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Apr. 4th, 2013


If you see someone who looks suspiciously like me working at The Fat Turtle in the next two weeks, please don't yell at him for not putting enough pickles on your sandwich. He's learning.

[Filtered to Jan (616)]
Feel like going on a shopping trip? I'll carry your bags. You can make me try on a "fashionable" shirt.

[Filtered to Bucky (616)]
Better hurry up, Barnes, or you'll miss me slinging sauerkraut in a green apron.

Apr. 2nd, 2013


It seems that everywhere I turn in this city is another woman threatening me with weapons.

Yes yes, I completely support women's rights and think they should have the right to vote, etc. etc. But I also wonder when holding a sword and sparring because a prerequisite for womanhood.

I would much prefer to date someone who didn't carry something at her side that could kill me at any moment. Especially when women seem nearly honor-bound to threaten me. It gets tiresome, really.

Apr. 1st, 2013


I start my first night at work tonight.


Mar. 29th, 2013


As much as I've been enjoying my classes here, I'm really just wanting to get my diploma now. So I've started looking into the requirements to take the GED test here in New York.

If you're over the age of 16 by the testing date and have valid forms of identification (I checked with the testing offices, and they are willing to accept documentation from SHIELD.) you are eligible to take the test.

The next testing days are just under a month away on April 20th and 21st, and after that the next test isn't given until the first of June.

I'm planning to study for and take the exam next month if anyone else wants to join me.


To: Silena Beauregard
Cc: Luke Castellan
From: Octavian (octavian@pottstower.org)
Subject: Application for Employment
Attachment: payandbenefits.doc

Congratulations. I have reviewed your resume and am impressed by your qualifications. I would like to offer you the position of Fundraising Coordinator, to start immediately.

Attached is a document explaining your pay and benefits package.

I should also like to meet with you post haste to discuss your responsibilities.

I am pleased to welcome you to the team.

Business Manager
Potts Tower Youth Center

Mar. 28th, 2013


It is REALLY weird seeing the actress that plays me in other things. I know I have it much better off. Seeing as she hasn't really been in that much.

It's just, I don't really see myself hunting down dinosaurs.

[Filtered to Jeremy & Elena]

I was thinking we could have a weekly dinner just the three of us.

Too much? Or good idea?


» I am sorry I have not had as much time to spend with you this month.
» I have been doing my best to show Luke Castellan that I do, indeed, care about my job and have been working extra hours to do so.
» If you have no particular religious observances this weekend, perhaps we could go out?


[Filtered to Luke Castellan]

I have received a resume from Silena Beauregard re: the Fundraising Coordinator position. Although she is Greek, I still think her resumé is impressive, and I would like to hire her. She seems pretty enough, and out going enough that it is likely people will throw money in her direction.

I did, however, want to be sure of the proper protocol involved in this. Is it permissible for me to tell her she is hired, or does that need to come from you?

Mar. 19th, 2013


I had the first experience of someone thinking I was someone else. Apparently there's an actress with my face that was on that Vampire Diaries show. Apparently Vicky and I dated the same boy. Who knew? Well, not ME me, but someone with my face.

Someone stopped me at Sephora at work today and couldn't stop gushing. I didn't correct her, mostly because she bought tons of stuff off me and I made my quota. Not that ever have to worry about that. Having charmspeak is pretty useful when you work in sales.

Filtered to: Octavian

Though how anyone would mistake me for a VAMPIRE I have no idea.

How are you? You seem to have been busy lately, but that could just be me being somewhat busy myself.

Mar. 7th, 2013


Email to Octavian

To: Octavian <octavian@pottstower.com>
From: Silena Beauregard <beauregard@pottstower.com>
Subject: Fundraising Coordinator Position
Attachment: resume.doc

You have 1 new message! )

Mar. 6th, 2013


Today, I found out I got the absolute perfect job for me. You're looking at the newest beauty consultant at Sephora! How perfect, right?

Filtered to: Demigods

I see Leo is gone. I'm so sorry to all his close friends, if any of you need anything you totally know you can always count on me! Plus, I get a discount at Sephora and I'm totally willing to share and since when does retail therapy NOT perk you up?

Filtered to: Octavian

Is it awful that it makes me secretly a bit smug that he's gone? I mean, he isn't as bad as Piper, but it's a start. That girlfriend of his was truly awful. Too bad he'll go home and be ALL ALONE. We should do something.

Mar. 4th, 2013


I am amazingly glad that February is over. I did not enjoy last month in the least.

This month, of course, we mourn the death of Caesar, but other than that, I see no reason why it cannot be a better month. After all, spring is coming, and it will be nice to get away from this deathly cold weather. Another way California is better than New York. In addition to all the Greeks here.

