, speak friends, that we may work together.

Mar. 10th, 2016


network post: bucky barnes (mcu)

You aren't dead, right?

Heard anything from Steve recently?

Remember that age discussion we had last week? I'm 99 today.

Mar. 7th, 2016



Would any of you be interested in joining the RSTF? Refugee Supernatural Task Force. It's to take care of random stuff that comes out of the Tesseract, mostly like, rogue werewolves and bad vampires and maybe a fairy or two. Let me know.

Mar. 3rd, 2016


Merlin, this is embarrassing.

My birthday was on the 1st. I didn't say anything because you know, whatever. But right now I will because I would be 43 if we were going in real time, here. Goodness knows I'd rather be 24.


Network post; Buffy Summers

[Filter: RSTF]
So... just so everyone knows, I made some changes to the patrol schedule. Not a lot, but like, we've lost a lot of people, and this was just to even out some of the nights.

If there's one you can't work for some reason, then let me know.

Also - like - are there people you know of that we could recruit? Cause... numbers are a little thin here.

And I think that's all.

Well, maybe pizza tomorrow at Widdershins for anyone who wants to show up and help with inventory?

Feb. 19th, 2016


It seems that people have finally grasped the fact that asking me to brew Amortentia for Valentine's Day will only get them a refusal. I didn't have a single request this year, though I'm sure they'll start up again soon enough.

Actually, given the number of requests I receive in general for Polyjuice, Amortentia and Veritaserum, I can only conclude that fans of the "Potterverse", as I have seen it called, are remarkably lacking in either intelligence, morals or ethics. Or possibly all three.

Feb. 18th, 2016


I am so very sorry to whoever that was in the lift.

Also, if anyone happens to run across my jacket, I'd quite like that back.

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