July 2016




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Nov. 1st, 2013


So Halloween was a blast, I have to say I'm glad I was talked into going instead of skipping like I had originally planned to do. While I didn't really dress up due to the last minute decision to go I might have to next year - the costumes a lot of you wore were truly spectacular.

Oct. 29th, 2013


Do any of you work for Tony Stark? I'm wondering if he might be better to work for than SHIELD. I'm starting to get low on money so I really need to see about finding myself a job.

Oct. 22nd, 2013


Text to Jim Kirk (hers)
I saw Bones was gone.
You alright?

Christine & Uhura - identical texts
You guys alright.
Just saw that McCoy's gone.
Dinner at some point?

Oct. 16th, 2013


This past Sunday I went to NYCC with Mulder. I have to say that it was definitely one of the most surreal things I have ever experienced. First of all, we met the actor who played Mulder on television and seeing the two of them standing side by side was a little mind blowing. Plus they sound the same which makes sense but still. He's very nice too although I'm sure he's still wondering what exactly happened.

Then while I was standing in line for the bathroom (because I'm a woman and that's what we do) I started talking to this person behind me. She asked me my name and when I told her, she freaked out and started going on about how she was so upset that I'm not in the recent movies. When I finished my business, she was waiting for me and asked me if I'd come with her and meet her husband and a couple of his friends which I did. So I actually ended up signing autographs and taking some pictures. I was totally blown away. I had no idea I had fans.

Gotta say, it was pretty awesome.


[Starfleet Ladies]

Is everyone going to the celebration on Saturday?

Well, I believe I'm in need of a dress for the occasion. Anyone want to go shopping with me on Saturday morning? It's horribly last minute and yet it is the only time I think I'd have time to actually look for something. We could even make a day of it since the celebration isn't until 7 and have lunch.


[Filtered to Starfleet and friends of TOS Kirk and Spock *]

About two months ago, Spock (from my timeline) and I chose to life-bond. That makes us more or less married by Vulcan standards, outside of a traditional ceremony. We haven't decided on the ceremony itself yet, but I've always been a fan of celebrations. I rented out the 13th floor of the building for this Saturday at 7 PM. Food and drinks are provided, feel free to bring guests. No gifts required, your presence is enough.

[Filtered to Spock (TOS)]

Surprise. Also, do you want to do an official ceremony some time in the next month?

[*ooc: feel free to assume you're on this filter if you've been friendly with either of them before or work with them at SHIELD/educational division]

Oct. 12th, 2013


Hello, I have to say this is quite the experience isn't it? I'm Carol - I've been told that the majority of my ships Bridge crew are here if not all of them? Logically, I need to find a job would SHIELD be willing to hire a scientist who specializes in weapons or should I work elsewhere?

Christina, Uhura
Okay girls, tell me what do I need to know?

Jul. 6th, 2013


Would anyone like to go to a water park? I feel it is an experience I should have while I'm in this world.

Jun. 20th, 2013


Delivery to Carol Marcus )

Jun. 17th, 2013


Well now I know what kind of offspring a Tribble and a bat would produce.

Jun. 16th, 2013


Texts to Spock )

Texts to Carol Marcus )

Jun. 14th, 2013


Who: Jefferson & Carol Marcus
When: Friday, June 6, 2013
Where: Sam’s
What: A getting to know you drink before Jefferson fled the city for a week.
Rating/Warning: PG, very tame. STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS SPOILERS.

'Were you about to order something you can only get on an alien planet?' )

Jun. 10th, 2013


It took me all of two weeks for curiosity to get the better of me with the internet.

And as I predicted, I immediately wished I hadn't. Are we allowed to file complaints against our writers/directors? Or alternatively, the people who continue to perpetuate the moment they have the most complaints about? I could do without the same picture over ever argument, as much as I appreciate the masses standing up for me.

But off of that topic; we have a fair number of scientist-types here? Is there a regular club or meeting of any sort to jump in on? At headquarters we had a twice-a-month chess tournament, or card night. But mostly we just talked about molecular equations and quantum mechanics free of judgement.


