July 2016




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Mar. 25th, 2015


Someone could have warned me about the overnight memory dumps and what goes with it. Ow ow ow ow

Get over here, husband.

Mar. 18th, 2015


It seems a lot of us are back to normal now. That's good, it's nice to see people bounce back from something like that.

Filter: Sam Merlotte
I was thinking that a couple should be dating for so long before they start seeing some of their worst qualities, like how the other acts with terribly sick. I hope I didn't scare you off now.

Mar. 11th, 2015


Sam's is closed until further notice. To no one's surprise.

It's been closed since much earlier today, but I haven't been feeling up to saying that until now.

Ruby's sick too, she's with me. We're looking after each other. Figured we should probably try to keep to ourselves once she started feeling bad too. She's sleeping right now.

Mar. 5th, 2015


[Filtered to Sam Merlotte and Ruby Lucas]
Can one of you fill me in on this?

Mar. 1st, 2015


Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

This month's first book club meeting will be on the 10th, next Tuesday evening. We'll be discussing the book To the Grave if you are inclined to join us. There are copies currently available at the New York Public Library and for those who are new and may wish to join us I can assist you with setting up a card if you would like.

[Filter: Zoe & Sydney Sage]
Zoe, the full-moon is upcoming in this week and I would like to talk about how to approach that evening.

Have you and your sister given any thought to this?

[Filter: RSTF]
The full moon is coming up this week. What updates do we have?

Feb. 26th, 2015


March is one of my favorite months here, but not for the weather. It's all about the alcohol in March. International mead competition, NYC Whiskey Walk, NYC Craft Beer Festival. Forget St. Patrick's Day. Those are the things I'm looking forward to more. Now I've just gotta decide if I want to go to all three, or if one of them can give.

Not the competition, though. I'm bringing something to show there.

Feb. 18th, 2015


Network Post: Illyana Rasputina

Ugh, hipsters. That's what we say now, right? This total airhead came into Widdershins tonight all glittery and whining about being a vegan vampire and HOW is she supposed to FEED ETHICALLY wah wah wah. By the abyss, can somebody stake her? Or I guess tear her apart since she's apparently one of the sparklies. It's kind of inappropriate if I kill our customers.

[RSTF's Sams Winchester and Merlotte, Dimitri Belikov, & Faith Lehane]

A little spit goes a long way. Sorry it took so long to get a result-- I was reconstituting my scrying mirror. Sam and I can totally take a lot of stuff, but it wouldn't hurt for us to bring some backup to check this out. I know we just had a patrol together last night but I'm not sick of your company.

Feb. 8th, 2015


network post: caroline forbes

Filtered: RSTF
How many of you read the news today? Admittedly, the supernatural pickings are usually slim or have to be read into. I've been doing that to try to keep tabs on the "native" population, turned by escaped misbehaving supernatural types or ones never brought to the tower. Whatever means. But my point is, some jogger was attacked last night by a "wolfman". It could be the same wolf that attacked Zoe or a different one. But this was along the 7th/8th, at least four days after the full moon. That knocks a lot of wolf types out of the running, from Harry Potter to Buffy to Vampire Diaries, just for starters. True Blood, TVD hybrids, and some others could still be involved.

Also if it's a "wolfman" I'm wondering what mix of wolf/man the attacker presented as. Perhaps we can check on the jogger, talk with some of the police (or maybe, Sam Winchester... that might be your type of thing?).

Feb. 7th, 2015


Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

A reminder, for anyone who is interested, that there is a book club that meets in the Stark Room of Sam's Bar & Grill every other Tuesday night. This coming Tuesday is our first meeting for this month and there is still time if you are interested, to get involved. This month's book is The Empathy Exams By Anthony Doerr and we'll be discussing the first half. If you need a copy, I can hook you up with a copy from NYPL.

[Filter: RSTF]
As you all know by this point, Zoe Sage was bitten by something last week during the full moon. At this point it is somewhat unclear exactly what, but I know where all of our minds are jumping and from the description she and Angel have provided it is certainly a possibility.

Those of you who have werewolf expertise in your particular worlds - let's talk about what the options are and see if any of them might match with what Angel and Zoe saw. Sydney, I suspect you are already doing so - but if you can help us by keeping a close eye on Zoe and let us know of any changes to the bite or to Zoe herself, that would be incredibly helpful.

