July 2016




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Jul. 4th, 2014


[Filtered to Paige Matthews]
So, is your picnic on for tonight?

Jul. 3rd, 2014


Okay so I got the next 4 days off for the Fourth of July. Anyone up for a barbecue and fireworks?

Jul. 1st, 2014



I want to move. I don't feel safe here, nor normal anymore. But I can compromise if all of us don't want to move out of the tower. I'd be willing to move closer to you. Maybe it'd be less awkward

Jun. 29th, 2014


I can hear the fireworks starting already. I mean, they've been starting for several days now but I swear they're getting more frequent. Which I absolutely wouldn't complain about because I love fireworks. But I seriously miss fourth of July celebrations back home.

So, we're really not supposed to buuut, almost every year (assuming that, you know, my sisters and I aren't being bombarded with demons in our houses or something else), I'd orb them and myself up on one tower of the Golden Gate Bridge and we'd just have ourselves a picnic up there while watching the fireworks.

Kind of couldn't do that anymore when the baby nephews arrived but it was fun and spectacular while it lasted.

No hopes of that happening here, though, sorry for anyone who wanted to see that. I might be working that day. Or visiting BBQs and stuffing my face.

Jun. 28th, 2014


It's hard to make friends here when people keep disappearing without any warning. And I'm not that great at making friends in the first place, so it's really a major setback.

I think Barbara Gordon's gone, by the way. Unless any of you have heard from her recently.
Hey, by the way. Thanks for following up on that bugging-the-apartments complaint. I know I've been giving you guys a pretty hard time considering you're letting me live here like rent-free. I've been a little out of my element since I showed up here.
[ GAIGE: ]
Do you know anything about Oscorp?

Jun. 22nd, 2014


I'm not going anywhere, in case anyone was worried about the status of the bar. The last week's fucked up my profits for this month, but the best way I can think to give anyone who doesn't want us here a big fuck you is to stay put. This is where I put my roots down here, and this is where I'm going to stay. This is home, and we've got a strong community here, for better or worse. I'm not giving up on what we've got here, or we could have here.

As long as I'm here, the bar'll be too, and jobs for whoever wants one.

Jun. 17th, 2014



Phoebe. Are you in the tower or are you at work? Please check in!


First things first, are you all okay? I need you to please check in here and let me know. If not, I'll be going around to apartments and checking so don't make me do that if you're okay. Does anyone have injuries they need treated?

Secondly, does anyone's apartment have any destruction? Are your doors still working? What can I do to help?
Embarrassing news today. I got knocked out, and tiny Giles had to save me.

Anyone else got a funny story?

Jun. 15th, 2014


Times like this, I don't have any problem remembering I wasn't from this world.

I miss the petty problems from Neptune sometimes.

What do you miss about home?

[Private to Sam]

I hope you don't mind, but I've been talking to Cas. Getting to know him more. Actually, we've been sharing a lot, and it's really good, I just-are you okay with me telling him things? About us? He actually seemed interested in it, and it's a lot easier to talk to him now than it was before.

Also, should we do something about Jo? I'm worried about her being alone in the tower. She says she's fine, and I know we're crowded, but maybe she should stay in the cabin? What do you think?

Jun. 2nd, 2014


I just had water thrown at me. I'm pretty sure it was holy water, considering there was also some chanting about killing all the vampires.

Someone remind me why I can't shoot these people?

May. 26th, 2014


It's been a year and a half-- almost-- and I'm still not used to the way people just... disappear, out of nowhere. I don't think I ever will be.

There's just never enough time here to spend with everyone that matters.


In a couple of days, it'll be my two year anniversary in this world. I never expected to stick around for two weeks, let alone two years, but here I am anyway. Back then, there were just a couple of us. Me, Buffy and a few others. I remember thinking we wouldn't be here long, and then the days just kept ticking by. We've come a long way since then. Seen a lot of folks come and go, got my bar up and running, this tower opened up. The folks here have been good to us, outside the few who don't even want to bother to get to know us as real folks. I can't say I know a lot of people back home who would've opened their doors like this to strangers, and the South's supposed to be known for its hospitality. We've got a lot of folks suspicious of strangers, though, back in Bon Temps. They looked at me odd for months after I first came to town. I just figured I'd win them over with kindness. And a few beers. The same thing's been true here.

Seems almost fitting I got my start out here on my own, and now I'm back to being the only one from my world again. But there ain't much to do about that except keep going.

In June we'll have a couple new drinks on the menu in honor of me and Buffy and the reason we're all here, just like last year, and I'm gonna open up one of my barrels of mead. Here's to two more.


So, the whole spontaneous singing and dancing thing was weird enough, but today I watched a guy spontaneously combust.

May. 23rd, 2014


Prue? Phoebe? Leo? This place is really weird. I still don't understand how I got to the future again.


Filter: Sam's Employees
Piper's gone. Back through the Tesseract. So I guess we're down one cook. Don't ask me if I'm If that means having to make some magic and pull extra shifts, I can do it.

May. 22nd, 2014


My sister has been sent back! Come on guys.....bring Piper back! I can't handle another sister leaving! I know Paige is her but we need the power of three and Piper completes that. I feel so lost without her.

May. 5th, 2014


Okay, that was not the fun kind of coma.

So what did I miss?

May. 4th, 2014


Sam's really not as smart as he thinks

You guys should be embarrassed. Half of you can't find me and the other half can't find my soul. Do you even realize how many times I could've destroyed this world by now, if I'd wanted to?

At what point do you just give up and admit defeat?

[Filtered to Willow Rosenberg]

Are you stalling because you're afraid you'll lose control? I mean, who could blame you, but if it were up to me -- I'd kinda like to see you turn dark.

May. 2nd, 2014


Glad to see May.

[Filtered to Self]

Mother's Day is coming up. Another reminder that my boys are not here. I know they grow up well, I've seen my distant future, but I miss seeing them grow each day both physically and with their powers. Maybe one day the Tesseract will bring them here, as well as the rest of the family.


We should do a spa day when none of us are working.

Apr. 27th, 2014


Shit. I need someone to make me unicorn barf. And then I'm going to feed it to all the kids.

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