July 2016




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Apr. 9th, 2016


[Voice Message]

The concrete jungle has become a real jungle, and is now ridiculously difficult to navigate.

[Private to Natasha 616]

How busy are you with this newest Tesseract development?

[Private to Echo]

I'm not 100% sure if you're following the Network, but let me know if and when you read this.

Apr. 4th, 2016


-- We're going out this weekend, for karaoke.
-- And possibly to get drunk.

ooc: "this weekend" was the 2nd and 3rd, space and time are weird in comments


There's nothing as comforting as having all your ducks in a row, which is kind of how I feel about having the Murdock back full time in Nelson and Murdock. And it's been fantastic to see Ms. Page, although I might be a tad bitter over my class not being good enough for her. Now, if only we could get some clients who could pay instead of giving us food or IOU's.

[Filter: Anyone not-Nelson & Murdock-related]

Does anyone have any suggestions for a good gym this fat boy could join? Feeling put out over some comments from my colleague.

Apr. 3rd, 2016


[Voice Message Filtered to the Offices of Nelson & Murdock + Claire]

This morning, while leaving my apartment, I slipped in a rain and fell down the steps. I'm not badly hurt, so I'll be coming into the office tomorrow, as usual.

[Filtered to Nora]

Can you do me a favor when you come to the office, Monday?


So I probably should have mentioned this, but I was taking a class at a learning annex. A little intro to law sort of stuff. I could have just took the one the ESD is offering. Especially since Foggy's teaching it.

But I'll be back at Nelson & Murdock now, if anyone needs me. Seriously, help with anything, we'll probably do it.

Apr. 1st, 2016


[Voice Text]

It's April Fool's Day, and the city seems normal. Tesseract, I'm disappointed. I expected more from you.

[Filtered to the Offices of Nelson & Murdock + Claire]

I apologize for not being around recently. I'm feeling better now, thank you. And thank you, Foggy for covering my ass. Are there any cases I need to be updated on?

Oh, and Mr. Rodriguez dropped off a platter of his wife's empanadas in gratitude of winning his settlement. I think they're vegetarian?

Sep. 27th, 2015


Well, one can't say this place is ever boring, not when we get to deal with strange pocket dimensions, talking spiders, and who knows what else next.


[Filtered to Steve Rogers (616)]
You still got that Texas-shaped waffle iron?
Just a reminder from the science side of the network that tonight's impending lunar eclipse is a completely normal phenomenon that happens all the time and signifies absolutely nothing. "Blood moon" sounds very ancient and mystical and spiritual but is a bit of contemporary gibberish pasted together out of scattered Bible verses by some crazy apocalyptic preachers.

To clarify:

1) it's only a "blood moon" if you're being ridiculous,
2) if the world ends it definitely won't be over something this stupid, and
3) you're all going to be fine.

Sep. 26th, 2015


Normally, I wouldn't worry, but with the Tesseract... is anyone worried about the Blood Moon on the 28th?

Sep. 22nd, 2015


Pro tip: Trying to learn how to fire a gun while fighting monsters can result in a broken nose when the recoil(?) makes it fly back and hit you in the face. And a broken toe when it gets dropped on your foot.

And Buffy is making me say this, but yes: she was right and they aren't useful and she's a mean sister (okay I added that part myself)

Sep. 19th, 2015


Nelson and Murdock Family:

I need to know where you all are, right now.

Sep. 16th, 2015


The next time some well-intentioned moron tries to talk about how there's no racial disparity in the United States anymore, I'm just going to point out these two articles.

There are so many things I want to say about this, but I honestly don't have the energy to compose a proper rant beyond the sentiment expressed in the emoticon -_-

Sep. 2nd, 2015


Would it be possible to get a headcount for anyone interested in the Modern Introduction to Law class? And an idea of whereabouts those of you intending to take the class are from? The information will help me plan my curriculum and tailor the lessons appropriately.

[Karen Page]
Did that sound teacherly, or lame?

Aug. 28th, 2015


I've offered to teach a class for the ESD, Modern Introduction to Law. It's basically an introduction to the government and how it works, the rights afforded to us by the US Constitution, and I'll explain any laws that people taking the classes are interested in. I think it might be helpful to newcomers, especially those from a different time and place, but I was wondering something.

What would people be interested in getting out of a class like that?

Also, would any police or law enforcement types be willing to help me out with a few lessons?

Aug. 24th, 2015


I would like to learn some simple self defense. I could take a class but I really don't have the money for that right now. Would anyone be willing to teach me a few things?

I have a can of pepper spray but things have gotten really bad lately. And I can't count on the Devil of Hell's Kitchen to be around all the time.


Nothing says 'Welcome to Nelson and Murdock, we do lots of pro bono work!' like having to hit the router a few times to make the wi-fi work consistently...

You know, my mom wanted me to be a butcher, but I wanted to help people. I could have had all the free ham I could handle. Instead, I've got shoddy internet and two coworkers who have much busier social lives than I do. Yup, this is the life.

Aug. 22nd, 2015


Tesseract Glitch: Hercules

Tell me mortals, are there other bars here that celebrate our arrivals with drink?


Haven't heard back on my audition yet, but I saw this shirt and had to get it. And I got a cat too.

under cut for f-list )


Tesseract Glitch: Samantha Mulder

Can anybody help me? I don't know how I got here, they're trying to tell me that it's 2015 but that's impossible.

Isn't it?

I'm Samantha Mulder. They told me my brother was here but I don't believe that's true. It doesn't make sense.

Aug. 18th, 2015


So Michael Bay wants to make an Avengers movie apparently.

Do you think it'll have more explosions than normally hanging around you guys or less? Normally I'd say more, but you guys attract a lot of them.

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