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May. 5th, 2013


network post: vicki donovan

FILTER: Caroline Forbes, Lexi Branson, Rebekah Mikaelson
I think I'm going to do it. I'm going to watch the show. Will you guys watch with us?

And I'm thinking we might need a lot of liquor when I do this. Like a LOT of liquor.

If it wasn't for Netfix, I'd probably die of boredom.

Apr. 3rd, 2013


I miss Hal. I miss sausage rolls. I miss Graham Norton. I never understand what he’s wearing, but he makes me laugh. I know I’m a bit old and all, but I’d like to get one of those diploma things. Or an LED. No, that’s not right. GED? I think it’s time I should better meself myself.

I made you a sandwich. For if you get hungry.

Apr. 2nd, 2013


I've been seeing summer clothes out in stores. Makes me wish it was summer. I'm dying to get some time in the sun this year. Now that I'm not worried about things back home, it seems only fair I get time to relax in the sun. I never did that much back home.

Mar. 20th, 2013


I guess I need to find a job. And better clothing. I've been oh so rough on my gear while out running and training and shit that it's all torn up. Parkour's rather rough on clothes when you're first learning. Maybe I'll just wear sweatpants forever. They're cheap, right?

Mar. 14th, 2013


I think - I'm actually bored tonight. Which is a rarity. Normally I find SOMETHING to do. Blah - Thursday night blues?

Mar. 13th, 2013


I think the best part of working at the deli is that every now and then, no matter where I am, I smell salami. Sometimes it makes me hungry, but that's alright. We haven't had too many customers at the Fat Turtle today. Do you think turtles can get fat? I wonder if their shells get bigger or if they just get fat rolls along the shell. Nothing worse than clothes that cut into ya.

To tell you the truth I'm a bit bored. Someone want a sandwich? You have to pay, but they're good.

Mar. 10th, 2013


My birthday is only six days away.

Has anyone figured out how birthday's really work here? Cause I mean it was a different time of year when I left. But I guess it still counts, right? I would really like to finally be 14. Does it mean I'm older than I'm supposed to be back home?

Ugh this makes my head hurt. Whatever, I'm going to be 14 no matter what... weird other things might say.


Red Velvet ice cream is amazing. I think it might be the most incredible thing I've ever put in my mouth.

What have you discovered here?

Mar. 4th, 2013


So I splurged on myself and bought a ticket to see the band Dropkick Murphy's on the 12th at Terminal 5. Floor tickets so I'll be able to be in the thick of things. I feel this may have been my best purchase yet. Apparently this is a great live band. So I'm excited.

Feb. 26th, 2013


I keep trying to focus on studies but then my attention wanders and I end up heading out for a run. Or something equally as fun. I can almost feel spring approaching, though, the air's been nicer lately. I wonder what Spring looks like here...

I think I'm going to sign up for the survival class - I don't know if I'll ever need the information but I feel like it won't hurt to have. And I love a challenge. It sounds like it'd be worthwhile to try out.

Anyways. I don't know what to do with myself. I've yet to find a job that I'm interested in. School's going okay, but I feel like I'm not being as productive as I should.

Feb. 20th, 2013


Having a night out with friends really is good for the soul.

Filter: Peter Harkiss
Haven't seen you on the network much - surviving here?

Filter: Tom McNair
I figured I'd say HI and not just comment on your stuff all the time.
Did you have a good weekend?

Feb. 18th, 2013


Who: Marlene Aristades, Tobias Eaton, and Beatrice Prior
When: Monday night
Where: Some shady bar that doesn't card in Brooklyn
What: Drinking!

He made a point of not drinking with the younger Dauntless, knowing he'd end up their instructor one day, and seeing him drunk definitely made him seem less scary and intimidating, which really ruined about half of his training tactics. )

Feb. 12th, 2013


cut, not filtered, for scrolling text. )

Feb. 11th, 2013


Poor Pope. You aren't supposed to give something up for Lent until Wednesday.

Jan. 29th, 2013


I've been here just over two months now. Two months! How strange to think I have spent my time here doing little more than studying, running around and generally not taking things seriously. I did not think I would stay this long, I suppose.

Anyone up for a run through the city later? I was thinking Parkour style - in the snow could be fun.

I'd like to take my status as a student seriously, now.
Apologies for not doing so earlier.
Can we get together sometime and talk about it?


Who: Marlene Aristades & Evie O'Neill
What: Random
Where: outside Timeless Tea House
When: Morning
Rating: Low?

Out and about? )

Jan. 20th, 2013


This city is never ending in it's amazing things to go see and find. I visited the Central Park Zoo, yesterday, and spent the morning meandering through the park today. It's lovely here, the carriages are amazing and despite my lack of excitement early on, I am glad I am here. It's lovely, and an adventure, which is more than amazing, honestly. I am glad that there is so much to do here.

Filtered: Tris & Four
I hope you two have been well?
I was thinking of going to see a play later.
Join me?

Filtered to Peter
Thank you, for showing me the other week, the fun the trains had here.
I appreciate it.

Jan. 13th, 2013


I'm compiling a list of the source materials we're all from. If you could all check this list, I'd appreciate it. Let me know if you know of any that I don't have on my list, whether yours or someone else's. If I have even the wrong version (i.e. if I have the book down, but you're from the movie) or you know something more specific about your source, please let me know. There's a list at the bottom of sources I haven't been able to pinpoint.

It's important, and it should only take you a second. Thanks.

list under here. cut, not filtered )

I know we haven't met before, but I have a few questions for you, if you have a moment.

Jan. 10th, 2013


I need a drink.
I wish we could drink here.
This place is still so unnerving.

Music this place certainly has some AWESOME music, though.

I have to admit.
I'm jealous.

Jan. 7th, 2013


In Ancient Egypt they used to have magic duels. They also wore fake beards but I don't think that was a sporting event. But who knows maybe it was. Wizard beards or something.

Also they played a lot of board games. Which I totally reccomend when you're not playing against a god cause they're totally lame about it.

[Filtered to Neal Caffrey, Ty Lee, Mindy, Kurama, Marlene, and Frank]

I'm not homesick So I was like thinking that the Met apparently has like a great Egyptian exhibit and I don't think I've really see it and maybe it's, you know, different from my world. Definitely won't have my dad's books in the gift shop which is totally embarrassing so save there. Probably some other girl getting all embarrassed her dad is lame instead of me.

I mean it's totally lame or whatever but it's just weird not seeing the stuff all the time? And I think they would totally frown if I took it. Not that I would. I mean I could but whatever.

None of you have to go or anything just thought maybe one of you might want to come with me or something. I can totally cover admission if any of you want to go. Maybe I should get a membership Ugh that's stupid this is all stupid

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