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Sep. 2nd, 2014


[Next Avengers]
So uh guys? What are we going to do about that light thing? I mean, we have to help, right?

Aug. 28th, 2014


Did you know there's a holiday here that celebrates work? AND THEY GET A PARADE! Mom! Azari! James! Torunn! Can we go? Let's go see a parade!

Aug. 26th, 2014


I want to go home. I hate that it's so much like my home here, it just makes it all a hundred times weirder. I'd rather be on some alien planet than here.

I saw your friend disappeared. I'm sorry, that sucks.

Can I ask you something? Not medical stuff, just like, life advice?

I have a kind of weird question.

Aug. 11th, 2014


network post: azari

Filtered: Next Avengers
Which classes are you thinking of taking? Genetics, physics, psychology, anthropology, and continuing energy manipulation are my thoughts. I took math courses, English literature, chemistry, linguistics, military tactics, diplomacy, mutant studies, engineering, and spanish. Pym and I took Aircraft and Flight Procedures together (I have a license to fly a plane, Pym) from a spaceship. She's since returned through the tesseract though.
Filtered: Ororo Munroe
Another mix of science and social sciences? I was thinking genetics and physics, psychology and anthropology. And your course on energy manipulation. We'd work on it either way.
I remember when classes were whatever Tony and Bruce felt like teaching that day. Harder were the "time travel, timelines, broken systems of time and how to fix them" where I doubt I ever fully earned a passing grade. But there was always the next timeline for that, until there wasn't.

Jul. 27th, 2014


Take down an evil robot? Best night ever. Get sucked into another dimension? BEST YEAR EVER! This is so cool! Does this happen a lot? Are there evil versions of me here? Is there a good Ultron? How many dimensions are there? I tried asking those S.W.O.R.D. guys, but they weren't really nice.

May. 20th, 2014


Today sucks. Wanda and me are going back to bed.

[Next Avengers]
Guys, I think Francis went back.

May. 9th, 2014


NETWORK! I need your help! Where can I find a boy that likes others boys? I've a friend that totally needs a date. He needs to be tall, can kick some butt, and must like cats or it's a total deal breaker.

Also, I love this weather. It's starting to feel way more like home again.

Want to go to Coney Island this weekend? There's a circus sideshow! I've always wanted to see one! And by always, I mean since I just heard of them like, last week ago.

May. 7th, 2014


network post: azari

Filter: Tony Stark the gayer (616)
I saw Dorian is doing better, and I'm glad for him. Are you feeling better?
Filter: Pym
How closely do you track or remember everyone who's here? I may make some lists.
I went people watching this evening in Central Park. You can learn a lot about a stranger just staying in one place, not even following them. Then there's some stories that the explanation has to be good, to make sense of what they said or did. No one is normal when you really watch them.

Apr. 18th, 2014


Mooooooooooooooooooooom can we order Hawaiian pizza tonight for dinner? Oh, and you have to dance with Francis and I. I picked up a video game and hooked everything up in the living room. Also, can Azari come over too?

[Francis, Azari]
Azari you have to come over tonight! I got a dance game for Francis and we're going to learn how to dance better.

Apr. 17th, 2014


I can face down Ultron and his forces no problem but the thought of prom and being able to dance with Torunn is nerve wracking

Is...there anyone who could teach me how to dance?

Apr. 10th, 2014


Cut for journal entry )

How do you handle being homesick when you never truly want to go back home?

Apr. 9th, 2014


It's supposed to be sixty-three degrees here tomorrow! Sixty-three real degrees. Which isn't enough to make me want to stay in Canada, but the polar bears are beginning to migrate north, so I think it's safe to say that we made it through the winter, up here in the land of the Arctic Circle.

That said, I need reasons to move back to the States -- New York especially. And I don't mean political or employment reasons, just like -- tell me your favourite things about the city and her boroughs and her food.

Actually, mostly just the food.

[Bruce Banner]
Of course, Spring basically also means that all the roads ever are torn up and it's construction time again which. Gross.

Apr. 6th, 2014


Thanks to this aura-viewing and the consequential research, I think I'm going to swear off Skittles. For at least half a year. Or just a month.

Filter: Allison Argent
Prom shopping. You and me. Soonish. Just like the good ol' days, minus a potential alpha werewolf attacking me. Thank god because I could totally use a redo. I'd say tomorrow but I'm not sure if seeing auras on a bunch of people at the mall will keep my focus and I don't know when this is going to go away. Instead, Astrophysics homework is on the top of the to-do list.

Did I also mention? Rhodey asked me to be his date and I agreed. :) And now you know.

Filter: May Parker
Hey, so. How's your Latin classwork going?

Filter: Rhodey
Hey, you.

Apr. 4th, 2014


Delivery for Sadie Kane )


network post: azari

Filtered: Next Avengers, Sadie Kane, & Carter Kane
It's been some time, and a lot has happened the last week or two. But was anyone, you think, more attractive as a man than a woman or a woman than a man? Everyone who switched genders was the same person. It is easy to see that. But does it make a difference?

I also found a place to take dance lessons, for anyone who wishes to go to prom. I did not dance before, but if we are going this year, with or without dates, I would still like to learn how to dance. It cannot be harder than fighting. You work with your dance partner, not against them.

Apr. 1st, 2014


Who: OMG FAMILY Jan, Hank, Henry
What: Introductions
When: BACKDATED to right after Hank's arrival
Where: Respective apartments
Rating: D for D’awwwwww
Status: Completed

''I have a surprise for you.'' )

Mar. 26th, 2014


[Next Avengers + Sadie]
Are any of you going to the prom next month?

How does one prepare to get laid? I am told that protection is required.

Mar. 25th, 2014


Who is here with costumes and who is not? I need superhero designing (or just construction) to do, or else I'll be updating my own costume like fifteen thousand times (don't say anything Hank). I've got a pretty steady supply of different fabrics, though I'd always recommend unstable particles, especially for people whose powers ruin normal fabrics.

The line forms here.

Mar. 17th, 2014


Delivery for Sadie Kane )

Mar. 12th, 2014


There's a lot of really smart people here, why can't any of them figure out the Tesseract? I bet my dad could if they'd let him look at it.

[Mom....... and Dad?]
Sadie's best friend is gone, can I stay with her this week at the House of Life? I want to make sure she'll be okay. Pleeeaaaaaassssseeeee?

[Next Avengers]
Did you guys see Ty Lee's gone? You guys should come help cheer Sadie up.

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