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Dec. 29th, 2015


Network Post: Jane Foster (MCU)

2015 has turned out to be quite an amazing year. I never in my wildest dreams expected to win a Nobel Prize or get attacked there by some strange person and I still can't believe it happened.

So how about you? What was your highlight of 2015?

Dec. 28th, 2015


It's hard to believe it's already almost 2016. I've never made a New Year's Resolution before, but I'm wondering if now might be a time to start?


If anyone is looking for employment, the ESD is hiring. Currently the only class we have without a professor is Spanish, but we are also open to new subjects

[Filtered to Claire Bennet, Hermione Granger, Violet Parr, Rory Gilmore, Marty McFly + ESD advisors]
Since you five will be turning 18 (or have) during this academic year, I would like to speak to you and see what your plans for graduation or continuing on in the ESD might be.
[Filtered to the X-men]
New Years Eve. Has anyone made plans?

Nov. 26th, 2015


I am so full of food.

So in lieu of discussing who's ready to vite for Ben Carson, let's answer an important question.

Nov. 23rd, 2015


If no one has a place/family/friends to celebrate Thanksgiving with, you're welcome to come spend the day with Mercy and I.

Nov. 20th, 2015


Everybody should just be cool.

Nov. 19th, 2015


Holidays like Thanksgiving make me miss the family and friends back home.

Do you think we should offer to host a Thanksgiving meal to the displaced werewolves here if they've no where to go? Or open it up to those who don't have family/friends here to celebrate with?

Oct. 25th, 2015


[filter: WEREWOLVES, Mercy Thompson, Wesley Wyndham-Pryce, and Adam Hauptman who are, from now on, dubbed "Team Jacob"]

Hey guys.

I'm your dude. ETA: I'm Darcy Lewis, Alex Vause's assistant. I'm asking on behalf of Tony Stark.

Who needs what for the full moon?

Oct. 23rd, 2015


[Filtered to Alex Vause, Wesley Wyndham-Pryce, and Adam Hauptman]
There's something my husband and I would like to run by the two of you.

Oct. 8th, 2015


So I had a thought I wanted to run by you.

Sep. 27th, 2015


[Filtered to Steve Rogers (616)]
You still got that Texas-shaped waffle iron?
Just a reminder from the science side of the network that tonight's impending lunar eclipse is a completely normal phenomenon that happens all the time and signifies absolutely nothing. "Blood moon" sounds very ancient and mystical and spiritual but is a bit of contemporary gibberish pasted together out of scattered Bible verses by some crazy apocalyptic preachers.

To clarify:

1) it's only a "blood moon" if you're being ridiculous,
2) if the world ends it definitely won't be over something this stupid, and
3) you're all going to be fine.

Sep. 24th, 2015


I have not missed fighting supernatural creatures. If anyone else gets offered by some random kid to play a game, you might just want to keep on walking.

Sep. 18th, 2015


Is there anyway at all inside the tower?

You're in the tower, aren't you?


I have a question. How come the entire world goes Italian surrealist horror film and the oil painting of Viktor Zlakob looks the exact damn same?

More importantly. People in the tower. We need to organize. It looks like the Dungeons and Dragons group is selling magical potions and idk patrolling the halls? What floors? Are there other groups, and do we think random patroling or targetted rescue?

We've got clinic folk down in the clinic is that good or do we need a more central one? Like 13th floor? Who can't protect themselves?

What resources do we have. Spare weapons caches? Anyone who ordered excessive amounts of pizza last night that we can distribute?

This shit's usually not permanent. But it's pretty damn real from my encounter just a bit ago.

Aug. 30th, 2015


I've seen a lot of talk about cars lately, and I've been thinking of swapping out mine. But for a guy not familiar with the models here.

What are you people driving around?

Aug. 11th, 2015


network post

At least we can finally go outdoors.

Heya sis,
No alien flu, but that sure was weird.
I need to get outside. Come with me.

Aug. 10th, 2015


Well that could have been far worse.

Mercy may tease me for it but thank god I'm still a control freak memory or no

I'm sorry if I scared you the other day.

Jul. 22nd, 2015


The robots can't win, there's gonna be a Sharknado 4 and I really need to watch it.

Jul. 1st, 2015


Where's a good place to be this weekend if a person is looking to avoid hearing or seeing the fireworks?

Jun. 26th, 2015


It's too bad my friend Warren isn't here to see this.

Congratulations to any out there who identify as homosexual or bisexual - this is a huge win for you guys! Really, it's a huge win for equality overall!

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