[Filtered to Luke Castellan]

Have you had any interest in the fundraiser position? I have received no e-mails but it is possible they might contact you instead, as you are seen to be more personable.

Also, when is Easter? I don't know the dates of Christian holidays.

Lastly - is the Youth Center planning anything for St. Patrick's? We wouldn't like the youth of the city getting themselves intoxicated for lack of a better option.

[Filtered to Drew]

We should do something.

Feb. 25th, 2013


We've had a lot of newcomers, so old-timers, forgive me for repeating things:

Welcome to New York 2013, new folks! And for those of you new folks who are under 21, come visit us at the Potts Tower Youth Center. We provide space and activities for socializing, studying, and coping with whatever you've got going on. Our staff and visitors include people from lots of different worlds and backgrounds, so you're bound to find someone here you can make a connection with, no matter how much of a misfit you might feel like or be at home.

Services (all optional) offered in the PTYC include:
- Counseling (see Audrey Parker)
- Peer tutoring (see Emma Frost to volunteer or request help)
- Assistance locating internships, jobs, and volunteer opportunities (see Emma Frost)

Regular events in the PTYC include:
- Monthly Mario Kart tournament (last Sunday of every month - sign-up sheet is on the Game Room door)
- Movie Night (every Wednesday starting at 6 p.m.)
- Rock Band Night (alternating Thursdays starting at 6 p.m. - this Thursday is a Rock Band Thursday!)
- Open Mic Night/Coffeehouse (alternating Thursdays starting at 6 p.m. - NEXT Thursday is an Open Mic Thursday), hosted by the amazing Maria DeLuca and featuring absolutely anything anyone wants to get up and share - music, poetry, comedy, dance, or anything else within reason

Our next upcoming Special Event will be an Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday (March 31). It's a cultural tradition of this world that we think will be a lot of fun for anyone who chooses to participate. If nothing else, it ends in candy for everyone.

(Note: We're still looking for a speaker to give a short talk about the history/cultural significance of Easter that afternoon. If you're interested, contact our Education Lead, Emma Frost.)

Want to volunteer? Have ideas for regular or special events? Discovered a charity you want to get a group together to work with? Have questions? Contact me or any of the rest of our staff, and we'll work with you to make it happen.

Final Note: We still have an opening for a Fundraising Coordinator. It's a paid position reporting directly to our Business Manager. If you're interested, send your resumé to octavian@pottstower.com.

Feb. 22nd, 2013


» You don't have to defend me to her, you know.
» I don't care what some little brat has to say about me.

Feb. 17th, 2013


Filtered to Roman Demigods

Hi everyone,

I wanted to invite you all to lunch on Monday. It's a holiday here, and I thought it would be nice to get together. Maybe bring a dish? Something small and quiet so we can be together.

Feb. 12th, 2013


[Filtered to Youth Center Staff]

I will not be in the office tomorrow, or perhaps for the rest of the week. If you need to contact me, I will be available via e-mail - octavian@pottstower.com, or via text or phone. Please do not attempt to contact me unless it is an emergency, as I am not currently well.


If I have, in any way, made it appear to anyone that I do not respect the Youth Center and its mission, then I am profoundly sorry. I have only ever wanted -

It is useless.

This place is no better than New Rome.

Feb. 11th, 2013


The Potts Tower Youth Center will be open as usual on Valentine's Day. Some of our regular staff will be off doing lovey-dovey stuff, but yours truly will be around to hold down the fort. There may even be cupcakes.

[Filtered to Iskierka and Temeraire]

Question: have you guys ever had chocolate? Or any candy?


Valentine's Day.

Sickening, vile waste of time. It is not a celebration of love, but a celebration of consumerism and chocolate. Last time I looked, love does not require huge expenditures of money.
I hope that the youth center does not plan on holding a ridiculous and overly expensive party for this occasion as well?

[Filtered to Drew Tanaka]

I suppose we shall need to go out for the Holiday?

Feb. 3rd, 2013


It's so nice having a smart, classy boyfriend who is clever and has lots of money so he can take me to nice dinners.

It's just so romantic, you know.

Filtered to Octavian

Ugh, they want to go to MUSEUMS and things. Children's museums. So juvenile.

And they wonder why we're superior.


As some of you may no doubt be aware, I am the augur of Camp Jupiter, meaning that, to put it simply, I have the gift of prophecy. Because I find myself with more free time than I would like, I am offering my skills to those who wish to invest in the stock market.

I am willing to show you my own stock portfolio if you dare to question the legitimacy of my ability.

Please contact me if you are interested; my fee is reasonable.

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