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Nov. 25th, 2013


Your choppers are primitive

You still confound me with your customs. Why would I celebrate such a holiday?

Frell me

Laalaa gaa ga doo da yaya googoo doo ga ya da.

OOC: Baby talk generator!

Oct. 25th, 2013


The Furby is now dead.

That was cathartic.

Oct. 23rd, 2013


I have to admit, working for Stark Industries is pretty damn cool. Makes it worth getting kidnapped by a giant blue cube.

Filter: Aeryn
Hey, baby

Oct. 15th, 2013


I'm trying to assimilate.

But I don't think I'm made for life in these big cities. My son could hit someone I could hit someone with a loaf of bread on the street and four of them would go down. Are you always this infuriating? Do you always feel this need to bump into me whenever you're late for an appointment?

I'll be in the gym, hitting something I can hit without feeling bad.

And I'm not buying my son a toy that speaks gibberish. It really is gibberish. How is this educational?

Humans. It's a frelling miracle

Oct. 11th, 2013


network post: moya

Does anyone know how to build an anti-gravity unit easily (small size (larger limit: affect one room))? I can do it myself (in principle (grew gravity controls before throughout my body) (physics understood all my life) (engineering skills proficient (see: DRDs here))). I want to fly (not in something else someone else me). I found this video (note: shows many people present here or people known to them (claims to be "spoiler free") (unknown whether these moments are emotionally difficult for people (some are violent dangerous)). I need to fly.

Oct. 5th, 2013


Be it presumptuous from me not to understand, especially by now, that people can taken just as quickly as they're brought here. Not entirely different from a life on the battlefield And I'm sincerely sorry for your losses.

I've come to understand that my friend, Ka D'Argo was here for a short while before being taken back. How do I go about reclaiming his Qualta blade from SHIELD? It's not for you to have It should go to his namesake for as long as we're here. I've got plans to hang it above Deke's crib.

Private to Farscapers
To remind you: Moya's invited me to partake in her piloting class as a teacher. As it happens, I've looked into getting certified to pilot Earth aircraft and I've found a CFI outside of the city and I start tomorrow. I expect dinner to be on the table when I get back, husband of mine. No space rodent.

Rygel, how's your stomach?


I was greeted by some very delicious baked goods. Thank you, Miss Jones. They'll go perfect with a nice tall glass of milk.

It does seem that this world has a much propensity for the unknown and the strange to pop up as my own. Or really even the comic books from my own world. Just enough weird to keep me from getting homesick.

Oct. 3rd, 2013


network post: moya

Filtered: Myri Antilles, Azari, Henry Pym Jr, & Iskierka
I'll continue teaching you (pilot or no pilot [no pilot right now (not in almost a cycle)]) if you would like (I'd like to (like each of you)). Do not feel obligated to learn from me alone. If you would prefer not to take the class any longer (or unless until a pilot joins) please let me know. I will not be offended hurt or have a negative emotional response.

Edit: I've found another pilot (great one (I've experienced her)) to teach with me. Classes will continue as before (some content changing (naturally [change of instructor])).
I am looking for a pilot to continue teaching flying with me. I've never flown another ship (only myself). Your experience would be greatly beneficial. Prior teaching experience not necessary. If you have time and temperament (Aeryn?).

Sep. 24th, 2013


Cut for image, not filtered )

That is not me. Why would I wear a thing on both - things. ugh

Sep. 23rd, 2013


So, let me get this straight.

There are sidewalk drawings that are sucking people down to hell?

What the FRELL?

Sep. 21st, 2013



MOYA!!!! JOHN??? Aeyrn


Sep. 19th, 2013


Drivers should think twice before insulting people who get the right of way during a traffic jam. In this instance, the police officer who spoke up about it, had every right to do so.

Are there facilities for infants here in the tower?

Crichton. We need to get out of the apartment before I go frelling insane.

Sep. 18th, 2013


I've never been to New York before.

Is it really 2013?

Sep. 4th, 2013


Who: John Crichton and Aeryn Sun and, y'know, D'Argo Sun-Crichton
What: Reunion and assorted awesomeness
Where: Their apartment in Potts Tower
When: About half an hour after her netpost
Rating: IDEK. Proceed with caution?

It's John Lee Hooker time: Boom, Boom, Boom. )

Sep. 3rd, 2013


Crichton. You're on diaper duty.

Jun. 7th, 2013


network post: moya

Filtered: private
194 solar days. Talyn left. Couldn't search for him yet. Zhaan needed ground. Zhaan needs ground. It hadn't been so long, but it's so hard to find him again after starburst. I'm happy sad miss him. Miss Pilot. Miss all of them not here. Why not Talyn? Why can't Talyn come here? He can, just as likely as no likelihood available to be calculated, data not enough, have all the data, arrivals departures returns, cannot compute, not enough information. Need to analyze DNA (query: who? human technology can do low level analysis, still costly), know what DNA I have. I know my microbes, why not mine? Must resemble humans, proteins properly funcitoning to keep body at homeostasis. homeostasis well kept good. eggs ovulating. so fertile right now. no sexual intercourse. no meddling hands, no little people inside my walls. i don't want hat i want talyn. Talyn. Talyn. Note:other lines of thought not distracting. 6% attention on Talyn. 3% Pilot. not fully functioning. Must calm do something.
Filtered: John Crichton
I want picture of Talyn. Don't want to search. Please give me a picture, here, need to see him.
Filtered: friends (if you think you should be on it, you are =) and some who shouldn't (ie all the John's, all the Sam's, )
Who sings? Sing to me. Sing to me. Like Zhaan.

May. 28th, 2013


One more week of SHIELD training before I'm back to flying. I've never gone this long without my own prowler before. I'll just be glad to be working and of some use again. I don't feel entirely at home here on Earth, but I know I'll feel at home up there. Just one more week.

May. 26th, 2013


Ladies and gentlemen of earth, you can all relax! I have had sexual relations with a human woman and it was glorious!

Filtered to: Moya and Farscape companions

I thank you for your assistance. I might, in fact, owe you one. And you know how much a dominar hates being in anyone's debt. You just tell me when and where and I shall do my best to do whatever needs being done.

May. 11th, 2013




May. 9th, 2013


network post: john crichton

I wish I could go see the real thing in person, but thanks to the wonder of the Internet, you can catch the annual "ring of fire" eclipse live right here.

Man, I love the Internet.

Anyone have any word on when we'll get back to our real ages? As fun as 16 was, I'd really like to stop reliving it now.

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