If it is a werewolf, there's a possibility we won't know this for a month, but it does lead to the question of what kind, from what world, and how many we are dealing with. We already have vampires from multiple worlds in this city - and likely further abroad at this point - so a werewolf opens up new potential difficulties.

Until we know exactly what we're dealing with we should be cautious in drawing conclusions as much as is possible. If we draw conclusions too quickly we may miss what it actually is.

[Filter: Lilah]
I'm sorry I've been out so much recently, but I've missed you and I'd like to remedy that with dinner if you're willing.

Feb. 5th, 2015


[Filtered to Werewolves]
I know you're out there. I smell you everyw But I can't tell if one of you is Alpha.

Jan. 31st, 2015


The Super Bowl is on tomorrow, and even though it goes against every cell in my body to allow Patriots fans into my bar, I'll have the game on and I'll make an exception this time. I'll put the Puppy Bowl on as well, in case you'd rather see that. (Here's a secret: I'd rather watch that.)

I've started a Super Bowl Drinking Game list on the board. Here are a few:
- take a drink for every Frozen reference during the national anthem
- drink every time someone mentions deflated balls
- drink every time someone mentions the 12th man
- drink each time they show Gisele Bundchen looking unhappy
- drink whenever a coach throws a temper tantrum (drink twice if it's Belichick)
- drink if there's a power outage
- drink if there's a wardrobe malfunction during the halftime show'

I'd be happy to take suggestions too.

Valentine's Day is on a Saturday. You can work, or we can both take the night off. What do you say? It pays to date the boss.

Jan. 19th, 2015



I would like to thank each and every one of you for the hard work and dedication that you have put in since my accident.

While I will not be able to resume my post until I have recovered, I would also like to thank each of you that has visited me. You are the best team on this planet and if anyone is going to figure out what's going on with these events, it's you.


I have the vaguest feeling that it's sort of my fault you're stuck running this operation on your own. Is that a right feeling?

[Dr. Crusher, Dr. Strange, and Rachel]

Thank you. Without the three of you, well, I'm not sure if I'd have any chance of getting anything back. And I don't think a half kree with emotional instability and memory lapses is something this world really needs right now.

[Friends([OOC]Anyone who would consider themselves friendly with Carol. She's a little confused still on who that might be)]

I'm sorry I've dropped off the map. I've been sick. Still won't be home for a bit yet.

Jan. 18th, 2015


You know what I find strange about living here for as long as I have?

I still have yet to see a live lemur.

Jan. 11th, 2015


I'm starting my youngest out right: all day marathon of How It's Made. Don't tell me you don't get sucked into it, too, when it's on somewhere. This is how a Sunday is supposed to be, especially after getting my ass handed to me in a fighting tournament. Shale, you were a worthy opponent. Congratulations.

Filter to Emma
So I got caught up on the show. I just want to let you know that I'm damn proud of you, and I love you. Any time you want to come over to watch How It's Made with your old man, I'll have the popcorn and hot cocoa waiting.

Jan. 4th, 2015


This sure as hell doesn't look like my purga

This doesn't make a goddamn bit of sense. I should be d I've never even heard this was possible, different dimensions like this. It was always just one world or the other.

Dec. 29th, 2014


Who: Sam Merlotte & Ruby Lucas
When: Closing time, sometime... in the second half of December.
Where: Sam’s Bar & Grill
What: Sam and Ruby awkwardly talk.
Rating: Low. Mild language.

I’d hope you’d have better things to do than to go out with an asshole just to rile me up. )


If anyone's looking for somewhere to go on New Year's Eve, I can't promise any wild parties, but we will have good drinks and we'll show the ball drop on tv, so anyone looking for a low-key evening is welcome to stop by Sam's.

Hey, Remus, we've got a question. You got any plans for the next full moon?

Dec. 22nd, 2014


It's hard to believe the sheer amount of people who keep asking for spiked eggnog at my job.

Dec. 19th, 2014


I don't suppose you have any openings downstairs, do you? I'm working at one of the restaurants, but I'd like something a little more casual.
I'm going to talk to our housing assistant, see if there's any openings.
My friend and I were thinking about sharing a two bedroom, but we weren't sure if there were any openings on this floor. Would you mind looking into that for me?

Dec. 10th, 2014


Who: Sam Merlotte & Ruby Lucas
When: November 6th, nighttime.
Where: Adirondack Mountains
What: Full moon shenanigans.
Rating: G

Running was the best. )

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