[Filtered to Zoe]
Put your name on the papers for the ranch. Figure if the blue box gets uppity and sends me back, you'll keep it runnin. Good place for the kid. Ain't takin any no's. Main house is still mine.
[End Filter]

[Filtered to Inara & Kaylee]
Some place called Alder just opened. Got an invite to try it out. Ain't sure what a 'gastropub' is, but I do know what a pub is. You ladies want to give it a go? Can bring Lee if he's willin, Kaylee.
[End Filter]

Got the ranch up and runnin, ready to start receivin visitors for the summer. Any of you folk interested in comin out (if you ain't already for other reasons) to try your hand at farmin or ridin horses or feedin farm animals, shoot me a line and come on out. Ain't lookin to charge, but that don't mean I won't take no donations to maintainin the place.

Always willin to bring on folk wantin some full-time work too. Just remember it's an hour outside town and it's hard work if you ain't used to it.

Jun. 7th, 2013


Between Father's Day and Waldo, My already limited patience with people has apparently run out. Now taking suggestions for vacation spots where the population is either ridiculously small or easy to avoid. Bonus points awarded if the people that are there are mostly scantly clad women.

Judge away, I don't care. I could use the visual pick-me-up.


The science fair I went to the other day at NYU/Washington Square Park was incredibly fascinating. There were a lot of panels and demonstrations and it was fun to talk to the people who were running the actual event. There's a whole lot of stuff that they talked about that I hadn't thought about - mostly due to the fact that I'm used to working with 24th century technology even after working in the science field here for the past year (well just under) especially the experiments they did to see how things would be like in space. For someone who has travelled in space all their life it was interesting because our ships were much like Earth with artificial gravity, oxygen and the like not actual outer space where none of it exists. While I didn't actually participate myself the Dynamic Physics Show with Rutgers University looked interesting and the people who did it seemed to enjoy themselves which is the main thing, right?

Meeting Brian Greene was amazing too as a lot of his discoveries are still used in my time such as the Superstring Theory though of course it has been expanded on and have other theories to go along side it.

Trek Girls
Okay, I think it's time for another get together? Plus Carol's yet to come out with us as it is. What do you guys think?

Jun. 6th, 2013


  • We're pulled out from all we know and love.
  • We're told our past deeds and misdeeds are part of the trajectory of a fictional work (an intervening God?), and thereby not our fault or intention.
  • Yet we're given a stipend to survive (physical lure to root us to the half-between).
  • Some go quickly, but some stay for ages.

Are we absolutely sure that this isn't Purgatory? Or even the realm of Those that Stood for Nothing? I've never been to either, but I've heard stories. Drunk stories that ended in tears, but stories, and this smacks of their brand of head games. This realm is fictional too, right? I've heard it's been pulling people from its own timeline. I don't know how to explain the people that go away and come back (Dropkicked by Heaven - ooooh, now there's a band name for you punk rockers).

Hi, everyone. My name's Georgina. Shorten that however you see fit; I know it's a mouthful. Sorry about the above, but I'm in a state of freaking out and my boss isn't answering my summons his phone, so I guess he's not here either. Which hey! My boss isn't here either! Party in the USA! But it's leaving me a little fried.

I need a drink. Who do I have to smile at around here for one of those teeth-rotting mocha lattes? I haven't been to New York in a while but I know those can't just be a Seattle thing...

Jun. 4th, 2013


I must congratulate Captain Picard and his colleagues for an excellent talent show on Sunday. With that in mind, if anyone is willing to share, what are some of your talents? I'd like to get to know my fellow refuges if we are sticking around.

May. 31st, 2013


[Starfleet - all incarnations]
Seems with all these new arrivals, we should have another get together. Are people free this weekend or next?

I've had the idea - which may be improbable - that we might be able to ask Stark Industries to develop a space program of their own. Non-military, exploration only.

[Bones & Chapel]
You can tear up those forms I signed the other week. Given up on giving up.

May. 30th, 2013


I always wanted to see the 21st century, but I didn't expect it to happen this way. Of course I can simply check that off on the list of many things that were unexpected in the past few years. I've been through less painful and disorienting portals at least. And now that I've properly rambled, I might as well get to the point. My name is Captain James Kirk of the USS Enterprise, and I wonder if it is too early in the day for a stiff drink.

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