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Apr. 24th, 2014


Hello, Potts Tower. I'm Christine Everhart. I've been with Vanity Fair since 2007, and before that I worked for The Atlantic, the Chicago Tribune, and The Daily Bugle. I'm a graduate of Brown University, and I originally come from Texas. My editor has asked that I give him a story on Potts Towers, and the refugees who dwell within. I intend to give him that story, but I also intend that it will be your story. I will simply be the one who puts figurative pen to paper here.

This is your opportunity to speak to the world at large, to help them understand you, if you wish to be understood. The article will be approved by Ms. Potts, and it will only go to my editor to be printed if I have her okay. None of you have to talk to me. I have a consent form that will be signed by both of us, and notarized to reflect your permission for me to use your own words, as said by you, with context, and attributed to you. If you don't want me to use your name in any way, all you have to do is say the word and I promise I will abide by that.

And truthfully, this works both ways. If you have questions for me, ask them. I'll answer to the best of my knowledge. I'll tell you now that I have a brother who runs a photography studio in midtown Manhattan. He and his husband have two children, and right now I'm staying with them. I'm addicted to Starbucks and coffee in general.

Apr. 23rd, 2014


[Filtered to Tony Stark 616]
Hey, how are you holding up? Is there anything I can do to help you and Dorian? I'm in DC this week, but I can always fly back.
[Filtered to Tony Stark MCU]
Don't think you got out of talking about what happened in Milan just because I got busy with work. That conversation is still happening.
[Filtered to Sharon Carter 616]
Tell me you've got a day off coming up some time before May.

Apr. 17th, 2014


[Filter: Johnny Storm]

I don't believe we've ever spoken before. And aren't speaking now.

But would you like to go to a high school dance?

ETA: [Filter: Peter Parker (616)]

I somewhat enjoyed that mysterious hotdog we had together that time.

Do you want to go to a high school dance?

ETA: [Filter: Logan Howlett (616)]
Do you want to go to a prom with me?

ETA: [Filter: Bruce Banner (MCU)]
Remember how you said to let you know if I needed anything?

ETA: [Filter: Jasper Sitwell]
How would you like to go to a high school dance with a prince of Asgard?

Don't get your hopes up, it isn't Thor.

ETA: [Filter: James Rhodes (MCU)]
Are you going to the prom with anyone?

If so, you should not do that and go with me instead.

ETA: [Filter: Steve Rogers (EMH)]
On a scale from 1 to America, how free are you on the 25th?

ETA: [Filter: Bucky Barnes (616)]
Is dancing a thing you do?

ETA: [Filter: Ben Reilly (616)]
Are you married, too?

ETA: [Filter: Pietro Maximoff (616)]
Is it inappropriate for a teacher to go to the high school dance if it’s not with a student? Or would that have made it more inappropriate?

ETA: [Filter: Leo Fitz]
Cliff Richard and the Shadows have a question for you.

ETA: [Filter: Howard Stark]
You know what my favorite thing is? Fathers who don't have enough time for their sons.

Want to go to a high school dance with me?

ETA: [Filter: Pinky Pinkerton, Monty Falsworth, Dum Dum Dugan, Nick Fury (616)]
Which one(s) of you want(s) to take me to prom?

(I know you lads do everything together, so I’ll allow multiples, but I’m only buying — at most — one boutonniere.)

ETA: [Filter: Kaine Parker (616)]

Do you want to go to prom with me?

Don't even try to play the married card, I already know you're not.

ETA: [Filter: Clint Barton (MCU)]
Is it true what they say about the size of a man's quiver?

ETA: [Filter: Will Graham]
So you want to commit a revenge-murder.

But can it wait until after the 25th?

ETA: [Filter: James Rhodes (AA)]
You’re a teenager, right? You do teenager things, don't you?

ETA: [Filter: Fandral]
You know, I’ve heard you’re an excellent dancer.

ETA: [Filter: Billy Kaplan]
No one will go to this stupid dance with me.

Well, actually, Fury looks like a "maybe."

But that's not a "yes."

