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May. 18th, 2013


I've got my pysch evals lined up next week for work with the NYPD. Closest thing to Auror work as I can determine here. It'll take some getting used to -- the whole not being in charge part -- but I know it'll be worth it.

Filter: Rose Weasley

Rosey Posey, is it true you're working with the NYPD?

Filter: Renee Montoya

Thanks again for your help. I was having trouble navigating everything on the computer. Probably should have just gone in person to ask but you helped enough that I didn't sound completely ignorant when I did go.

May. 16th, 2013


Cut, not filtered! )

I haven't actually watched the movies about Dad/home, but this makes me miss Hogwarts. I don't think I've ever actually missed Hogwarts, even at home.

Apr. 28th, 2013


Okay, apparently there is this thing on the internet. It's called Pottering, which is where someone takes a broom, jumps with it between their legs, someone else snaps a photograph, and then they're forever immotalized as looking as though they're riding said broom.

And it is brilliant.

Cut, not filtered. )


network post: dorcas meadowes

Well, fuck. There went my prom date.

Filter: HP-Verse/friends of Oliver Wood
If you didn't see the notice, Oliver was sent back.

If anyone needs me, I'll be making a dent in the liquor supply at Sam's.

Bloody Tesseract. I'm tired of it taking people I care about.


  Click to Play

listen, if you're going to film me crashing a community college's chem class, at least do it in better resolution.

also, apparently it's impossible to ban strawberries from the entirety of the state for someone's birthday.


Cut, not filtered! )


One thing I always wanted while at Hogwarts. A school dance with The Weird Sisters.


Now that Frugo has stopped puking long enough to think straight again,

Teds, I know you're not all right, and it'd be ridiculous to ask you if you are. But if you need us for anything, you know we're here. And let's face it. Some of us pushier bastards will probably be there even if you don't need us for anything.

In the meantime, I propose obtaining a disgusting amount of chocolate.

Apr. 26th, 2013


Hello, can someone please help me find New York Downtown hospital? I would be grateful.

Prim! Prim! You too!

Annie's having the baby.


My mother, my wife, and my oldest cousin were all born in the same year. Valian Years, we call them, or Years of the Trees. They are the only ones of their generation born that year, as elves do not have children in large numbers.

It is very curious to think about. The world of Men is not so different. I see many young couples, and many old couples, but also a large gap where the ages are distinctly different. My father was some 10 Valian Years older than my mother when they wed.

My wife was nearly 200 Valian Years old when we wed. I was very young. She is older than my mother.

Anyway. I suppose it isn't important and I cannot say what made me think of it, truly. It isn't so odd to elves.

Apr. 20th, 2013


I looked at the weather prediction for the rest of the month and they're hoping that there will only be two rainy days at different times during those two weeks. I then looked at the weather for London for the same two week stretch and they're predicting six straight days of rain. I should have been kidnapped by a blue box and brought to New York ages ago. Although I am still peeved that it took my studly (lol like Scorpius was studly) man friend away from me, so we're not actually on speaking terms at the moment.

Hi. Any chance you might want to come with me to the zoo? I know, totally random, but I have an urge and I thought I'd see if you wanted to hang out a bit.

Hey. Can I talk to you about something?

Apr. 9th, 2013


Weasley-Potter role-call! They told me the lot of you were here and I need to know how much food to make for dinner.

Edited in later: Ah, right. Molly Weasley here. The first. I imagine some of you remember me a bit older or with gray hair. Surprise!

Apr. 1st, 2013


There comes a time in every man's life when he must realise that he is too old for birthdays and must face reality that the cake goes straight to his hips. Seems like 27 is it for me, and it's a wonder my wife hasn't left me because of my child-bearing hips.

Unfortunately, it also pains me to announce that WWW will not be opening a branch in New York City due to disheartening research findings and lack of an interested market. It was good while it lasted, boys!

Happy birthday, Freddy. April Fool's, right? I wish. Miss you, buddy, and bring my ear back in one piece, yeah?

Mar. 29th, 2013


Filtered: James S. Potter, Lily Luna, Hugo & Rose, Fred II
Soooo... would this be a bad time to bring up my undying love for Oliver Wood with my mom?

Considering that we work out together?

Mar. 22nd, 2013


[ FILTERED: Friends & Family ]
Looks like I might finally have a job. Tonks and I were looking into the police force here. We told them about our background, training, etc. If I get through their training, I should be able to get a job with the police department here in the city.

Hate those uniforms they wear, though.

How many of you have been able to find jobs that are close to the ones you have at home, and who's stuck in a job that's basically nothing like you did, and likely have no chance of finding what you're use to?

Mar. 21st, 2013


It's been some years since I went to bed in one place and woke up in another. First time I've lost an entire week though. Days, yes, hours, definitely, but a week? Never jumped continents before either. Last time I was in New York, it was for the QWC in 06, when Spain came from behind to win spectacularly after ten and a half hours.

3 things.

One, the name's Harry Potter. My apologies to the SHIELD agent who has boils all over his face. You might want to get that looked at.

Two, JK Rowling had better not be a new pen name for Rita Skeeter.

Three, for fuck's sake, where are my kids?


Oh, and Ginny, love, you all right too?

Mar. 18th, 2013


Um...I can't seem to find Ginny anywhere. Has anyone by chance seen Ginny Weasley? We were supposed to

Filtered to: Harry, Ron, Rose, Hugo Weasley

She's not...gone is? I know she's been frustrated lately, and sometimes the tesseract senses that but-she wouldn't just leave, she has classes and things.

Have you seen her? I'm so worried!

This is too much like when Ron left and I can't...

Mar. 15th, 2013


This is all just poppycock, isn't it? I'm going to wake up and not be surrounded by people from all sorts of weird realms, aren't I?

Because honest to Merlin, this is some strange bullshit.

Mar. 14th, 2013


So I just found this video, and...

I don't know if I should be angry or flattered, but I'll admit that I laughed despite myself.

And I have it stuck in my head now, which was quite annoying while I was at the library working.

Filtered to: Ginny

How are things with you? Have things settled down with, you know, everything that's happened? I was wondering if you wanted some girl time. It could just be the two of us, or we could invite Angelina and Alicia if you like.

Filtered to: Annabeth, Claire, Claudia-Smart Girl Club

I think we should make an unofficial club for us intellectual ladies. Perhaps take in a lecture or an art house movie? I'd love to spend time with more smart ladies.


Filtered to: Harry

How are you? I'm just checking that everything is okay with you. I know it's been overwhelming lately, but know that I'm always here for you and I always support you.

Filtered to: Ron

So now two of your brothers are here, it seems. And more of our future nieces and nephews. I definitely married into quite a large family for an only child. I love it, by the way, even if it hasn't happened yet.

If I haven't told you in a while, I do love you, Ronald Weasley.

Mar. 13th, 2013


» Jamieeee
» Come on, we're going out

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