July 2016




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May. 11th, 2014


Is this what happens when Galactus eats your world? Because I feel like it might be what happens when Galactus eats your world. Or maybe it's just what happens when you die. I don't feel dead. Kinda have the whole heartbeat thing going for me, and the breathing. Gotta love the breathing, wanna keep with the breathing.

Someone wanna explain to me what the hell is really going on? This one of Tony's pranks?


There are times when, despite all the times she tried to kill me, I miss my mother.

I think we should have regular dinners, at least once a month. We can keep each other grounded.

May. 3rd, 2014


network post: sookie stackhouse

I do my best not to find out nothing about the show I'm from. True Blood, I seen the name flashing through enough people's heads not to forget that. But today someone was projecting so hard, I couldn't shut them out, while I worked tonight. But it wasn't all bad news. Besides excitement for the next season, there was sadness because it's the last season. The last season. I never been here before, when it was coming out, but if I can get through this summer of it, that'll be it. No more True Blood. Has anyone else gone through something like that?

I don't know how everyone works on getting through it being on tv and all. But I'm here to support anyone who needs it and open to advice to anyone that has it. It's still more than a month away, but it felt like it was much further away, and now it's not.

May. 1st, 2014


I have been given old belongings of mine by the shield of this world. The clothing is helpful, as my armor is not welcomed in much of this city.

What is a motorcycle and why did I purchase one?

Apr. 27th, 2014


You know I've never been fond of formal parties but I could get used to the ones in this world.

emma )

Apr. 23rd, 2014


network post: sookie stackhouse

Filtered to: Buffyverse
You got your hands full, and I'd like to offer my help, if'n I can. I never talked with Angel much, but he was a good guy as far as I know. And I don't like folks who normally got their heads on straight and don't go around killing people getting turned to gooey blood or dust or whatever it is they go to, if it can be helped. I'm a telepath, and vampires are like dead spots. It don't work across something as large as Manhattan or even the whole tower. But I can tell when there's a vampire nearby. And I know it works on your kind. They've come into Sam's, and I seen them around. It's my night off tonight, and if you'd like my help, count me in.
Filtered to: Sam Merlotte
And here I go, sticking my nose into vampire business again. It ain't the smartest, but they're good people.

Apr. 20th, 2014


Some dude just gave me an egg. Said to do a lot of walking.

Considering all the other formerly fictional things and people here... I have my suspicions.

Omg if I'm right this is going to be the best day EVER.

I'm gonna go walk until I find out if I'm right.

UPDATE: I knew it!!! I went for a run and by the time I was done? THE EGG HATCHED. POKEMON ARE REAL HERE TOO!!!!

That's right, you're looking at the brand new owner of a cute widdle Wynaut!!!

Apr. 19th, 2014


Filter to Annie, Wanda, Jan, Lydia, Laurie, any other female friends of Pen's that I've forgotten
Would anyone like to go shopping with me this sometime this week? My dress for prom is not the gown I thought I would be wearing -- it's better -- and as a result, I find myself needing accessories to go with it.

Filter to Wanda
I'll probably make a fool of myself if I attempted to dance any of these new dances, in all honesty.

Did anyone else come into possession of a curious egg today? I was told to keep it close by, but I'm not entirely sure why. The man also told me that walking is important. I agreed with him, because it is. But I do admit to some confusion.

Apr. 18th, 2014


For anyone who knew him, August Booth is gone. He didn't want to -- he was

Mar. 29th, 2014


NGL, I'm kinda head over heels for Wil Wheaton now.

Mar. 27th, 2014


» Hey
» Ready for the weekend away?
» We're in luck.. we'll have 70-degree weather while we're there.

Mar. 22nd, 2014


network post: sookie stackhouse

Filtered: Sanctum Sanctorum & House of Life
Hello y'all, if I could impose for a few moments of your time, I'd really appreciate you listening, or reading as it is. I've been working on making a garden with magic, attached to my room in my little pocket of the pocket the sanctum's in. There ain't nothing worth showing yet. But it's been weeks since all I've managed to do is make the ceiling real tall, the dirt a fair bit deeper, and some kind of lights floating that sure ain't sun. I was hoping some of y'all might have some advice to give me, or if there's anything you're working on that I could help with, I'm mighty glad to do that, get some hands on magic practice with folks much better at magic around. Thank you, for reading.

Mar. 21st, 2014


Filter: Friends
So, the PI licensing exam I took at the beginning of this month? (Well, for any of you who didn't know I was taking it, pretend you already knew.) Results are in, and it was a pass. I guess my days of barely scrapping by with the little income I get from online journalism are numbered.

Filter: Sookie Stackhouse
I have a small proposition for you. When is the soonest you can take an extended vacation from work?

Mar. 17th, 2014


It's a special day, and not because it's St. Patrick's Day.

A couple years ago, if you'd asked me to describe where I'd be now, I never would have predicted this. I've said this before, but I consider myself extremely blessed to have met all of you. Since today is Sadie's birthday, it seems only right to spend a little time talking about her. Whenever something's happened, Sadie's been there, to offer a helping hand or to try to cheer me up. I remember not knowing what to think of her at first, and wanting to make sure she stayed out of trouble. I remember wanting to make sure she was safe. Turns out she's a heck of a lot stronger and more capable than I ever gave her credit for back then, and she never really needed me to protect her. In the year since, she's grown into a young woman I'm more proud of every day.

You'll have to forgive me for embarrassing you a little. Happy birthday.

Mar. 16th, 2014


I need somewhere else to stay tonight. I can not stay in that apartment with her one more night!

Mar. 15th, 2014


Damn, I was kind of curious what I'd look like as a girl. Doesn't seem fair I've been here longer than nearly all of you and I still haven't gotten to experience that.

Maybe next time.


Network Post: Talon Karrde

So I decided to deal with this the best way I know how. I'm having a drink at Sam's. Anyone care to join me?

[Mara Jade]
I have no idea if you can see this but if you can, you're laughing your ass off, aren't you?

Mar. 1st, 2014


The Wolf once got a bone stuck in his throat. So he went to the Crane and begged her to put her long bill down his throat and pull the bone out. “I’ll make it worth your while,” he added. The Crane did as she was asked, and removed the bone quite easily. The Wolf thanked her kindly, and was just turning away, when she demanded, “What about my reward?” The Wolf, laughing and baring his teeth, said, “Now you can boast that you once put your head into a Wolf’s mouth and didn’t get it bitten off.”
- Aesop's Fables

As with most fables, there is a moral here.


network post: sookie stackhouse

This has been my first winter in about two years, five if you're choosing to think about the idea it was 2008-2009. Mostly I think about it every time it gets real cold out there, and I can't remember it being cold in a long time, even Louisiana cold. And that's well above freezing, let me tell you. I'd just pull on the Merlotte's pants and wrap a jacket around me, and I'd be good. Now, I don't mean to be complaining here, and that's not what this is about. I finished building my room at Dr. Strange's a while ago now. And I think I'm going to try for something more: a garden, where it's warm and sunny all the time, like the fairy dimension in the cemetery, with fewer gravestones. There's no guarantee I'll be able to do that before it gets proper warm around here, but if I do, I'm welcome to sharing it with some company now and again, to anyone that misses the sun and warmth like I do.

Feb. 18th, 2014


Network Post: Talon Karrde

I have joined the ranks of the gainfully employed.

Meet the newest bartender at Ward III. It's close to the tower and seemed like a good place to keep my ears to the ground. Since my other option was contacting a group called The Mob in New Jersey, this seemed much safer. I take that the mob guys make the Hutts look downright civil at least from what I've heard.

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