Apr. 16th, 2014


[Joan Watson, Abbie Mills, Clint Barton, Alex Vause, Jim Rhodes]
Rhodey, get the plane ready. Everyone else, pack up. We're going home. I'll explain on the way.

Vause, I'm going to need you to give me a list of Gorani's top competitors. I think it's time we switched our policies.

I don't
[Pepp Bruce Pep Steve Rogers (MCU)]
I fucked up
[Pepper Potts (MCU)]
I don't even know what to Hey, honey.
We'll be back in New York by this afternoon. I'll need you to look some things over for me when we get there. Mostly just some numbers I had crunched. I didn't
I can't t

Apr. 13th, 2014


[Clint Barton + Rhodey (MCU)]
Hey kids.

So now I'm over in Milan with Joan Watson, Alex Vause & Abbie Mills and I realise I am vastly outnumbered by stellar ladies. Now, while I'm not complaining, I could use you two around to help me sway some important decisions. Like which restaurants we should go to, and how many pastries constitutes as a normal amount to buy for one breakfast.

Think you can fly over?
[Clint Barton]
Also, I might be thinking of doing something stupid, and much like drinking -- one should never do that alone.
[Pepper Potts (MCU)]
All clear at the towers? We sent SHIELD home with their parting gifts?

Apr. 11th, 2014


What a wonderful thing to get out of prison for

SHIELD has just quarantined Potts Tower, and I know most of you are residents there and are aware -- I'm giving them the okay to do the same with Stark Tower. Meaning they're coming in, meaning that right now you should stay at your stations so we can get this dealt with as quickly and efficiently as possible.

I know last time SHIELD showed up for afternoon tea, things didn't go so well. I get that. If you want to lock up your research, that's your prerogative, but they're trying to help right now and I want us to be as co-operative as possible.

If anyone is feeling sick? Now would be the good time to tell me. Privately or otherwise

If anyone else has any problems, they can talk to me directly or Agent Sitwell. He's in charge.

Apr. 9th, 2014


[Colonel James Rhodes]

Colonel Rhodes, I'm Major Carol Danvers with SHIELD. Recently I've been placed in charge of a project code named SWORD, The Sentient World Observation and Response Department. My department is tasked with the data collection and reaction to possible extraterrestrial threats to Earth. I'm aware that you are the military liaison for Stark Industries and that you are also Iron Patriot. Personally I'd be interested in opening up military ties for SWORD to increase our ability to be ready in the incident of another alien incursion onto this world.

If you would also be interested, I have a proposal drafted that we could go over.

[Filtered to possible SWORD consultants]
[You are included in this filter if you would like your character to be involved in SWORD either as a consultant or a full time recruit. So if you want in, let Carol know]

Hello, I'm Major Carol Danvers with SHIELD. I'm also know as Ms. Marvel. I'm contacting you today because after looking into you I thought you might have interest in helping with a new division that SHIELD has implemented. The Sentient World Observation and Response Department, or SWORD, observes the galaxy and works to put a stop to extraterrestrial threats against this world. I'm personally looking for outside talent to help with our ranks. You would not have to officially join SHIELD, though if you have an interest I can easily get that started. The more agents I have the better suited we will be to protecting against large scale threats.

We are a small division but given the amount of attacks on this world in the past few years, one that is entirely necessary for the continued safety of civilians.

Thank you for you time and let me know if you have an interest.

Mar. 27th, 2014


I'm a little surprised the Academy is still "testing" things like this. Any grade school teacher could've predicted the results. Or at least the grade school teachers I know. Maybe they thought people's social horizons would've expanded by early adulthood.

[Sharon Carter]
Can you tell me if you're

Mar. 23rd, 2014


Delivery to Teen Rhodey (also Tony & Pepper) )

Mar. 22nd, 2014


[Iron Patriot]
Sweetpea? I'm going to need you in a suit.

Mar. 21st, 2014


I haven't been skiing in years, so this weekend is as good as any. I think the last time I went was when I was fifteen? Something like that. I ended up breaking my arm, which wasn't the best thing ever. And when I get back, I'll start thinking about prom. Cool.

