July 2016




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Jun. 20th, 2016


Filter: Jon

So right now I'm kinda doing the fugitive thing but I assume we'll be back eventually.
Anyway, are you staying? Because I don't have any reason to go home.
My life gets pretty fucked up back there and besides you aren't there.
And I've gotten kind of attached to you so I hope you want to stay.
Rogue comes with the deal though. You get both of us.

May. 4th, 2016


[Filtered to Kanan Jarrus]
You are still in your body, yes?

Apr. 11th, 2016


Say what you will about the dinosaurs, but New York will never have weather so nice that it can support cold blooded creatures again.

[Filtered to Young Allies + Azari]
We'll probably need machetes--those of us who lack lightsabers. But what are your thoughts on continuing our rounds while we have the advantage of jungles and wooden locks?

I doubt some of our startups of interest are too watchfully guarded.

Feb. 6th, 2016


Network Post: Jaina Solo

[Jon, Anakin, Rikki, Tahiri, Sabine, Ahsoka, Ezra, Rey]

So tomorrow is that football game thing. I don't know if any of you are planning on it but if you're not, I would like to suggest a field trip. The Planetarium is always a good time and this program sounds interesting. Plus I haven't seen it yet. I figure we'll have the whole place mostly to ourselves since most people in this universe seem to like the football thing.

So who wants to go? Feel free to invite anyone else you can think of.

Jan. 8th, 2016



We're getting reports of attempts on the security systems here - specifically camera feed from from R&D, but the full scope isn't entirely clear. I know we're always cautious, but if you see anything or run into any anomalies whatsoever with security protocols, I'd appreciate a report.

And, of course, please don't allow this to put a damper on your love of dancing at your desk like nobody's watching.

Dec. 15th, 2015


Who: Secret Santa Participants
When: Leading up to Christmas.
Where: In and around. Mostly left at doors.
What: Christmas presents from Secret Santas.
Rating: Who knows!

Secret Santa gifts )

Dec. 9th, 2015


Network Post; Anakin Solo

[Young Allies]
All right, so when Rikki and I were out last night patrolling we were checking out what appeared to be an abandoned warehouse. We thought maybe there was trouble, but as it turned out there wasn't anyone around that we could find.

What was weird though, is like there was an entire office of computers, and lights, and pretty much anything you could think of that's electronic, that was just torn up. And it's not like someone ramsacked it for the parts? Cause while someone might have done that, this was just smashed.

I'm thinking we should check it out again tonight. It was just a little too weird.

Nov. 19th, 2015


New York City. Center of the universe?

It is a a worthless little town --and to fight for? Ha! A refugee's a refugee, not captain with his paper crown.

Oct. 18th, 2015


twitter feed )

Oct. 16th, 2015


There was a laser tag centre closing in Queens. As such, we are now having a NERF war. With lasers.

Guns and chestpieces are available at the PTYC and should be worn while out in the Tower. Due to incidents last time, the Orange Cafe should be considered neutral ground and please respect the wishes of Tower businesses if they wish to implement similar policies.

Oh. And you are all going down. Especially you, Barnes.

Aug. 23rd, 2015


Text Message to Jon Kasiya

[Text: Jon]
» Rikki's patrolling
» I know she doesn't strictly NEED company
» But I need to not be worrying about her tonight

Aug. 22nd, 2015


Network Post: Jaina Solo

[Jag Fel]

Hey. I know last night was probably pretty awkward for you but thanks for hanging in there. I do want to talk to you though so I thought maybe we could go to the park tomorrow? You might as well see some of the city while you're here and it's not far. It's a lot more peaceful than this place.


I'm going to talk to Jag. He needs to know what's going on, he's a friend and I owe him that much. I asked him to go to the park tomorrow.

I thought I'd let you know in case you wanted to lurk around behind the trees or anything like that.

And if you wanted to come over tonight, I wouldn't say no.

[Aunt Mara]

So the whole thing about your future husband showing up? Totally get that now. Except for tha fact that I didn't know he was my future husband until she showed up. We were friends where I came from but apparently things changed.

Aug. 6th, 2015


Network Post: Jaina Solo


I just got back. You okay? I was really hoping they'd stay around till the wedding.


I'm back. Did you miss me?

Aug. 2nd, 2015


I know it sounds callous but I do have some pretty great "the world is ending" tips burning a hole in my pocket now.

[Jon Kasiya]

How are you holding up, Little Bird?

Jun. 10th, 2015


Network Post: Jaina Solo

[Skywalkers, Solos, Jon]

Just wanted to let you know I'm going to be out of town for a few days. I actually got some notice but I probably won't be able to contact anyone while I'm gone. I'll let you know when I get back.

We're going to the Treehouse in Argentina. Anything I should know?

May. 11th, 2015


High school dream AU: Anakin Solo

[Filter: Anakin's football teammates*]
I'm getting a limo for prom. I figure we can get at least six of us in there. Who's in?

[filter: Jon]
So how's physics?

[*OOC: Jon is on the team, anyone else who wants to be "on the team" from Anakin's dream perspective, feel free to respond.]

Apr. 26th, 2015


Network Post: Jaina Solo

I'm in shock. I honestly didn't think I had a chance but thank you. I'm honored that you trust me to represent you and I promise to do the best job that I possibly can.

Apr. 24th, 2015


Delivery for Jon Kasiya

Left outside his door with attached note )

Apr. 14th, 2015


Network Post; Anakin Solo

For those of you whom I haven't yet had the opportunity to meet, I'm Anakin Solo and I’m running for the position of Youth Representative on the Tenant Board for Potts Tower.

I’ve had the privilege of talking to people from a number of different worlds in the nearly seven months I have been here. Most of these worlds are very different from my own, but in those conversations I’ve also found ways to relate through shared experiences despite our dissimilar origins. I’ve found amazingly good friends in this Tower – people who will support their neighbours and this world even though it isn’t their home. We’re all a long ways from our homes and that makes our lives here a challenge in some way or another, but one thing I've realized I can count on is that throughout the challenges I have consistently found that people are willing to help.

For me one of those challenges has been being told that I’m too young when for over a year at home I'm working alongside adults and others my age to make our galaxy a better place. But I believe the work I did at home as a Jedi with people of all ages and backgrounds makes this position an ideal fit. I'm used to seeking understanding between disparate backgrounds and voices and working alongside others to resolve conflicts.

I would be honored to have your vote and the opportunity to help current residents and new arrivals in this community. If you have questions, or want to get to know me better, I’ll be on the thirteenth floor Wednesday evening with brownies. Feel free to come and grab one and say hi.

[Filter: Rikki]
How you doing Grumpy Cat?

[Filter: Jon]

Mar. 14th, 2015


Hey. Are you awake? Are you okay? I mean, relatively speaking?
Do any of you guys need anything? I'm offering my spider-services.

But mostly, I'm just checking in on you all.

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