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Aug. 8th, 2014


Hey. What are you doing tomorrow during the day?
You guys up for a little impromptu birthday party tomorrow afternoon?

Jun. 22nd, 2014


EVERYTHING is such a downer lately! SHIELD blah blah. I know what will make everyone feel better:

for image, no filter )
LOOK AT MY BURD! He is so soft and so pretty pretty.

Jun. 13th, 2014


Short notice, I know, but you guys mind if Jessica and Dani come to stay till this shit at Potts Tower blows over?

Jun. 1st, 2014


» https://vine.co/v/Mn9bBTQp71V

May. 22nd, 2014


» Are you okay?? About Julie?

May. 6th, 2014


Billy and I got a job! Well, he got a job, and I got a job.

WE work at Bulletproof Comics!

The owner is really nice. I'm allowed to bring Burd in.

May. 3rd, 2014


network post: xavin

It will be one year soon, in twelve days. It's a Thursday night, but I'd like to celebrate the next day, that Friday. It's been bumpy but better than the alternative. One year without evisceration. Rungalow, 7pm, food and drinks will be provided. Friends I expect to see there. But anyone whose life was bad enough being here's a celebration is welcome.

Apr. 22nd, 2014


I don't know if I'm going to prom. I don't know if I want to. What's it like?

I need to find an after-school job. I want to buy Burd fancy toys. Things with bells and little ladders. The works.

I really will hang out with you instead of go to Prom. I want to. We can eat ice cream in her honor.

Am I allowed to go to a bonfire on the night of prom? Xavin is going to be there.

Am I allowed to see Xavin again yet??

Apr. 14th, 2014


My girlfriend's gone. I woke up, and she was gone.

Apr. 9th, 2014


» What's a Skrull??

Apr. 4th, 2014


network post: xavin

Thank you, Tony Stark. No thank you to the New York Police Department. They do not have to like vigilantes to do their job. But typically when someone stops a robbery, you let them go on their way. Take a witness statement. Arrest the person who attacked the place. I even could have understood being arrested for being a vigilante. But no, I was arrested for the crime itself. And the lucky imbecile who got away with it stuck around and laughed. Laughed. Angry black person, they said. They didn't even bother finishing all the paperwork last night. Bail got posted today. They still "may or may not press charges." No leaving the jurisdiction until they make up their damn minds.

Filtered: Aracely
My apologies for not coming over. I was detained.


Has anyone heard from Xavin??


One of my friends was supposed to come over and she didn't. She's not answering her phone.

If she got sent back I'm gonna punch a hole in the wall. Like you do, when you're upset.

Apr. 1st, 2014


network post: xavin

Filtered: Chase Stein, Aracely
I should have known it was a good sign when Billy Kaplan showed up. I've never seen him and Dorrek VIII separated for long. And he's here. He hung out in our blanket fort. This is a good sign.
I am now a licensed driver in the state of New York. One step further along to being a valet. And I would not let a car fall into a large body of water.

Mar. 30th, 2014


What an extraordinary day! And an extraordinarily long one. I pinched myself six times in my first hour of being here, to be certain that I wasn't dreaming. But I was told, very briefly, how to operate this machine, and also told that I might introduce myself. I'm Mrs. Anne Blythe, lately of Glen St. Mary, PEI. I've never been outside of Canada before now, and it tickles me to think about what Mrs. Lynde would say about me being in New York City.

Thor, are you and your friends on this network? Thank you for being so kind today. I've never had mead before, and I probably never will again, but it was an experience I won't soon forget.

Mar. 19th, 2014



I asked Billy to help with

you know

The thing in my head.

Also, I want to get a job.

Mar. 5th, 2014


I would love to go like, maybe six months, six months without being tossed unwittingly into another dimension. Actually. I'd take a month, even.

One month.

A week.

Three days?

Closest bid without going over?

Is Bob Barker still the host of the Price is Right here? Because that would be cool. I didn't really check, before, because I was too busy tracking down a ghost-Patriot-who-kidnapped-my-not-twin-twin-brother.

Time Travel, reality warping and figuring out fractured reincarnated souls can really cut into your daytime game show time.

Is there a place nearby that does 24 hour breakfast?

Also. Hi. I'm Billy. And the awesome one from Orange is the New Black just gave me a gift basket with scented soups and... I think this is a Gucci watch? So. Even if Bob Barker isn't the host of the Price is Right, I guess this place isn't too bad.

Feb. 20th, 2014


UGH! Bad week is all I'm going to say. I could use a Vacation, I'm thinking Mexico. I need to just lay on the beach with a tropical drink in hand and not have to worry about work and deadlines.

Feb. 14th, 2014


Yes! Now I can have my toaster strudels again.

[Filter: Wolves]

So how's it going down tonight?


[Filtered to Team Teen Iron Man]
So I've been doing some thinking and it's dumb that I'm in this apartment by myself. I have three bedrooms. Clearly you two should move in here with me.

I call dibs on the master bedroom. And I'm already in here, so.
[end filter]

[Filtered to Rhodey (MCU)]
Hey. So, I have a weird question. Is your our your mom still alive? Does she know about all this stuff going on? Would it be weird if I visited her? I'm kinda missing my mom, and I figure the closest thing to her is yours. And, like, I miss Dad, too, but I'm used to that since he's away on deployment a lot. He was actually supposed to come home in time for me to graduate, but now I guess I won't see him, either.
[end filter]

I am definitely looking foward to the candy sales tomorrow. I'm also going to buy about a million boxes of Girl Scout Cookies, too.


It is quite amazing how much St Valentine's Day has not changed in 200 years. True, greeting cards seem to be the standard for love notes and missives, but the principle remains the same. You shower your love with gifts and tokens of your affection, and the act is reciprocated.

And it never, ever gets any easier being without the one you love, or even without a love in the first place. I know that there is an anti-Valentine's Day party this evening, but I believe I'll stay home. Once again, the best part of my day is the chocolate.

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