July 2016




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Apr. 30th, 2016


I would just like to make this little announcement that I will be attending NYU in the Fall! I'm going to be in their English Education program.

Don't worry though, I still plan on training. I don't plan on hanging up my cape anytime soon, metaphorically speaking, obviously.

I wish my family

Apr. 26th, 2016


For those of you that knew her, I think Claire Bennet's gone.

Apr. 11th, 2016


This isn't so bad.

Unless you're someone who will remain unnamed.

But his name starts with an F and rhymes with 'spin.'

[Screened to Tony Stark (MCU)]
A dinosaur has apparently mistaken Finn for one of it's own. It's currently mothering the shit out of him on your landing pad and is refusing to let him leave.


[Al, Rey, Poe]

Guys. GUYS


Mar. 29th, 2016


[Screened to Finn]
So. Have you found a job yet? Or are you living off of cadbury eggs and beer?

Mar. 24th, 2016


Hey, uh, Gwen didn't show up for band practice. Has anyone heard from her? We switched nights so maybe she just forgot... but when you live here you kind of think the worst.

Mar. 23rd, 2016


It's so nice out! I'm finding it quite difficult to concentrate on my studies when all I want to do is go outside!

Filtered: 12th Doctor
Hey you, how's London?

Mar. 21st, 2016


Cher just live tweeted her way through eating a box of peeps.

The world should be more like Cher.

Mar. 19th, 2016


How long until beer goes back to being normal color? I just was introduced to beer, but I got used to it being gold. When it's green it freaks me out. Looks like there's something wrong with it.

It doesn't help that the bartender called it "left over" green beer either.

Mar. 18th, 2016


Post-Sokovia Council Meeting

I really thought fast, travel-by-suit would cut down on feeling jet-lagged. I was wrong.

[Alex Vause]
Bulk up the legal team, and get them on stand-by. Just in case.
[MCU Avengers - who went to the UN meeting]
How are we reading how that all panned out?
[Bruce Banner (MCU)]
If you had to pick one, which Walberg would you consider quintessentially 90s? Like, would you say it's New Kids? Or Marky Mark & The Funky Bunch? It's honestly all I could think about during the inquest.
[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
How's your headspace, soldier?
[Bucky Barnes (MCU)]
I need a favour. On the down low.

Mar. 1st, 2016


» I haven't heard from you since our talk.
» Are you all right?

Feb. 21st, 2016


» Finn, this is Al.
» I need you to do me a favor.

[ooc: backdated to last night]

Feb. 19th, 2016


[Tony Stark (MCU)]
Steve told me to get in touch with you about the security footage. Did you see who was drawing on the doors?

Feb. 17th, 2016


[Screened to Steve Rogers]
If I wanted to look at last night's security footage of our floor, who would I talk to?

[Screened to Finn, Poe, & Rey]
Have you guys noticed anything

Feb. 18th, 2016


I am so very sorry to whoever that was in the lift.

Also, if anyone happens to run across my jacket, I'd quite like that back.

Feb. 11th, 2016


As much as I appreciate the evidence this provides to support the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, there are other places I would rather be.

Newton? This had better not be your fault.

Feb. 10th, 2016


Laissez les bons temps rouler!

Last night, We found the baby in the King's Cake, and as our first royal decree, We would like more pancakes! Just because Shrove Tuesday, aka Fat Tuesday, is over, that's no reason We should be denied pancake-y goodness! Also, We turn nineteen today, and feel pancakes would be an excellent cake-type-thing.

Make it so!

Feb. 9th, 2016


So I think I forgot about Valentines, because it was a bit of a surprise to see so much of it when I took a trip to the store. It's a bit of a hard one Nate woulda done something silly, for the both of us but Shaun didn't really know about it so I filled him in. He said he got something, but I'm not gonna know until the day. I also think he's tinkering, as I'm down a few things. I don't really mind though, he seems to be happy with whatever he's planning.

I also heard there's classes to take. It's probably best I go to try and get my law degree up to speed. I don't think it'll count here, or that there's the same kind of laws here. Is it better to wait for new classes to start, or do I just jump in?

Later edited: [Foggy Nelson]

Hello Mr.Nelson,

a friend of mine said you were a lawyer and are teaching one of the classes here. I was wondering if it's best to wait for next semester or if I could catch up. The reason I'm asking is because I do have my degree, but as it's from a different place and world I don't think it means much here, plus there's probably different laws here. Please do let me know at your earliest convenience, and thanks for your time.

Feb. 8th, 2016


I would like to announce to the world that Gwen has named our (Oz, Gwen, and I) band.

We are The Bill Baileys.

Gigs to follow. We just formed. Give us a second.

Feb. 6th, 2016


Nobody has known betrayal like this poor creature has. You can literally see the happiness die from his little eyes.

    So...let me just say, look, I know this might be a little insensitive. And I can't even fathom how bad it must've been living where you did. But -- I have to know how accurate this is.

    Did we like decide on a band name?

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