July 2016




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Aug. 2nd, 2013


i just wanna make one thing clear. no friend of mine is or is going to be a killer.

not on my freaking watch. that's not what heroes do.

Aug. 1st, 2013


I'm going to be doing another (planned this time) waffle open house tomorrow morning. For those of you who missed the last one (which was really the result of me not paying attention and making WAY too many waffles), this is when I make lots of waffles and anyone who wants some is free to come by. There will be plenty. If all else fails, I'll use one of my favors to get Loki to help me out.

I figure it's a good way to meet new people. Also, waffles. Who doesn't love waffles.

Jul. 30th, 2013


I'm beginning to think that damn tesseract has it out for us.


I love pink, but couldn't my hoodie just stay white?

Jul. 26th, 2013


I gotta get outta here for a little while.

Got me a tent, got my bow, got a fishin' pole. 'M Goin' huntin' for the weekend.

Jul. 27th, 2013


Ugh, I'm out of here.

Jul. 24th, 2013


One of the more rewarding things I've gotten myself involved with here has been with art programs directed towards helping at-risk youth across the city, and with any luck, I'll be helping these kids host an art show at the end of next month. I've seen a lot of kids come through our doors and not all of them stick around, but the ones that have end up on a pretty incredible journey. Some of them don't have one or both of their parents in their lives, or they're surrounded by violence and drugs in their families and neighborhoods, and no way to express themselves or what they've been through. When they find it, the end result is... magical, to put it lightly.

... Well, the point is, I thought I'd mention it in case anyone might be interested in coming to see what they've been working on all summer. Let me know, and I can share the dates and times with you when we have it finalized, which should be in the next couple days. And of course, if anyone is interested in volunteering, we could always use more mentors. I can put you in touch.

Working with them has also opened my eyes to a whole world of entertainment gossip I never would have noticed before. It's still weird seeing pictures of myself out and about, too. Who knew people would ever want to know what I did in my spare time?

The other Barnes is back.
I've been thinking lately, and I got an extra key made to my apartment in Brooklyn. I don't use it much, but you're welcome to it whenever you need a break from Manhattan.

There's a two bedroom open on our floor, too. I know you like living on your own just fine, but I don't get to see you as much as I'd like to that way. Just a thought.
Are you Any plans for this weekend, or do I have the liberty to try to one-up myself after Saturday?

Jul. 23rd, 2013


Rapunzel was your friend, but she left. She was kind, and she had pretty hair, and she tried to heal you when you were hurt. She helped people, and I bet she's real happy, wherever she is now. Just in case you forget.

Do you know how to ride a bicycle?


I wish Jean Tom Sawyer would come here. Then we could be pirates and find treasure, and I wouldn't have to read the rest of the book because he'd just tell me what happened.


New security features?! SO AWESOME! I want a retinal scan for EVERYTHING! Like the bathroom and the stove and the closet.

Also, I'm totally read to kick some butt again! Can I get a job with SHIELD? I totally could do this fighting thing like alllll dayyyy loonggg. Plus I can totally be a spy or something like in those Mission Impossible movies, but you wouldn't need wires or anything, which is way better for being stealthy anyways.

Also, Torunnjamesazarifrancis are you guys staying here? We're staying here, right mom?

OH CASSIE! Look what I made! I found this thing online and it's like all household products. You should totally make one and we can go fly them in Central Park with the old guys!

Jul. 22nd, 2013


I think I'm going to go up to Boston soon. Rumble through the Back Bay, retrace my steps back home. After that, get drunk a lot Charleston. It would be nice to see it all as it's supposed to be. Hah, I'll be a stranger in my own cities. Hilarious. I'm going to experience so many flas

Think I'll try to get my GED while I'm looking for job. As a bike messenger, I think that's perfect


I wonder if the protesters would go away if we made cupcakes or cookies for them? I mean, I guess it's easy to understand why they're upset. It's kind of strange, the way we're arriving here like this.

Maybe instead of avoiding them, we need to engage them. Talk to them. Let them know that we're people too, and a lot of us are scared people who just want to go home. Or...stay here, but not hurt anyone.

Jul. 20th, 2013


Standing by for:


(Backdated to last night/early this morning)

Slowly but surely all the jewelry is being completed for the block party, just wish I knew how much to price everything.

Plus anyone got a good cure for bloodshot eyes?

*Filter: HP verse, Faith, other friends*

I'm sorry for the vanishing act and scaring anyone. Things just got a little too much to take so escaping to Central Park to moon frog hunt was the only real option.

Jul. 19th, 2013


network post.

(cut for image - not cut on network) )

Jul. 18th, 2013


Hi there. Some of The Runaways We're back-ish.

In other news, I'm trying to create a bucket list of things to do before I go home and die, and I'm coming up blank. See the world? Sounds fun; I'm broke. Learn how to make Momofuku ramen? Great, I'll forget it as soon as I cross over.

I guess this might be an opportunity to do really kinky, regret-tinged things and then get a pass for it later since I'm not going to remember it, but then I'd have to live with myself here, so.

There's just not much of a point to being here. Is there? It's nice and all and I love the people I've gotten to know here, but it's just going to disappear, isn't it? Clean slate. I almost just want to get it over with and go I'm sorry, that sounds mean and I'm probably going to be hurting feelings and I don't mean to say that other people's experiences don't count here, but whatever; I'm going through the Anger Phase of grief and my team's falling ap. Sorry. I'm a pill.

Jul. 16th, 2013


[Filter: Everyone who helped out in the clinic on Sunday night]

Yeah. So I'm not one for making big speeches and stuff but thanks to everyone who came down and pitched in. It was nuts down there but we all pulled together and nobody died. That's always a plus.

Dude. You're pretty freakin' awesome in a crisis.


i think the heat's driving everyone freaking nuts

and i wish we had a beach because i miss making sandcastles

but i'll settle for toffee


Here's to you, dad.

Jul. 15th, 2013


Last night, we successfully stopped the man behind the Mandarin, the terrorist behind the events that have rocked communities across the world for months. I won't say it's over, because our job is never over, but for right now, we can rest easy knowing that this man will not be able to cause harm to anyone again. You'll all be hearing a lot about it over the next few days and weeks, but I wanted you to hear from me as soon as I could. I can tell you with certainty that he will not be getting up to terrorize anyone again.

This isn't over, however. The effects of what he has done will last, and the innocent civilians caught in the middle of his twisted lessons need help moving forward just as they needed help last night, when people were set upon their cities with intent to destroy.

Tony and Pepper are both well alive as well, however given the events of the past few weeks, it may be some time before either of them are feeling up to leaving a message here. I hope everyone will give them some much needed privacy right now. They need it.

I can't tell you how much I appreciate everything you all have done to put an end to this reign of terror, to assist the victims, and to support those of us in the midst of this crisis in whatever way you have. I will not forget everything you've done, and I fully intend on thanking each of you individually as soon as I can.

Jul. 13th, 2013


If I go to the clinic to get something healed up, will you not tell Steve?
I'm gonna watch a movie tomorrow, I think. Stay in. What movie should I watch?

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