Mar. 20th, 2014


So, I got a job. Only they want me to be "certified" so I have to take a test or something. Got a booklet and everything to tell me what I need to know and it's like shit, I know all this already. I also thought maybe I'd get my pilot's licence, but I can't just take the test for some reason. I already got all the experience. Hello, NASA? Air Force? So if anyone can help out there, that would be great.

Oh, hey, anyone want to go skiing this weekend before they close down the slopes? I guess Windham Mountain's got some sort of spring fling this weekend which you KNOW will mean tons of little snow bunnies for the masses.

Mar. 6th, 2014


There's nothing quite like realizing someone you cared about is gone and you're not sure w. It hasn't gotten easier.

Why is it that when I'm not trying to write a speech, it comes easily?
(My) Bucky's birthday is coming up, so I paid his favorite bar a lot of money to make sure we could bring a lot of friends with us to celebrate. If any of you would like to join us, you're all welcome to come. I never had the chance to go all out when we were young, and now he actually has friends besides me.

Saturday, 8 pm.

[* ooc: if you're not sure, ask dawn! ... or just comment.]


Two things. Of roughly equal importance.
  1. I need the name of a place that can deliver cupcakes and Orange Crush to the financial district after midnight. Discretion encouraged.

  2. I'm moving out of the tower at the end of April. Got a place lined up, making an offer, whole nine yards. It's in Nolita, making it a mere stone's throw away from Ferrara, but I'm not giving anyone my address until I get a sworn statement that you're not going to crash on my floor and eat my cannoli.

Avengers, expect a followup.

Mar. 3rd, 2014


Tonight's special: Chicken Pad Thai Nachos! Aw yisss!

Aaand I know it's school night and whatever, buuuut if anyone wants to stop by for some, I got an abundance. And I have to make sure my boys don't eat everything and stop fitting in the suit. >__>

Filter: All Females
UHHH SO! POLL TIME! Girls making the first move when the boy is kinda sorta an idiot. Yes or no?

Feb. 26th, 2014


[MCU Avengers]
So the tesseract is gone and the WSC is taking refugee facilitation away from SHIELD and giving it to me. Do you understand what that means? It means that shadey government organisations are willingly handing over more responsibility for peoples lives to me.

Basically a sign of the Apocalypse. Unless I'm missing something. Am I missing something?
[Tony Stark (Animated), Tony Stark (616), Pepper Potts (616), Rhodey (MCU)]
Hey guys. I need some help with a few things. Who is free?
[Howard Stark]
We need to talk.
[Alex Vause + Pepper Potts (MCU)]
Do you want the good news, or the bad news?
[Jane Foster]
How are you holding up, kid?

Feb. 21st, 2014


[Filtered to Rhodey (MCU)]
Hey, I was just wondering if we're still going to Philly this weekend? And I guess when and stuff.

Feb. 14th, 2014


[Jim Rhodes (MCU)]
Coordinates, soldier.
[Tony Stark (616)]
I think the kid just stole a vase of flowers for me.
[Bucky Barnes (EMH)]
Aren't these usually at funerals?


[Filtered to Team Teen Iron Man]
So I've been doing some thinking and it's dumb that I'm in this apartment by myself. I have three bedrooms. Clearly you two should move in here with me.

I call dibs on the master bedroom. And I'm already in here, so.
[end filter]

[Filtered to Rhodey (MCU)]
Hey. So, I have a weird question. Is your our your mom still alive? Does she know about all this stuff going on? Would it be weird if I visited her? I'm kinda missing my mom, and I figure the closest thing to her is yours. And, like, I miss Dad, too, but I'm used to that since he's away on deployment a lot. He was actually supposed to come home in time for me to graduate, but now I guess I won't see him, either.
[end filter]

I am definitely looking foward to the candy sales tomorrow. I'm also going to buy about a million boxes of Girl Scout Cookies, too.

Feb. 12th, 2014


Tony? Are you there? Hello?

JARVIS has locked me in my office. He says it's for my own good, but I don't know what's going on. Can you read this? Is it even getting out there?

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